Thursday, November 13, 2003


I decided to work and re-organize my blog since my boss is out for today and tomorrow. I added a new sidebar as you can see with some abbreviations. They are as follows: (although most of you already know)

LMP - Last Menstral Period
EDO - Estimated Day of Ovulation
ENP - Estimated Next Period
DOC - Days of cycle

I mostly did it for myself and the GWO girls since both Jennifer and I are trying and b/c the other 2 like to keep up with the happenings, too.

Speaking of happenings, nothing much is going on. We are going to starting trying this weekend and continue for about a week and a half to two weeks. So we'll see what happens. I'm a quater of the way through my year of trying before the doc looks into other measures... I try not to think about those though. Ugh. I guess when it's my time it will happen, but sometimes I wonder why we can't determine that. I mean it's our lives and we should know if we are ready or not. Kinda weird to think for so many years you TRY NOT to get pregnant, then it's so difficult when you actually TRY. Wonder if it's b/c of those people who don't try. The ones like so many I know that it happens accidentally. I know I was an accident. I was in my mother's womb during my mom and dad's wedding. Kinda makes me mad b/c Eric & I have tried to do everything right (besides the premarital sex) and then it seems to be sorta difficult. I guess I shouldn't complain too much though. We are only on our 4th month of trying (see to the right) and I'm sure there are many people that have tried many more months or maybe years and still haven't conceived. I guess there is always a positive to everything. Hmmm... I need to start remembering that... :)

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