Friday, January 30, 2004

Bad Day

OK, so now I'm not having a very good day. Rightfully so. My idiot boss (Tramp) apparently talked to his "Lady" last night and she doesn't want to be in the cold today, so they have cancelled the luncheon for today. That thoroughly ticks me off for a few reasons. 1) This is this guy's last day and we aren't even taking him to lunch. 2) We are getting in our cars, driving down there and walking 20 feet to the entrance of the restaurant. It's not like we have to even walk very far. 3) Being that I'm on a diet, I didn't pack my lunch and already knew what I was getting at our luncheon today. Now I have to go to the union and figure something out. Eric brought me to work, so I can't even drive anywhere. 4) I will lay money on them (Lady and the Tramp) going to lunch today OUTSIDE our building. Ugh!

Tramp is a complete idiot and he needs to step down from his position. That's about all I have to say about that. I hope he gets in trouble b/c he's sleeping with "Lady" which is considered at a minimum of fraternizing.

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