Monday, March 29, 2004


Yes, I had my HSG today. Ugh. It was horrible. First my doctor was late and they had to page him. Then we I got in there he asked me if I had taken the motrin or ibuprofren this morning, which I knew nothing about. He said no big deal, but I would want to take it when I got home. The whole experience was quick, but not in the least bit fun. First they put the speculum in. Then he inserts another thing (I think it was a catheter) in then you have to slide back so you are under the actual x-ray machine while he holds this catheter. Then you have to 1/2 way roll to one side, hold it, then the other, hold it. That is probably the worst part. Apparently your cervix is a muscle and touching it makes it go into spasms, thus the cramping. I started cramping immediately and went to change. They gave me this pad that was so tiny I couldn't imagine how it would hold anything. Of course I haven't bought pads in years, so what do I buy? Thin Superlong. I guess I missed the second part in trying to decide. Anyway, I came home today just to relax but will be back to work tomorrow for sure!

Oh, I almost forgot the most important part. My tubes are clear. Apparently this just shows him major blockage and I don't have any of that. So, it's back to "keep trying". I'm not sure when I'm suppose to call again, but I figure I'll call after 1 full year of trying and see what happens then. He'll probably say wait another 6 months.

On another note, this guy had horrible bedside manners or at least he is NOT a people person, so after a year I think I'll ask to see someone else in the office.

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