Monday, March 28, 2005

Easter Weekend Update

We had a pretty nice Easter weekend over all. Friday night we did some spring cleaning and skipped the gym. I think I finally sat down around 9:30 and decided I wasn't even going to just go to bed b/c I was exhausted and if I actually sat down on the couch I was just going to pass out anyway. Saturday we got up bright and early and headed to C'ville for an Easter breakfast w/ my stepmom's side. It was ok, except my aunt's husband's side was there, too and we really didn't know any of them. On the way home I called my mom who was supposed to come up for dinner later that night, but she had the stomach flu, so we decided it was a bad idea and postponed it for another weekend. We did some more spring cleaning Saturday when we got home and then relaxed the rest of the evening. Sunday we got up and just as we were getting ready to go to the gym realized Carter (our guinea pig) had passed. We knew he was getting bad and only had a few days left. Apparently he decided Easter was the day to go. Poor guy. He was 2 1/2 years old and some might not think that is that old, but he was pretty obese, too, so I'm sure that played a part in it, too. After his proper burial we headed to the gym for a workout. After the gym we went home and got ready then headed to Mt. Fuji (Japanese) for lunch. It was great as always! After lunch we went home & I took a nap. That evening we decided to drive around in the country & look at some different homes. We eventually want to move in just a couple years max. and these weren't houses that we would be buying in the near future, but they were awesome to look at & dream about. hee hee Saturday evening we lounged around and watched some TV.

I thought I was getting sick b/c I had a few days of nausea, but it seems to have subsided, so I hope my body has fought it off. Sunday morning I was getting ready for lunch and was having a BAD hair day. I was ready to cut my hair off! Ugh! I don't know what the problem was, but today it's better. I just think PMS is setting in. Maybe worse since I didn't really have it last month. We seems to be out of that "peak" time window now since I'm supposed to start next week. We didn't try very hard this month. Some days we had too much going on and some days we/I was just not in the mood. TTC really puts a damper on the mood. Ugh! We've got to get busy this month since Eric would be gone the month of May if he gets this job he's interviewing for and then June is my Lap... Wow! That's frighteningly close...

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