Monday, November 14, 2005


I took Friday off of work. Well, actually I got 1 bereavement day for my uncle's funeral so I took it without any hesitation. :D We slept in a little then got up and got ready. We headed to the mall to get Eric some shoes as his other ones really don't go with his suit very well. We grabbed lunch and headed home to finish getting ready then headed to C'ville. My uncle's showing was nice and there were a ton of people that came. It was nice seeing some of the extended family we don't see very often, too. Of course I spent about an hour playing with my niece. Would have been longer, but she dropped a bomb and needed get home. Ewww... After the showing our immediate family headed to a local mexican restaurant for dinner then we headed home. I was exhausted and went straight to bed.

Saturday we got up and got ready. We grabbed breakfast on the way down to the funeral. John's funeral was nice. Their church minister spoke and had us all laughing and of course crying, but John would have enjoyed it, too. They even had a lady playing bagpipes, which my aunt and uncle loved at his burial. After the service we had lunch at the church and headed home. I had a headache, so I relaxed on the couch. Later that afternoon Eric decided to work outside on some stuff and I decided it was too nice not to help out. We cleaned out all the leaves (or most) from our landscaping. I trimmed up some of my plants for the winter. Eric winterized the pond and did a few other things. We worked until it was dark. Then we grabbed dinner and relaxed the rest of the evening.

Yesterday we stayed home all day besides a quick run to the grocery store. Eric mowed the yard and put some of our christmas decorations together although we haven't started decorating yet. Eric watched the Colt's game (they won-woohoo!) while I made 2 pumpkin rolls and some potato soup. My sister came over in the afternoon and did her laundry and visited. We made dinner and she left shortly after. I watched TV and cuddled with Godiva, then went to bed sometime after 9.

Today I came in to a tornado that wrecked through my desk. I don't know what they did on Friday, but I made it clear I wasn't happy with my desk being a disaster. I felt like they were looking through stuff trying to find something. Believe me when I say my desk is organized and they wouldn't have a problem finding anything. Unless they were looking for stuff I might be hiding. Ugh-vent! What a way to start a Monday.

O'well. I'm back to my eating good and cooking at home healthy eating and going to the gym. I have gained back more pounds than I care to and have got to get them back off and keep them off. I have nearly 10 pounds to go to get down to where I want to be to be happy. It shouldn't be hard as long as I stop eating some of the crap I've been putting in my mouth. We start back to the gym tonight and I'm ready. I can't gain that winter weight that people do a lot.


Sarah said...

I hate for people to start going through my desk! My boss will do it occasionally, and I'm like, "Just tell me what you're looking for and I'll get it." :)

Linda said...

So sorry to hear about your uncle. My thoughts and prayers are with you guys.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry about your uncle. I hope your family is doing okay, and you can get back into the swing of things.