Sunday, April 02, 2006

CD 8

We got up 15 minutes late this morning. I had adjusted my clock last night and even adjusted my alarm, but did NOT turn my alarm on. Thankfully we only woke up 15 minutes late. It could have been much worse. I didn't have time to take a shower, so I freshened up and got ready. We got a quick shot in and was on the road. We also forgot to get gas yesterday, so we had to make a quick stop there, too. We got there in time and made a bathroom stop before heading upstairs for blood work.

Blood work was a breeze this time thank goodness. Then we headed down to Dr. B's office. Nurse A was there and said she was going to do our scan. G had told me last week there were several of us around the same time, so we knew they were busy. First off she checked the lining of my uterus. It looked great. Next over to the left side. There were a total of about 8 (7, 7, 11, 14, 22, plus some smaller ones). They would sacrifice the 22 in order to allow the others to grow more. Next over to the right side. I told her about my huge cyst and thankfully it was NO WHERE to be found. It had either shrunk and was included w/ my follies or was gone totally. So there were around 7 on the right side (9, 11, 11, 14, 15). Overall I have 9 great eggs, 1 sacrificial lamb and 3-5 smaller ones that are likely to catch up. I'd say that's pretty good.

We met back in the room with G after the scan. She gave us the cetrotide and said that she might call this afternoon depending on my blood levels. The cetrotide is used if my LH starts surging and I'm getting ready to ovulate. I told her I only had 4 more shots of Gonal-F, so she gave us some more of that, too. We go back Tuesday at the same time. 8:15 blood work and 8:30 ultrasound.

After that we grabbed breakfast and went back to the hospital as if we'd never been there before. My niece is there with feeding issues. To make a long story short it looks like she's learned how to make herself vomit after she eats and spits up a ton causing her to lose a lot of weight. She's 9 months and should be around 20 pounds and is around 15 because of this problem. We visited with them for about an hour and headed home.

After we got home we relaxed and haven't been doing much. We realized we had missed G's call. (She calls us with our results of the blood work). I accidentally gave her Eric's phone number instead of mine. Not a huge deal though. Well from her message apparently my LH is pretty high b/c I needed to take my cetrotide immediately and I needed to take 2 instead of one! Holy crap! Realize this means 4 shots today... She then said that I would need to take just one tomorrow at around the same time, which was 1. That means Eric is going to have to meet me for lunch and give me this shot because it also needs to be kept cold. Good thing he took this week and next week off as vacation. :D He's going to have to meet me at work to inject me. I don't know what I'd do without him!

Let me just say that the cetrotide sucks. It's at least double the amount of gonal-f and as soon as it goes in the area gets all red and itchy. It's also swollen, too. Ugh!


Jennifer said...

Glad to hear your eggs are growing nicely! I was going to call you if there was no post this time I checked! Just hold off on ovulation for a few more days! Maybe they'll move up retreival if your eggs keep growing like this by Tuesday. Hang in there.

cat said...

So sorry about all the shots. They do suck I'm hoping that this is the only time you will have to endure it and soon you will be on the way to a very happy ending.

Milenka said...

Wishing you luck!

YouGuysKnow said...

9 follicles sounds good. hope there's a lucky egg inside each! you sound so brave with all the shots. i am starting tomorrow and you are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! I just started my first IVF cycle - am a couple of weeks behind you. I hope your follies continue to grow and you have healthy eggs at your retrieval!

soralis said...

Glad to hear you woke up in time!

The needles suck sorry to hear you have to have so many.

Good luck with your cycle, sounds like things are going well!.