Monday, April 19, 2004

Weekend Recap

After work we went out to this hole-in-the-wall place, TC's, and had dinner. Eric had to drop off some product so we just ate there. They have AWESOME food and are cheap. We can eat there for around $20 and get good food.

It seems we don't sleep in on weekends anymore. It doesn't bother me to get up early, but it does bother me that I fall asleep early on the couch in the evenings. Anway, we got up early and started working on the pond to get it finished. We put all the mulch down and then realized that the the lights wouldn't work. Eric decided that was going to be a Sunday project as we had to get ready.

I had to go to Indy for an alumni meeting. A group of us that I graduated with have been working on forming an Indiana alumni chapter, so I'm pretty excited about that. Hopefully I can meet some new people get more involved in that. Too bad we don't have one closer to me, but maybe one day we can split it up into regions. First we have to get it going.

We got up early again. Eric mowed the yard while I cleaned the inside of the house. I did a major cleaning. I dusted, vacuumed, and washed windows. I need to mop the kitchen and bathroom floors, but I think I'll do that on Thursday when I clean for girls weekend. Eric fixed the lights around the pond. Our "pita" (pain in the *ss) neighbor came over while Eric was mowing to walk him through the property lines like he was 12 years old. Then had to nerve to tell him to mow straighter. I thought he had done a pretty good job. Oh, and they could mow it a few times, so we knew where the lines were. Whatever. Just for that Eric made a lightning bolt pattern on the property line. I'm sure they are thrilled with that.

A little after noon my brother, his fiance and her daughter came over and visited us. Yes, they are engaged now, but not rushing marriage. They are going to wait at least a year to get married. Kaylee is sooooo cute! She was such a great baby. She didn't cry at all and only got fussy when she was hungry. I was sorta leary about holding her at first b/c I didn't know Crystal or anything, but I finally said I wanted to hold her. She was so adorable. It was so nice to see Matt, too. He is doing really good and looks really happy and Crystal seems very nice, too. I think she already has Matt wrapped around her little finger!

Last night we went to Don Pablo's for dinner and went to Target to get some things. That about sums up our weekend.

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