Friday, March 03, 2006

Friday's Feast

How many pillows and blankets do you sleep with?
1 Pillow, but L-O-T-S of warm Blankets (Sheet, Cashmere Blanket, Down Comforter, Furry Blanket. So yea I stay warm with all that plus my hubby and warm cuddly chocolate dog

What are you currently "addicted" to?
Food*Network, Grey's Anatomy, Survivor, myspace, green tea, bananas

If you could make a small change to your current routine or schedule that would make you just a little bit happier, what would it be?
Motivation to get up in the mornings to go to the gym and/or ability to stay up a little later w/out feeling terrible the next day.

Main Course
Which adjective do you find yourself using often?

Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker?
Hell no, but I did try to hitchhike with my cousin in her front yard once. It was on along a busy highway and my aunt nearly killed us when she caught us. I was young and yes, everyone was home...Boredom...

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