Monday, March 27, 2006


Our weekend was pretty good. Friday night we grabbed dinner and hung out at home. It was a pretty lazy evening.

Saturday I got up and lounged around for a bit. Then I got a burst of energy. I decided I was going to clean the house. I worked on dusting the living room and cleaning up some things (like the mass accumulation of magazines my MIL bring us). Then I worked on the rest of the house. After that I worked on sanding some holes that I patched 3 or 4 weeks ago. :D The major ones were in the bathroom that we painted months ago. We've just been lazy and procrastinating. After sanding I painted them and also around the top of the tub where Eric had put caulking. I spent the afternoon being lazy after that. I finally started my period in the evening and was excited!! My sister came over and we made spaghetti for dinner.

Sunday we decided to go see a movie since we really needed to get out of the house. We headed over to see V*for*Vendetta. It was awesome! After the movie we made a quick trip to Pet*Smart and headed home. We grabbed pizza for a late lunch/early dinner and ended up watching Into*the*Blue. However we were apparently grand central station as everyone decided they were going to call us. It tooks us almost 3 hours to watch the movie, but it was good. I watched Cold*Case and then headed to bed.

This is going to be an exciting week for us. We will be leaving shortly to head to Indy for blood work, training & drugs. Please think about me and keep everything crossed in hopes that our blood work comes back fine. It would be a sad trip back to Indy to return those drugs... I'll update this afternoon after we get back and I know the results! Hope you had a great weekend, too!

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