Thursday, March 23, 2006

Operation Panty Patrol

If you check my chart you'll notice I decided to temp these last couple of days so I can start my morning off right so to speak. It's obvious we've had quite the dip today, so as you can guess from the title, I will be on "Panty Patrol" anxiously awaiting the arrival of my dearest flo. I think I've officially checked the panties 158,564,995 times so far this morning. I'm having some slight cramps so I'm guessing she'll be coming at some point today... Still waiting... Let's hopes she arrives in the next couple of hours...


Anonymous said...

Since this is the first time I've ever wished you'd hurry up and start your period, I'll just say COM'MON YOU OLD HAG AND HURRY UP AND GET HERE!!!

Hope it shows up soon so you can get going on this awesome new procedure. I'm checking in on you all the time!! Good luck!

Milenka said...

Is she here yet, sweetie? Always trying to be difficult, isn't she?