For a long time I've told myself that I didn't like blueberries... Last Saturday we went with Danialle, Chadd, Jennifer & Grace to pick our own blueberries. Since I didn't think I liked them I decided I'd pick some for my stepmom. Well, while we were picking I popped a few in my mouth and they were pretty darn good and realized I was going to have to keep all that we picked. Picking them was pretty fun, too. This farm was very clean and non-buggy and only 5 minutes from our house! Grace was as cute as can be out there, too. She at first took fistfuls from the buckets that we were filling. Then she realized she could pick her own and eat them, so she did that. I tried to convince her to only pick the dark ones, but she didn't quite get it. Although she didn't mind when she got the tart ones either, so I guess it was ok.

After we left I made the call to Peg to tell her she was going to have to come up and pick her own.
Oh the bonus is that they are SUPER easy to freeze, too. You just rinse them off and let them dry completely. Once dry you throw them in a freezer bag and toss them in the freezer.
Voila! This weekend I'm making homemade blueberry pancakes and maybe some blueberry muffins, too. YUMMY!
First it was corn, now blueberries, I have to stop reading your blog first thing in the am! :)
Looks yummy... I didn't know they were so easy to freeze! Thanks for the tips!
Take care
That's funny, I packed grubby clothes to go blueberry picking on the way home. The corn freezing sounds like a great idea, I think I'll give that a try.
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