I recently bought some "homemade" dog biscuits at the farmer's market. As soon as I got them home I checked the ingredients and new instantly that I could make them myself with very little effort. So off to google "dog treat recipes" I went. I found several. My first recipe I tried consisted of wheat flour, baking powder, milk & peanut butter. It was a cinch. I made probably around 50 biscuits, but they were much larger than I wanted for daily treats. So now I'm off to find some smaller cookie cutters. It was fun though and as soon as I find some different cutters I plan to make more and maybe even freeze some.
I've always wanted to do this. It'll have to wait until winter when it's not eff my ass hot outside.
I bet the dogs enjoyed!!! Better than peach pits that's for sure!
Take care
I bet they loved them. There are so many good recipes. My dogs love one's made out of skim milk powder and baby food. So cheap and easy. I agree with Soralis, much better than the peach pits!
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