Well, its off to a fresh start with the new year. I hope to be a much better person this year. (Not that I was that bad last year) I feel like this is going to be a great year. Let's hope I'm right! Check back later for my new "Goals for 2005" in the sidebar as I'm still working on them.
(Special thanks to Kitten for her new year's meme.)
New Year's Meme
1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
*Disney World & Sea World in Florida
*Cancun, Mexico
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
*Yes, I think I kept most of my new year's resolutions. I read 10+ Books, sent more cards, worked on relationship w/ mom. I did not get pregnant, but I'm not sure how much control I had over that. I also gained 10 lbs instead of losing, but what can I say, but I'll do better in 2005. I will definitely make more for this year.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
*Yep, one of my best friends, Jennifer
4. Did anyone close to you die?
5. What countries did you visit?
6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
*Motivation to get in shape & keep it up
*To be a better wife & show more affection in my marriage
*To have more patience dealing with things. (That's a tough one)
7. What dates from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
*February 5-8 - We went to Florida to visit my grandparents & I went to Disney World, Sea World, & Homosasis Springs for the first time
*April 12 - Our 1 Year Anniversary
*June 24-27 - Our first trip to Cancun, Mexico
*September 18 - Saw George Carlin w/ Danialle & Chadd
*November 4 - We got Godiva
*November 6 - Jennifer's Baby Shower
*December 11 - Eric's Surprise Birthday Party that we pulled off
*December 12 - Baby Grace's Entrance to the World
*December 24 - The first time in a long time my mom and all her kids were together for a nice Christmas
*January, March, July and October Girls Weekend Trips
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
*Getting a new job
9. What was your biggest failure?
*Maybe not failure as it was out of my control, but biggest disappointment was not getting pregnant.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
*Nope except for an occassional cold
11. What was the best thing you bought?
12. Whose behavior made you appalled and/or depressed?
*Sister L miscarrying
*K getting pregnant
*My mom and sisters fighting
13. Where did most of your money go?
14. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
*Well, I got excited about a lot of things. I'd say everything that was in question #7
15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? - About the same
b) thinner or fatter? - Fatter definitely
c) richer or poorer? - Poorer
16. What do you wish you'd done more of?
*Doing special things together w/ my husband
17. What do you wish you'd done less of?
18. How did you spend Christmas?
*Christmas day Eric & I spent the day together, then around 3:30 we headed to C'ville to see my parents and then on to my grandparents. For once we weren't running all over creation!
19. Did you fall in love in 2004?
*Already in love
20. What was your favorite TV program?
*So many to choose from.... Survivor, CSI, Cold Case, Law & Order
21. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
22. What was the best book you read?
*Probably the Jennifer Weiner books
23. What did you want and get?
*I'm a bit spoiled so there's too much to count
24. What did you want and not get?
*A fence for our backyard
25. What was your favorite film of this year?
*We watched a lot of movies. I don't really have a favorite I don't think.
26. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
*We went out to eat at the Melting Pot and I was 25
27. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
*Getting Pregnant
28. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
*Sorta plain jane type. I hope to be more girly in 2005 after I get back into shape
29. What kept you sane?
*My husband and GWOs!
30. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
*Vin Diesel and Harrison Ford
31. Who was the best new person you met?
*Samara - Although it was in January 04 so she doesn't seem like a "new" friend anymore! ha ha More like a longtime friend
32. What is a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004.
*Patience - Still working on it, but getting there
*To Accept the Things I Cannot Change - Still working on that one, too
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Sunday, December 26, 2004
I'm Still Here
It's been a crazy last few weeks. Obviously I haven't updated in a while. Where to begin...
The holidays are hard for me. I love Christmas and the decorations and the spirit, if you will. I'm not a big fan of the rest of the stuff I seem to get from it. My mom and sisters and I have been on a rollercoaster since about a week before x-mas. Why they always have to bring me into their bullshit is beyond me. Maybe b/c I'm the only responsible, respectable, sain one and they like me to be the mediator. I was at my wits end about a week ago and so Danialle set my family straight for me. (Thank you) I was about to write the entire side off again. Anyway, they all came to my house x-mas eve and we did have a nice dinner and exchanged a few gifts.
The rest of the x-mas get togethers weren't too bad. K was there showing off her "belly". Yes, I'm jealous and I know she is nonchalantly rubbing it in my face, but that's her and I guess I am happy for her. However I do feel sorry for the baby. They have it rough on the financial side and apparently they are clueless how much a baby costs. Hell they just recently got a home phone... Anyway, I'm sure the family will help her out (they already are). That's just not the way I want to raise my kids and we won't raise our kids that way.
Godiva is settling down a little more these days. Still mean and wild, but she's getting there.
Work has been super busy. I've put in a little over time. I even work through lunch sometimes b/c we have so much to do. I do like my new job at least what I'm learning of it. Hopefully after the first of the year it will be better and I can learn more of it. To make a long story short, we have an interum "office manager" who is a micro manager and a control freak. He's hording some of my job, I think, b/c he's the only one who knows it, so it's a way to let them know they need to hire him. If he gets the job I probably won't stay around nor will the other lady in our office. We'll see how it goes. We are both hoping he doesn't get it.
Last Thursday we got a membership to a gym that just opened about 2 minutes from our house. We are leaving shortly for our first day of working out. I'm really excited about it. Yes, we have lots of workout equip in our garage, but who wants to work out at home? Not I. Anyway, I've been down about my weight, too. I'm at the heaviest point I've been in my life and somethings gotta change. Thankfully Eric is all for it, too. I think we both finally have the motivation to do something about our weight before it gets out of control. I think mine already is, but you know.
Anyway, the holidays are over, I'm moving towards a healthier body (again) and I hope to update my blog more often. I'll try to post some pics this week, too.
The holidays are hard for me. I love Christmas and the decorations and the spirit, if you will. I'm not a big fan of the rest of the stuff I seem to get from it. My mom and sisters and I have been on a rollercoaster since about a week before x-mas. Why they always have to bring me into their bullshit is beyond me. Maybe b/c I'm the only responsible, respectable, sain one and they like me to be the mediator. I was at my wits end about a week ago and so Danialle set my family straight for me. (Thank you) I was about to write the entire side off again. Anyway, they all came to my house x-mas eve and we did have a nice dinner and exchanged a few gifts.
The rest of the x-mas get togethers weren't too bad. K was there showing off her "belly". Yes, I'm jealous and I know she is nonchalantly rubbing it in my face, but that's her and I guess I am happy for her. However I do feel sorry for the baby. They have it rough on the financial side and apparently they are clueless how much a baby costs. Hell they just recently got a home phone... Anyway, I'm sure the family will help her out (they already are). That's just not the way I want to raise my kids and we won't raise our kids that way.
Godiva is settling down a little more these days. Still mean and wild, but she's getting there.
Work has been super busy. I've put in a little over time. I even work through lunch sometimes b/c we have so much to do. I do like my new job at least what I'm learning of it. Hopefully after the first of the year it will be better and I can learn more of it. To make a long story short, we have an interum "office manager" who is a micro manager and a control freak. He's hording some of my job, I think, b/c he's the only one who knows it, so it's a way to let them know they need to hire him. If he gets the job I probably won't stay around nor will the other lady in our office. We'll see how it goes. We are both hoping he doesn't get it.
Last Thursday we got a membership to a gym that just opened about 2 minutes from our house. We are leaving shortly for our first day of working out. I'm really excited about it. Yes, we have lots of workout equip in our garage, but who wants to work out at home? Not I. Anyway, I've been down about my weight, too. I'm at the heaviest point I've been in my life and somethings gotta change. Thankfully Eric is all for it, too. I think we both finally have the motivation to do something about our weight before it gets out of control. I think mine already is, but you know.
Anyway, the holidays are over, I'm moving towards a healthier body (again) and I hope to update my blog more often. I'll try to post some pics this week, too.
Friday, December 17, 2004
I've been busy
Sorry, the holidays are a busy time for me. We've been super busy at work, plus as you know the holidays have begun. Thought I'd give an update on my life this week.
Monday we had a Christmas, I mean Staff Recognition Luncheon at work. (The Univ won't pay for it if we call it christmas...) It was at the Trails and I had never been there. It was nice. I won a patchwork throw type thing from Singapore. There were some really neat gifts there, too. Basically what happens is this. There is a lady who works here and her husband is a very well known faculty member. He travels all over the world attending conference, giving lectures, etc. Part of her job is to go with him and pick up unique gifts for the Christmas party. What a job, I know! There were 40 gifts total and our placemats at the table was a table 1-40 w/ clues for each gift. You have to decide by the clues what you want if your name gets picked from the hat. Anyway, it was a nice time.
Tuesday Eric got up early thirty w/ Godiva b/c she was coughing. It was sorta spuratic throughout the day and by afternoon Eric called the vet to get her in first thing Wed morning. Our vet figured it was kennel cough and they would put her on antibiotics. When I got home she started coughing much more and we felt horrible b/c it was almost like she couldn't catch her breathe, so guess what we did? Yep, she went to the emergency vet. It was some foreign lady who thought Godiva had or was on the verge of puppy pheumonia and they could keep her overnight and give her an IV. Can you say, "We just want your money!" Needless to say we declined the offer, got a prescription and headed. Eric stayed up throughout the night with her. She was still very active, eating and not dehydrated, so we weren't too worried. The coughing just sounded horrible!
Wednesday was Eric's birthday. I felt horrible b/c he had stayed up all night with Godiva. He took me to work and then headed to the vet. Basically, they confirmed that she had kennel cough and gave us some stronger meds. Thankfully they didn't charge us much since we had went to the emergency vet the night before. I felt really bad all day b/c it was Eric's b-day and actually we celebrated it on Saturday w/ his party. Anyway, after work we headed to this mexican place for dinner (surprise) and then home and watched White Chicks. It was funny.
Thursday was a lazy evening. We came home and Eric had a sandwich for dinner and I made some homemade mac n' cheese. I did a little reading, watched some TV and went to bed sorta early.
Tonight my sister is coming up and Eric is helping her with a scholarship application essay. (He's good at BS) I think I'm making tacos for dinner.
Saturday we are heading to Indy for a few hours to go to my dad's side for Christmas.
Sunday I think we'll head to a movie. We haven't done that in a long time and it will be fun. That's about all that's going on in our lives right now.
Hope everyone has a merry christmas and happy new year. I hope to update by then though!
Monday we had a Christmas, I mean Staff Recognition Luncheon at work. (The Univ won't pay for it if we call it christmas...) It was at the Trails and I had never been there. It was nice. I won a patchwork throw type thing from Singapore. There were some really neat gifts there, too. Basically what happens is this. There is a lady who works here and her husband is a very well known faculty member. He travels all over the world attending conference, giving lectures, etc. Part of her job is to go with him and pick up unique gifts for the Christmas party. What a job, I know! There were 40 gifts total and our placemats at the table was a table 1-40 w/ clues for each gift. You have to decide by the clues what you want if your name gets picked from the hat. Anyway, it was a nice time.
Tuesday Eric got up early thirty w/ Godiva b/c she was coughing. It was sorta spuratic throughout the day and by afternoon Eric called the vet to get her in first thing Wed morning. Our vet figured it was kennel cough and they would put her on antibiotics. When I got home she started coughing much more and we felt horrible b/c it was almost like she couldn't catch her breathe, so guess what we did? Yep, she went to the emergency vet. It was some foreign lady who thought Godiva had or was on the verge of puppy pheumonia and they could keep her overnight and give her an IV. Can you say, "We just want your money!" Needless to say we declined the offer, got a prescription and headed. Eric stayed up throughout the night with her. She was still very active, eating and not dehydrated, so we weren't too worried. The coughing just sounded horrible!
Wednesday was Eric's birthday. I felt horrible b/c he had stayed up all night with Godiva. He took me to work and then headed to the vet. Basically, they confirmed that she had kennel cough and gave us some stronger meds. Thankfully they didn't charge us much since we had went to the emergency vet the night before. I felt really bad all day b/c it was Eric's b-day and actually we celebrated it on Saturday w/ his party. Anyway, after work we headed to this mexican place for dinner (surprise) and then home and watched White Chicks. It was funny.
Thursday was a lazy evening. We came home and Eric had a sandwich for dinner and I made some homemade mac n' cheese. I did a little reading, watched some TV and went to bed sorta early.
Tonight my sister is coming up and Eric is helping her with a scholarship application essay. (He's good at BS) I think I'm making tacos for dinner.
Saturday we are heading to Indy for a few hours to go to my dad's side for Christmas.
Sunday I think we'll head to a movie. We haven't done that in a long time and it will be fun. That's about all that's going on in our lives right now.
Hope everyone has a merry christmas and happy new year. I hope to update by then though!
Monday, December 13, 2004
Special congratulations to Jennifer & Eric on the arrival of their new baby girl, Grace Ellen Marie. I know that they will be wonderful parents and can't wait til January when I get to see them!
I was so overwhelmed w/ emotion yesterday when the news came in that Jennifer's water broke, they were going to the hospital, and she was going to have baby Grace! I know she is such a strong woman though and knew she would be fine. Danialle & I talked several times about the fact that it is just so surreal! We can't hardly believe it until we see pics or something! Maybe even until we see and hold her in January! I did talk to Jennifer for a few minutes last night and she sounds so great! You can hear the joy in her voice.
I was so overwhelmed w/ emotion yesterday when the news came in that Jennifer's water broke, they were going to the hospital, and she was going to have baby Grace! I know she is such a strong woman though and knew she would be fine. Danialle & I talked several times about the fact that it is just so surreal! We can't hardly believe it until we see pics or something! Maybe even until we see and hold her in January! I did talk to Jennifer for a few minutes last night and she sounds so great! You can hear the joy in her voice.
Sunday, December 12, 2004
Weekend Update
Let's see, Friday night we didn't do much. We went to the hospital to visit my uncle who had surgery. He was doing good. After that we headed to BW3s for dinner then home and watched Dodgeball. It was a pretty funny movie.
Saturday morning we got up and cleaned house. My in-laws and sister-in-law and her husband came in around 1:30 ish and we munched on goodies and had our christmas with them. It was nice getting together with them as we don't see Amanda & Erik much (yes her husband is Erik, too). I haven't mentioned it here for obvious reasons, but we were throwing Eric a surprise birthday party that night. Everyone was supposed to arrive at Don Pablo's at 5:00 and we were going to show up around 5:30. Unfortunately my male cousin called my cell at 4:30 to make sure it was still going on and I couldn't come up with anything to tell Eric why a male was calling me. He knew right then that something was up, but didn't know what. He also had an inkling b/c normally we open gifts then go straight to eat, but we stalled by watching part of Elf. Anyway, I made his sister and her husband ride with us b/c I knew Eric would grill me all they way to dinner to tell him what was going on. Of course as soon as we pulled into Don Pablo's he spotted my mom's car then we parked right near my aunts car. Thankfully we pulled it off as long as we did and it was a great time. There were about 20-25 people. After dinner and cake, everyone parted ways and my cousins and aunt stopped by as Danialle had not seen our puppy yet. We chatted for a bit and then they left. We were both pooped, but we went through our christmas presents and put stuff up then I headed to bed.
First thing this morning (@ 8:30) I got a call from Samara saying Jennifer's water broke. It was sorta trickling out and she really wasn't having any contractions so they took their time, finished getting ready and headed to the hospital. Samara called back around 10 and said that Jennifer was having contractions about 5 minutes apart and was still only 3 cm dialated. The doc also did an internal exam and felt hair so we know Grace has hair now. I haven't heard from her since and am getting VERY anxious to hear something again. If she doesn't call soon, I'm going to have to call her! I'll update if I hear anything else!
The rest of the day has been pretty uneventful. Aunt Flow came, I've been crampy. We had Taco Bell for lunch and am watching the Colts game right now. I'm making totellini for dinner. The Survivor Finale is on tonight so we'll watch that. We were supposed to go to a christmas party today for one of his bars, but Eric changed his mind. I think he may go to the after party and make an appearance later.
Saturday morning we got up and cleaned house. My in-laws and sister-in-law and her husband came in around 1:30 ish and we munched on goodies and had our christmas with them. It was nice getting together with them as we don't see Amanda & Erik much (yes her husband is Erik, too). I haven't mentioned it here for obvious reasons, but we were throwing Eric a surprise birthday party that night. Everyone was supposed to arrive at Don Pablo's at 5:00 and we were going to show up around 5:30. Unfortunately my male cousin called my cell at 4:30 to make sure it was still going on and I couldn't come up with anything to tell Eric why a male was calling me. He knew right then that something was up, but didn't know what. He also had an inkling b/c normally we open gifts then go straight to eat, but we stalled by watching part of Elf. Anyway, I made his sister and her husband ride with us b/c I knew Eric would grill me all they way to dinner to tell him what was going on. Of course as soon as we pulled into Don Pablo's he spotted my mom's car then we parked right near my aunts car. Thankfully we pulled it off as long as we did and it was a great time. There were about 20-25 people. After dinner and cake, everyone parted ways and my cousins and aunt stopped by as Danialle had not seen our puppy yet. We chatted for a bit and then they left. We were both pooped, but we went through our christmas presents and put stuff up then I headed to bed.
First thing this morning (@ 8:30) I got a call from Samara saying Jennifer's water broke. It was sorta trickling out and she really wasn't having any contractions so they took their time, finished getting ready and headed to the hospital. Samara called back around 10 and said that Jennifer was having contractions about 5 minutes apart and was still only 3 cm dialated. The doc also did an internal exam and felt hair so we know Grace has hair now. I haven't heard from her since and am getting VERY anxious to hear something again. If she doesn't call soon, I'm going to have to call her! I'll update if I hear anything else!
The rest of the day has been pretty uneventful. Aunt Flow came, I've been crampy. We had Taco Bell for lunch and am watching the Colts game right now. I'm making totellini for dinner. The Survivor Finale is on tonight so we'll watch that. We were supposed to go to a christmas party today for one of his bars, but Eric changed his mind. I think he may go to the after party and make an appearance later.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Share your Shower....
With your dog??? Eric got to this morning. He thought he locked Godiva out of the bathroom but apparently he didn't get the door latched and instead of getting into the trash and shredding tissues, she decided to be a good girl and jump in the shower and join him. At least she likes to take a bath. The other two doggies run when you ask if they want to take a bath.
Side Note:
Godiva has learned a new trick, too. When I ignore her and walk away, she jumps up and bites my butt. She's so smart to figure out how to get my attention.
Side Note:
Godiva has learned a new trick, too. When I ignore her and walk away, she jumps up and bites my butt. She's so smart to figure out how to get my attention.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
Adventures in Babysitting (The Chocolate Demon)
Yep, last night was my first official night alone with all 3 dogs.... It was definitely an adventure.
Let's see.... Where to begin...
* She peed on the floor 3 times, but at least it was in the kitchen on the linoleum
* When Eric called to say they arrived in KY safety she pooped by the back door and believe me I'm not good at doing the poop thing. I did a few dry heaves.
*Guess who thinks the skirt on the tree is her new toy? Yep, she dragged that out a few times.
*She also likes to go under the tree to "look out the window". Of course that is not necessary as she can clearly see out on the other side of the chase.
*She was racing between the living room and kitchen (around the table) w/ this snake that is as long as she is and tripped and spilt her water.
*I did get her medicine down her easily both last night and this morning. That's good right?
Needless to say, I went to bed at 8:30 last night. By then Godiva was winding down and I could have stayed up a little longer, but I figured she's tired and so am I so why not? I think I did pretty good overall, but it was a little stressful. I guess I didn't realize how much Eric does until he's gone. Good thing he'll be home tonight. Of course they know he's boss and he has lots more patience, so I'm sure he doesn't have as rough of time as I do/did...
*Krissy apparently thinks Eric has left her b/c she's been acting lost. She vomitted while Eric was still home 3 times yesterday (it's nerves). I thought I was doing good until she vomitted this morning. Thank goodness it was on the linoleum, too!
*Kodi is just Kodi. She slept w/ me most of the night and I'm sure she liked that.
Let's see.... Where to begin...
* She peed on the floor 3 times, but at least it was in the kitchen on the linoleum
* When Eric called to say they arrived in KY safety she pooped by the back door and believe me I'm not good at doing the poop thing. I did a few dry heaves.
*Guess who thinks the skirt on the tree is her new toy? Yep, she dragged that out a few times.
*She also likes to go under the tree to "look out the window". Of course that is not necessary as she can clearly see out on the other side of the chase.
*She was racing between the living room and kitchen (around the table) w/ this snake that is as long as she is and tripped and spilt her water.
*I did get her medicine down her easily both last night and this morning. That's good right?
Needless to say, I went to bed at 8:30 last night. By then Godiva was winding down and I could have stayed up a little longer, but I figured she's tired and so am I so why not? I think I did pretty good overall, but it was a little stressful. I guess I didn't realize how much Eric does until he's gone. Good thing he'll be home tonight. Of course they know he's boss and he has lots more patience, so I'm sure he doesn't have as rough of time as I do/did...
*Krissy apparently thinks Eric has left her b/c she's been acting lost. She vomitted while Eric was still home 3 times yesterday (it's nerves). I thought I was doing good until she vomitted this morning. Thank goodness it was on the linoleum, too!
*Kodi is just Kodi. She slept w/ me most of the night and I'm sure she liked that.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Weekend - Good turned Bad
Friday night was nice. After Eric picked me up from work we headed to get some dinner at a mexican place we both like. After dinner we stopped at the Silver Dipper and each got a scoop of ice cream in a waffle bowl. We didn't do much that evening.
Saturday morning we got up early and I headed to C'ville to get my hair cut. I basically just cut it cut up all one length. For some reason my hair grows faster in the back or something. Peg & Dad both loved the color which made me happy. I visited with them for a bit, had a bowl of chili, made a quick stop at the bank and headed back home. When I got home we took Godiva and went to get our Christmas tree. Eric thought with taking her she would be more used to it and not as likely to get in the tree when it's in the house. He was RIGHT! She did good at the tree farm and got many compliments and pats. This is where our weekend turned bad. When we got home Godiva got sick. We thought it was just nerves and maybe the car ride. We worked on getting the tree up and she ate, then got sick again. Both times it was just food so we figure she's just eating too fast and nerves. Then she got sick again. This time it was just liquid. I think it was her UTI medicine. She is still VERY active and mean as ever. Just can't keep her food down. I tried to even just give her an ice cube b/c I felt to sorry for her and she puked that right up. We've been feeding her a cooked rice, cottage cheese, yogurt combo as her meals and that is the only thing staying down in her. She's also getting pedialite. Both recommended when our oldest dog was a pup and horribly sick. Anyway, Eric's calling the vet today so I'll keep you updated. We did get our tree decorated and it looks nice. We didn't doggie proof it and so far we aren't regretting it. We do have some animated ornaments and one is doggie eye level. She noticed it and sniffed it or maybe she was sniffing the tree b/c she touched her nose to one of the branchs Eric had snipped and got some sap on it b/c everytime we cuddled her Saturday evening we smelled pine.
Update: I was right! The vet just thinks it is her medicine so they are just going to switch her med and that should take care of it! Yay!
A little note about Eric and some scary stuff that happened "near" him. About 1:30 am Sunday morning Eric was really worried about Godiva (as was I) so he headed to the grocery store to get the cottage cheese, rice and yogurt. Anyway on his way home he saw a head-on crash that was only maybe 10 feet in front of him. For some unknown reason this idiot was driving the wrong way on SR 52 (a 2 lane Highway by our house) with only his fog lights and blinkers on. No headlights! Eric said he didn't even see him until he was really close. Thankfully he was in the turn lane already. There was a black car that swerved and missed him, but a white car behind them didn't have time and hit the guy head-on (he was in a jeep). The driver in the white car was pinned in and we think he made it b/c it wasn't in the news. We aren't sure if the guy driving the wrong way was drunk, on drugs or trying to commit suicide. We will probably never know.
Anyway, yesterday was uneventful. We babied Godiva most of the day. I went to the grocery store and picked up a few things, had Taco Bell for lunch and just had basically a lazy, boring day. I made a taco dip for our luncheon today at work and we had grilled cheese for dinner.
Saturday morning we got up early and I headed to C'ville to get my hair cut. I basically just cut it cut up all one length. For some reason my hair grows faster in the back or something. Peg & Dad both loved the color which made me happy. I visited with them for a bit, had a bowl of chili, made a quick stop at the bank and headed back home. When I got home we took Godiva and went to get our Christmas tree. Eric thought with taking her she would be more used to it and not as likely to get in the tree when it's in the house. He was RIGHT! She did good at the tree farm and got many compliments and pats. This is where our weekend turned bad. When we got home Godiva got sick. We thought it was just nerves and maybe the car ride. We worked on getting the tree up and she ate, then got sick again. Both times it was just food so we figure she's just eating too fast and nerves. Then she got sick again. This time it was just liquid. I think it was her UTI medicine. She is still VERY active and mean as ever. Just can't keep her food down. I tried to even just give her an ice cube b/c I felt to sorry for her and she puked that right up. We've been feeding her a cooked rice, cottage cheese, yogurt combo as her meals and that is the only thing staying down in her. She's also getting pedialite. Both recommended when our oldest dog was a pup and horribly sick. Anyway, Eric's calling the vet today so I'll keep you updated. We did get our tree decorated and it looks nice. We didn't doggie proof it and so far we aren't regretting it. We do have some animated ornaments and one is doggie eye level. She noticed it and sniffed it or maybe she was sniffing the tree b/c she touched her nose to one of the branchs Eric had snipped and got some sap on it b/c everytime we cuddled her Saturday evening we smelled pine.
Update: I was right! The vet just thinks it is her medicine so they are just going to switch her med and that should take care of it! Yay!
A little note about Eric and some scary stuff that happened "near" him. About 1:30 am Sunday morning Eric was really worried about Godiva (as was I) so he headed to the grocery store to get the cottage cheese, rice and yogurt. Anyway on his way home he saw a head-on crash that was only maybe 10 feet in front of him. For some unknown reason this idiot was driving the wrong way on SR 52 (a 2 lane Highway by our house) with only his fog lights and blinkers on. No headlights! Eric said he didn't even see him until he was really close. Thankfully he was in the turn lane already. There was a black car that swerved and missed him, but a white car behind them didn't have time and hit the guy head-on (he was in a jeep). The driver in the white car was pinned in and we think he made it b/c it wasn't in the news. We aren't sure if the guy driving the wrong way was drunk, on drugs or trying to commit suicide. We will probably never know.
Anyway, yesterday was uneventful. We babied Godiva most of the day. I went to the grocery store and picked up a few things, had Taco Bell for lunch and just had basically a lazy, boring day. I made a taco dip for our luncheon today at work and we had grilled cheese for dinner.
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Goodbye Blonde... Hello Brunette...
Be honest! What do you think???
I'm not so good at taking side pullbacks myself...
Godiva & I match!

I'm not so good at taking side pullbacks myself...

Godiva & I match!

Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Godiva a.k.a. The Chocolate Demon
Thought I'd write about some interesting things that have been happening with our new baby...
The picture under the glass of our coffee table.... Need I say more?

We noticed over the weekend, that when Godiva peed she had some discharge there (sorta like snot). Anyway we didn't see much so we weren't concerned, but noticed more yesterday so Eric called the vet. We think it's only a urinary tract infection. Needless to say, he had to run around this morning try to "catch her in the act" w/ a cup in hand and take it to the vet.... Only to find out there wasn't there. So he had to take her in so they could "catch her in the act". Apparently she likes it there b/c she's been there going on 3 hours and hasn't peed a drop...
Editor's Note: She has finally peed, but the vet was at lunch, so we can't pick her up til 3:30 now.
What is the fetish of toilet paper????
Yep, this morning after I got ready (and shut the bathroom door), fixed breakfast, and headed to the computer room to check blogs, news, etc. Apparently Eric fell back asleep on the couch and Godiva opened the bathroom door (it's hard to latch). Anyway, she had pulled out lost of TP and Kleenex and chewed on it and strategically placed it all over the living room, bedroom and dining room. What can you do but laugh and pick it up???
The scarey part is we are getting our (real) christmas tree this weekend. Anyone like to place bets on...
1) Nnumber of times the tree "falls" over
2) Number of Ornaments that get broke
I will post a pic as I'm sure it will not look quite as good this year since we will only be decorating the top half of the tree. Not that it will matter really.
Such an exhausting day...
The picture under the glass of our coffee table.... Need I say more?

We noticed over the weekend, that when Godiva peed she had some discharge there (sorta like snot). Anyway we didn't see much so we weren't concerned, but noticed more yesterday so Eric called the vet. We think it's only a urinary tract infection. Needless to say, he had to run around this morning try to "catch her in the act" w/ a cup in hand and take it to the vet.... Only to find out there wasn't there. So he had to take her in so they could "catch her in the act". Apparently she likes it there b/c she's been there going on 3 hours and hasn't peed a drop...
Editor's Note: She has finally peed, but the vet was at lunch, so we can't pick her up til 3:30 now.
What is the fetish of toilet paper????
Yep, this morning after I got ready (and shut the bathroom door), fixed breakfast, and headed to the computer room to check blogs, news, etc. Apparently Eric fell back asleep on the couch and Godiva opened the bathroom door (it's hard to latch). Anyway, she had pulled out lost of TP and Kleenex and chewed on it and strategically placed it all over the living room, bedroom and dining room. What can you do but laugh and pick it up???
The scarey part is we are getting our (real) christmas tree this weekend. Anyone like to place bets on...
1) Nnumber of times the tree "falls" over
2) Number of Ornaments that get broke
I will post a pic as I'm sure it will not look quite as good this year since we will only be decorating the top half of the tree. Not that it will matter really.
Such an exhausting day...

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