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My Herbs: Arugula, Basil, Chives, Oregano, Parsley

Also has wanted a lime tree for a really long time so we got him one last weekend since they were on clearance. I don't expect an abundance of limes though. We are hoping to get a lemon tree maybe this weekend, too if there are any left.

Finally my "vegetable garden" which includes: yellow tomatoes (not as acidic), cherry tomatoes, green peppers (can't wait to make stuffed peppers) and jalapeƱos.

My neighbor planted roma tomatoes and banana peppers to they plan is to share them if we get that many. Supposedly my mom has a garden as well, but I've yet to see it or receive any "products" of it. hee hee
I'm embarrassed to show this, but early in the season I planted some herbs from seeds... It didn't work out to well... On the left was supposed to be something. In the middle I think I actually mixed oregano and basil. And I have a few lonely pieces of parsley. Very sad, I know.

Finally these are some snapdragons I got from my stepmom.

Beautiful herb garden. I've tried growing basil in So. Cal for four years...and every year either the bugs eat it to death or they wilt and die and get moldy. Next year I'll try again. So far my only success is mint which means plenty of mojitos in my future.
Very nice! I've always wanted to have an herb garden. Hmmm, you're inspiring me to plant one!
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