Tuesday, September 16, 2003

The weekend...
All in all it was good. I think we both finally got a little sleep. We found out on Friday that the sellers made a counter offer, but it was still an awesome deal, so we accepted it. Now is the fun part.... The closing. And better yet, the moving... We are pre-approved with one place, but we were talking to a local bank that has better everything. We are already pre-qualified with the local one and should have been pre-approved on Friday. Now, here it is Tuesday morning and we still don't know anything. The guy says there won't be any problems, but what the heck is taking so long? We are supposed to close on September 29, so keep your fingers crossed. I hope its not as messy as the first part... Ugh... Last night we went to HH Gregg and ordered all of our appliances for our new house and of course the much needed 57" big screen projection TV and then of course the new entertainment center... Boys and their toys?!?! Although secretly I will enjoy it, too.

Eric's parents came over this weekend and purchased several things for us for our new house. Much thanks to them!! We very much appreciate it!!

On the baby subject....
Well, you may or may not know, I did start my period this month as I suspected I would. So, here's the good and the bad of trying this month. We are going to try by all means. The bad part is that I should be ovulating somewhere between the 24th-29th, right in the begining of the moving process. So during breaks, we have to attempt to conceive. The good part is that besides building a pond, I won't be doing a whole lot of moving (ie, lifting heavy things, etc.) I should and I do mean should know the results by GWO October 17-19. Unless my body is like Jennifer's and won't tell me until several weeks later.

Nothing more to report... More later!

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