So with our lives changing I've turned to ebay to help us out. What can I say? I have the dreadful dentist bill coming up in a few weeks (which is not cheap) and then if I really want to get this laparoscopy and start clomid at the end of June, we've GOT to come up with a way to fund it. I used to collect Mary Moo Moo's, but haven't for quite some time. I didn't really have a place for them in our new house so they just sorta got thrown up on the wall in our laundry room. Then this past Christmas I won this awesome tapestry and didn't have anywhere to hang it up and decided that the laundry room was the perfect spot! Now what to do with the Moo Moo's? I didn't want to just store them in the attic, b/c honestly they would sit there forever, so I decided to try my hand at ebay. I was on the computer literally all night Friday taking pics of them, posting them, finding out what they were worth, etc. I have 31 Moos total, so it was not a quick job. I got them all posted shortly after 11 pm. What a relief that was. And to my surprise I had 3 different bids when I got up and checked Saturday morning. That made me happy. As of today, I have 11 different bids and SEVERAL watchers. I assume they will bid closer to date. I'm super stoked about this. So, if you or someone you know is interested in Mary Moo Moo's, Check this out! So after Eric saw how well this was going he started going through all of his comic books. We are contemplating either putting them on ebay or possibly taking them to a comic book place. He has a ton of X-men and a few Spiderman, plus some misc ones. Any suggestions?
Saturday we got up and worked out. We also ran a few errands. I spent the evening lounging on the couch w/ the doggies b/c Eric had a promo.
Yesterday I got up and had breakfast. Apparently it gave me a ton of energy b/c I started doing some major cleaning on the house and crossed a few things off my "To Do List". That was a good feeling. After that we headed to the mall. Eric had a $100 gift cert that he wanted to use on new shoes and I had a $25 gift certificate at Victoria's Secret that was not about to go to waist. :) Speaking of VS, they have a new bra that is in stores today. It's rather expensive and I doubt I will buy one til the price goes down, but it feels awesome. Its more like a summer bra w/ lightweight material all over and a little more coverage around the nip area so you don't "show through". I normally wear a little padding in my bras anyway so I don't have that problem. After we got home I did 2 loads of laundry and we picked up all of the sticks and limps in the back yard. They wouldn't burn b/c they were still on the wet side, but they are picked up for the time being and in a pile to burn later. I finally got a gardening fix. Not I'm anxiously waiting to get back out and do some major work around the house and definitely in my pond. In the next few weeks we will be getting the pond back up and running and it's going to take some work to get it back up to par. After making some things for my lunches this week I took a shower and relaxed on the couch and watched the Oscar's. Overall a nice, productive weekend. Of course this week is going to snow 4 out of the 5 days and who knows what the weekend will be like. We are supposed to make a trip to C'ville to drop off the weight bench we got sold on Saturday and then Eric's parents are coming over Friday afternoon. And Sunday the plan is to move the fish tank which will probably take up the majority of the day. Ugh. Not looking forward to that at all. Of course after we move the fish tank I have to do a major lceaning of the floors in the kitchen. That's probably worse than the move itself! I guess it will be a good upper body and rear workout though. ha ha
Monday, February 28, 2005
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Dreadful Dentist
So last Friday I had a dentist appointment. The good news was I had NO cavities. The bad news was I brush my teeth too hard and have gum recession on both sides (upper), so they advised me to see a periodontist. Monday morning they called and had made me an appointment for today, Thursday. I knew my right side was the worst b/c I have a lot of sensitivity in it. Yep, he agreed that both sides were bad and I needed a gum graft. Basically they take tissue from either the roof of your mouth or a tissue bank and stitch it to your current gum and then it grows together and voila, no more recession. It is done in about 1 1/2 hours w/ local anesthetics in their office. We knew it was crucial that I get the right side done first and soon b/c I don't hardly even eat on that side now. So here's where the shit hit the fan or the wallet. Yep, that is not expensive to say the least. Our insurance covers 50% up to $1000. I won't go into details here, but that just royally screwed our budget! So I am scheduled to go in March 18 to get the right side done. We'll decide then when to get the other side done especially since it isn't bothering me and you can't see it. We might just wait til next year to take advantage of that "50% up to $1000.
On a side note, we got to thinking tonight about IU Medical and School of Dentistry, so I"m going to do some research tomorrow and see what I can find out about that. And may make an appointment to go down there and have it done. It's worth it if it saves us a bunch of money! Wish me luck!
On a side note, we got to thinking tonight about IU Medical and School of Dentistry, so I"m going to do some research tomorrow and see what I can find out about that. And may make an appointment to go down there and have it done. It's worth it if it saves us a bunch of money! Wish me luck!
Thursday, February 17, 2005
General Update
We went and visited w/ our little chocolate Godiva last night. She was so excited to see us, but so exhausted. She just laid down against me and let me pet her. She was doing good overall though. The vet said she wasn't messing with her stitches so that is a very good sign. She is such a baby though. When I went to make her stand back up so we could take her out and then take her back to be put up, she was whining. It broke my heart, but then Eric came back in the room w/ the vet and she jumped right up, so I imagine she was scared it "might" hurt or she's just milking it. I assume more the latter. Eric is going to pick her up this afternoon. The sad thing is that since she is such an active dog we might have to put her in her cage a lot so she doesn't tear her incision back open. However, Eric will be home with her all afternoon and all day tomorrow and we will be home all weekend (besides going to the gym of course).
I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and I'm sure it will require at least one more follow-up appt. YUCK! Then after that I'm meeting my mom and possibly grandparents, too and having dinner with them. It's a belated b-day dinner for my mom. We had planned on doing it last week, but I got sick and she didn't want that for her b-day! :)
I haven't talked to my brother in a while, but my mom keeps my posted. Crystal (his new wifey) is going down today and they are going to check out the area and hopefully find somewhere to live. Unfortunately they can't live on married housing on base b/c it's full so the army will pay for them to live off base until something on base becomes available. I sure hope they find something this weekend. However, I did find out that my brother leaves in November for Iraq. It was inevitable I know. His unit has already been deployed once from what I can tell, so now they are going to be redeployed.
I'm starting to feel better about my appearance. I guess that's what working out and eating better will do for ya. :) I have only lost 4.5 pounds so far, but that to me is not as big of deal as just feeling better about myself. As long as I keep with it I know the weight will come off or at least I will in better shape and be toned. I want to be more healthy and if losing weight comes with it then so be it. In March we find out about our softball league which will ultimately start in April w/ practice and May w/ games. I can't wait for that. Also as soon as it gets warm out I want to start playing tennis at least once a week. And of course get outside and start working in my landscape. I read yesterday that gardening burns more calories than going to the gym sometimes. I can totally see that. I just want to get out there and pull some weeds (great for the butt and legs) and doing some replanting and stuff. I'd like to clean up the top of our hill, but I think it is so overrun w/ weeds that it will be a major chore! I intend to try though. If I start early enough it might just work. Last year I poured two containers of wild flowers on the hill and got a single flower. My hope is that I can start clearing it out early enough and plant those wild flowers again and have an entire hill of flowers by late spring or early summer. I'd love to have fresh flowers on my kitchen table every week w/out buying them! In fact I just added that to my list of "Goals for 2005".
COME ON SPRING! It will be here before we know it. It has already begun to get lighter in the mornings.
For my birthday I'm going to Chicago to see Peter, Kitten's beautician for a full makeover. I am so excited and anxious about that. I am getting a new color and do. I've been searching lately for a hairstyle, but haven't really found anything I "have to have". I'm hoping that he will set me up with the perfect hairstyle. I want to keep the length between my chin and shoulder and add some light bangs, but other than that I'm not too particular. As for color I know Eric likes my hair blonde better, but my hair is getting darker and I really want to get back to close to my natural color, which unfortunately is NOT blonde anymore. I'm going to go dark blonde/light brunette in that area. I want to get away from dying my hair again. Stay tuned for pictures.
On another note, I want to talk about my husband. Those of you who know him know how great he is to me. Many times I don't recognize that or am not so appreciative of that. I've tried to get better about that, but sometimes I just take it for granted. He is a great guy. Yesterday for instance since Godiva was going to be gone we were going to spend the evening doing a major cleaning on the house. However when he picked me up he informed me that he had already cleaned the house. That was so wonderful of him! He didn't have to do that, but he just does stuff like that. I'm not the greatest wife when it comes to stuff around the house. Most of the time he just does everything and I don't have to worry about it, so therefore I don't. I know he gets frustrated at me sometimes and for that I apologize, but I couldn't imagine my life without him. I don't tell him often enough how much I love and appreciate him and I want him (and everyone else) to know that I do love him and appreciate him and look forward to spending the rest of my life with him!
I guess this was a long post or maybe I just need to do this more often. Or maybe it was the caffeine I had in my mocha this morning. :)
I have to go to the dentist tomorrow and I'm sure it will require at least one more follow-up appt. YUCK! Then after that I'm meeting my mom and possibly grandparents, too and having dinner with them. It's a belated b-day dinner for my mom. We had planned on doing it last week, but I got sick and she didn't want that for her b-day! :)
I haven't talked to my brother in a while, but my mom keeps my posted. Crystal (his new wifey) is going down today and they are going to check out the area and hopefully find somewhere to live. Unfortunately they can't live on married housing on base b/c it's full so the army will pay for them to live off base until something on base becomes available. I sure hope they find something this weekend. However, I did find out that my brother leaves in November for Iraq. It was inevitable I know. His unit has already been deployed once from what I can tell, so now they are going to be redeployed.
I'm starting to feel better about my appearance. I guess that's what working out and eating better will do for ya. :) I have only lost 4.5 pounds so far, but that to me is not as big of deal as just feeling better about myself. As long as I keep with it I know the weight will come off or at least I will in better shape and be toned. I want to be more healthy and if losing weight comes with it then so be it. In March we find out about our softball league which will ultimately start in April w/ practice and May w/ games. I can't wait for that. Also as soon as it gets warm out I want to start playing tennis at least once a week. And of course get outside and start working in my landscape. I read yesterday that gardening burns more calories than going to the gym sometimes. I can totally see that. I just want to get out there and pull some weeds (great for the butt and legs) and doing some replanting and stuff. I'd like to clean up the top of our hill, but I think it is so overrun w/ weeds that it will be a major chore! I intend to try though. If I start early enough it might just work. Last year I poured two containers of wild flowers on the hill and got a single flower. My hope is that I can start clearing it out early enough and plant those wild flowers again and have an entire hill of flowers by late spring or early summer. I'd love to have fresh flowers on my kitchen table every week w/out buying them! In fact I just added that to my list of "Goals for 2005".
COME ON SPRING! It will be here before we know it. It has already begun to get lighter in the mornings.
For my birthday I'm going to Chicago to see Peter, Kitten's beautician for a full makeover. I am so excited and anxious about that. I am getting a new color and do. I've been searching lately for a hairstyle, but haven't really found anything I "have to have". I'm hoping that he will set me up with the perfect hairstyle. I want to keep the length between my chin and shoulder and add some light bangs, but other than that I'm not too particular. As for color I know Eric likes my hair blonde better, but my hair is getting darker and I really want to get back to close to my natural color, which unfortunately is NOT blonde anymore. I'm going to go dark blonde/light brunette in that area. I want to get away from dying my hair again. Stay tuned for pictures.
On another note, I want to talk about my husband. Those of you who know him know how great he is to me. Many times I don't recognize that or am not so appreciative of that. I've tried to get better about that, but sometimes I just take it for granted. He is a great guy. Yesterday for instance since Godiva was going to be gone we were going to spend the evening doing a major cleaning on the house. However when he picked me up he informed me that he had already cleaned the house. That was so wonderful of him! He didn't have to do that, but he just does stuff like that. I'm not the greatest wife when it comes to stuff around the house. Most of the time he just does everything and I don't have to worry about it, so therefore I don't. I know he gets frustrated at me sometimes and for that I apologize, but I couldn't imagine my life without him. I don't tell him often enough how much I love and appreciate him and I want him (and everyone else) to know that I do love him and appreciate him and look forward to spending the rest of my life with him!
I guess this was a long post or maybe I just need to do this more often. Or maybe it was the caffeine I had in my mocha this morning. :)
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Dedicated to Godiva **updated**
This morning we took Godiva to get fixed. It was so sad. She was totally clueless.

We weighed her at the vet and she's a whopping 51 pounds now. I figured she was at least 50 now. She is now heavier than Kodi. Another few months and she'll be bigger than Krissy. Yikes! Here's a few more pics for your viewing pleasure and because I miss her already. We will be so lonely without her tonight her since she has to stay over night. We are going to visit her when I got off work tonight. :)
Here is Godiva and Krissy. Both like to pose for the camera.

And here is how I spent last week lying on the couch when I was sick. Oh the pampering I got... Yes, not only does she think she's a lap dog, but she also thinks I like her sitting on my head!

Godiva is out of surgery and doing fine. :)

We weighed her at the vet and she's a whopping 51 pounds now. I figured she was at least 50 now. She is now heavier than Kodi. Another few months and she'll be bigger than Krissy. Yikes! Here's a few more pics for your viewing pleasure and because I miss her already. We will be so lonely without her tonight her since she has to stay over night. We are going to visit her when I got off work tonight. :)
Here is Godiva and Krissy. Both like to pose for the camera.

And here is how I spent last week lying on the couch when I was sick. Oh the pampering I got... Yes, not only does she think she's a lap dog, but she also thinks I like her sitting on my head!

Godiva is out of surgery and doing fine. :)
Monday, February 14, 2005
Happy Valentine's Day
Yes, I'm still alive. I've been so sick the last week that I haven't really even checked blogs let alone updated. It was all I could do to keep up my diet blog. I missed work Wed & Fri last week and slept all day both days and got some major naps in over the weekend. Saturday I got up, got ready and headed to Christina's to get a pedicure and a free eyebrow wax. The pedicure was great as always. The wax was interesting. I had never had my eyebrows waxed. I've always been a plucker. It was nice. She said I had a nice arch. It hurt, but it wasn't unbearable. Eric commented that it looked nice, so I think I'll contiue to get it done occassionally or at least when it gets out of control. After Christina's we had some errands to run. I got to drive the Tahoe finally! However I was pretty tired still so I didn't drive it long. It was all I could do to stay awake while we ran our errands. Finally we got home and I napped for a few hours and stayed on the couch the rest of the evening. Yesterday we went to our Valentines lunch at Mt. Fuji and got DQ blizzards when we were done. Eric got me an African Fertility Godess (that I actually got one day last week). I didn't get him anything, however I did let him order some stuff for the iPod. After we got home I napped again and he gave me a back massage before I went to bed. Today should be interesting as I have to work the whole day w/out a nap AND I'm working out tonight.
Monday, February 07, 2005
I'm finally back from vacation. It was an enjoyable time, but I was ready to get back home. I got in to Orlando about 2:20 on Thursday and met my grandparents. I was beat from the trip so we headed back to my grandparents for a nice home cooked meal and relaxed the rest of the evening.
Friday we got up early, got ready and headed north about an hour and a half to see my great aunt and uncle who I barely see once a year. It was so nice to see them. We visited with them then had lunch and headed back. We got back around dinner time, had a light dinner and fresh strawberries again and spent the rest of the evening relaxing again.
Saturday morning we got up fairly early again and headed south about 2 hours to see all the hurricane damage in Punta Gorda. The hurricanes were in August and you can't believe how much devastation is still visible. It was horrible. It left a bad feeling in your gut and a lump in your throat. My grandparents had spent some time down there several times, so we drove by some places where they had spent some time. Many places were either gone or damaged in some way or another. I took a few pics so I'll try to post them later this week. (We didn't get them downloaded last night b/c I got in late and made it just in time to watch the super bowl). Anyway we also stopped at this place called Fisherman's Village and it reminded me a lot of Navy Pier in Chicago. You walked out sorta on a pier and there were quaint little shops all along. It was nice, but expensive, too. After seeing a lot of the devastation, we decided to go to Lake Okachobee (sp?) and check on some people they knew over there, too. There wasn't as much devastation, but still a lot of damage. We got back and had dinner at Red Lobster and got back home around 8:30. I got everything packed up and ready to head to the airport in the morning.
Yesterday morning I got up and was sick. I felt horrible all day. My grandparents took me to the airport and we had breakfast there, then I headed to my gate to sit and wait. You can imagine I just wanted to curl up in a ball, take some meds and sleep. Overall the flights were not bad except for my final flight from Chicago to Indy. It was horrible. It was the smallest plane around and I was in the last seat at the back of the plane. I actually decided early that it was a good thing b/c the bathroom was directly across from me and several times I thought I might lean over and barf. But I didn't. We made it home in time to unpack and watch the super bowl. I made it until half time then headed to bed.
This morning we thought the house was exploding at about 5:30. Apparently a transformer blew and the power surged 3 times before staying out. I just went back to sleep and it came on about 7:15. Needless to say I still felt horrible and didn't mind sleeping in at all. I feel a little better now.
Friday we got up early, got ready and headed north about an hour and a half to see my great aunt and uncle who I barely see once a year. It was so nice to see them. We visited with them then had lunch and headed back. We got back around dinner time, had a light dinner and fresh strawberries again and spent the rest of the evening relaxing again.
Saturday morning we got up fairly early again and headed south about 2 hours to see all the hurricane damage in Punta Gorda. The hurricanes were in August and you can't believe how much devastation is still visible. It was horrible. It left a bad feeling in your gut and a lump in your throat. My grandparents had spent some time down there several times, so we drove by some places where they had spent some time. Many places were either gone or damaged in some way or another. I took a few pics so I'll try to post them later this week. (We didn't get them downloaded last night b/c I got in late and made it just in time to watch the super bowl). Anyway we also stopped at this place called Fisherman's Village and it reminded me a lot of Navy Pier in Chicago. You walked out sorta on a pier and there were quaint little shops all along. It was nice, but expensive, too. After seeing a lot of the devastation, we decided to go to Lake Okachobee (sp?) and check on some people they knew over there, too. There wasn't as much devastation, but still a lot of damage. We got back and had dinner at Red Lobster and got back home around 8:30. I got everything packed up and ready to head to the airport in the morning.
Yesterday morning I got up and was sick. I felt horrible all day. My grandparents took me to the airport and we had breakfast there, then I headed to my gate to sit and wait. You can imagine I just wanted to curl up in a ball, take some meds and sleep. Overall the flights were not bad except for my final flight from Chicago to Indy. It was horrible. It was the smallest plane around and I was in the last seat at the back of the plane. I actually decided early that it was a good thing b/c the bathroom was directly across from me and several times I thought I might lean over and barf. But I didn't. We made it home in time to unpack and watch the super bowl. I made it until half time then headed to bed.
This morning we thought the house was exploding at about 5:30. Apparently a transformer blew and the power surged 3 times before staying out. I just went back to sleep and it came on about 7:15. Needless to say I still felt horrible and didn't mind sleeping in at all. I feel a little better now.
Apparently there was some confusion as to why we were going through a sperm bank. I don't really understand it totally, but apparently the sperm bank gets Eric's swimmers ready for the IUI. We won't actually use someone else's swimmers. I guess that was a litle misleading after I re-read my entry. :)
Sorry for the confusion
Sorry for the confusion
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Doc Update
So I went to the doctor today. Where to start. First off this guy is a freak. The nurse gave me some papers to read over while I waited (forever). The first one was about calcium. How much I needed, what it does and then a price analysis of everyone in town that carries it. The next sheet had the food pyramid on it and ways to prevent injuries. What this has to do with my crooch I have no idea! Anyway when he walked in my room he started rambling about people who talk on their cell phone and drive and how its worse than drinking and driving, blah, blah, blah. Then he started coughing and excused himself to get a drink of water. 15 minutes later he returns and we get the ball rolling. Basically oue next step is to do a laparoscopy. He will go in and check things out. If anything is wrong (ie endo, etc.) he will fix it, if everything's clear, well then that's good too. Insurance will cover this. Then I will do 3 months of clomid. If those 3 months don't work then do 3 more months and do the IUI (with a local sperm bank). We are not so sure on the later of that. IUI's are still pretty expensive. We'll make that call if/when that time comes. We are going to wait a few months to get the Lap done, too. In fact, I go in on June 30.
So there's the update. I won't be updating again or checking e-mail until Sunday night or Monday, but feel free to leave me comments or drop me a line!
So there's the update. I won't be updating again or checking e-mail until Sunday night or Monday, but feel free to leave me comments or drop me a line!
Weird Neighbors Strike Again
So as I've posted before we do not like our neighbors. Haven't met all of them, but our immediate neighbors are probably the worst! Last night our doorbell rang shortly after 9 pm. It was the neighbor who lives on the right of us. We don't communicate with them whatsoever. She brought us a ham bone b/c they didn't want to just throw it away and they knew 3 dogs that would enjoy it. WEIRD?!?! Eric is convinced she poisoned it, but seriously, why would she do that when we would know the culprit? Our dogs do get in their yard at times, but we ALWAYS clean up the poop in their yard if they happen to cross over "the imaginary line". Needless to say we threw the ham bone away. Even if we liked and trusted the neighbor we wouldn't have given it to our dogs. They do not eat table scraps. (Especially from strangers)
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