Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Doc Update

So I went to the doctor today. Where to start. First off this guy is a freak. The nurse gave me some papers to read over while I waited (forever). The first one was about calcium. How much I needed, what it does and then a price analysis of everyone in town that carries it. The next sheet had the food pyramid on it and ways to prevent injuries. What this has to do with my crooch I have no idea! Anyway when he walked in my room he started rambling about people who talk on their cell phone and drive and how its worse than drinking and driving, blah, blah, blah. Then he started coughing and excused himself to get a drink of water. 15 minutes later he returns and we get the ball rolling. Basically oue next step is to do a laparoscopy. He will go in and check things out. If anything is wrong (ie endo, etc.) he will fix it, if everything's clear, well then that's good too. Insurance will cover this. Then I will do 3 months of clomid. If those 3 months don't work then do 3 more months and do the IUI (with a local sperm bank). We are not so sure on the later of that. IUI's are still pretty expensive. We'll make that call if/when that time comes. We are going to wait a few months to get the Lap done, too. In fact, I go in on June 30.

So there's the update. I won't be updating again or checking e-mail until Sunday night or Monday, but feel free to leave me comments or drop me a line!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

If Eric's swimmers checked out ok, why would they do an IUI with a sperm bank? Wouldn't they want to use Eric's boys? At least you have the next few months to think about things and get it all straightened out. Hopefully, you won't need it though and things will work out on their own before then.

Also, enjoy your trip to Florida. I'll be thinking of you.