Monday, May 22, 2006

I'm still around

It's been a while since I updated... Between my new job kicking my butt, sadness of our IVF/C not working, my cousin's wedding (in which I did all the flowers) and just laziness, I haven't gotten around to posting. I hope to get caught back up this week/weekend and get back to regular posting. Some posts you can look forward to in the near future are:

**Landscaping my brother's grave (pics), which was particularly soothing for me.
**Pics from our trip to the Wisconsin*Dells.
**Pics of my cousin's wedding including the corsages, bouteniers, and bouquets I put together.
**Hopefully my post-cycle consult appointment, which is this Wednesday w/ Dr. B.
**Pics of the rock we are putting down in our landscape in the next few weeks.
**Info about our much needed, all-inclusive, trip to Jamaica in mid-June for 5 DAYS...

I've been so busy at work that I have only been skimming your blogs and haven't been commenting. I hope to get back to commenting soon as well. This week is the start of some slower times at work and I can do things more at my own pace. I've been thinking of all of you though.

My life is just crazy and I think I'm fighting some depression issues. I quit going to therapy since I got my new job and shouldn't be taking off work. Maybe I should go back. I'm hoping that getting outside and doing some landscaping and getting into some regular exercise (walking, biking, maybe gym) will get me to feeling better, too. Anyway, I'm hanging in there and just wanted to let you all know I'm still around.


GLouise said...

Hang in there!

I have found that since my failed cycle, being outside and doing some gardening and landscaping plans really has helped my spirits.

soralis said...

Sorry to hear that you have been feeling so depressed. I hope the sun shines in very soon.

Take care

x said...

I'm glad you are keeping busy, that is one plus. I have been dealing with depression too - my clinic says 25% of women are at least mildly depressed after a failed cycle.
A trip to a resort sounds fabulous - it's good to have something to look forward to.

cat said...

May the sun and outdoors bring you some happiness. Every failed cycle or loss for us made depression surface you are not alone. *hugs*