Friday, May 26, 2006

Post-Cycle Appointment

We had our post-cycle appointment with Dr. B on Wednesday. It went well. Basically he thinks the most likely reason we didn't get pregnant was a chromosone difficiency. He used this "A" word that I can't remember. He said even though my embryos "looked" great that's the most common reason for women to not get pregnant. He said it's hard to tell. Sometimes average looking embryos that they aren't sure will implant do great and then perfect looking ones don't. Just one of those things.

Dr. B said the chromosone thing is a lot more common than people think, however our body recognizes it and doesn't allow implantantion. He said if that is the problem that it's unlikely ALL of my embryos.

If you remember when we were going through all of the tests in the beginning we found out that I am A- blood type and Eric is O+, which can cause antibodies to build up and attack after the first pregnancy. I asked Dr. B if it was possible that at some point I could have gotten pregnant and miscarried without realizing it and if that could be the problem now. While he said it was unlikely we could do a simple blood test to check for antibodies to be 100% sure. I love that he did it just to appease me. Haven't heard back about the results though although I'm sure the results are fine.

We went on to discuss the FET, which we plan to do later this fall. I would call them about 2 weeks before I'm supposed to start and let them know that I want to do it on the next cycle. They will put be on a low dose of FSH for 5-7 days, basically until my lining is at 8. Then they will unfreeze all 4 and transfer whatever make it. He figured 2-3, but if all 4 make it then we'd transfer 4 (that scares me a bit), but not enough to say "No". hee hee

I'd like to have a couple "normal" cycles before we start, too. That's my idea not the doc's. Plus we need to come up with some money. It was a little more than we both anticipated, but that's ok, too. It will all be worth it.

Yesterday, the day after meeting Dr. B and after 60 LONG days the flood gates opened up I just wanted to go home and curl up in bed. Ugh! I wasn't expecting it until next week per what they told me when taking the prometrium, so this was a rather pleasant surprise I suppose... Guess they just needed a little talk from the doc...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad the meeting went well and that the doc is willing to listen to your concerns. It is always nice to feel we are listened to, isn't it?

soralis said...

Sounds like you have a great doctor. I am wishing you all the best with your frozen cycle!

Take care

Mel said...

Sounds like you have thought this our very well. I hope that the FET works out for you. You are lucky to have such a great doc.

YouGuysKnow said...

sounds like the results of the meeting were about as good as could be expected. ie: nothing's drastically wrong, it just didn't work yet. i mean, it IS hard to remember that even if the embies look perfect at replacement, there's still only a (depending on age and stuff) 35-60% chance of getting pregnant on any given cycle. that's just biology, you know?

congrats on the tears. they are good. they are important. heal and look forward to your FET/ :) hugs

x said...

I am glad you got your follow up appointment and feel satisfied with the information you got.
Enjoy taking the summer off!