Saturday morning we got up and took our time getting ready and things. We grabbed some breakfast and headed over to this flower shop to check on some flowers for my cousin's wedding in May. After that we made a stop at Starbuck's and the bank. Then we headed back home to meet Jennifer, who arrived around 11:30 am. We headed straight to C'ville and had lunch at the China Inn. It was so yummy! After lunch we did some road farming while trying to find this house Danialle is interested in renting. It was quite fun. We made a quick trip to Kroger to pick up some cards and headed over to my gramp's retirement party. It was sorta fun seeing some people I hadn't seen in a while as I worked there for a short time. Unfortunately we got sad news that my great-gramps was in the hospital and he wasn't doing good at all. He has a huge mass on his brain and is going into renal failure. He was in good spirits though. After we left the part, we decided to go ahead and get our tattoos.
Danialle got 3 stars that represent us 3

Jennifer got three chinese symbols that mean "Survivor"

And I got this symbol we found that means sisterhood

James of Jak of All Trades was awesome! If you are ever in the area definitely go to him & tell him 3 awesome girls sent ya!!
GWO Tattoos...

After getting tattoos we went over to my grandparents to check on the status of great-gramps. He is basically slowly dying. He's still in good spirits though because he asked the ambulance driver who was taking him to a bigger hospital if they could stop by DQ and get him a "wizard" (that's what he calls blizzards). He still hadn't got one as of last night, so Eric & I are taking one to him tonight. He has prostate cancer and it is now in his brain and causing his kidneys to shut down. He keeps telling everyone that he's going to visit with all his family and then he's on the road to visit his wife. (She died in 2001) We visited with the family then headed home and pretty much went to bed. It was an emotional and exhausting day.
Saturday we got up and headed to iHop for breakfast. Then we headed to Target and walked around there forever. Finally a quick stop at PetSmart and Michael's and then headed up to see great-gramps. He was doing pretty good when we got there. We visited with him for a while then headed back to my house. Heather had already arrived. By this time we were starving, so we sat down and had a yummy healthy lunch. (Sandwiches, pasta, fruit) After lunch we decided to play some Phase 10. Heather hadn't ever played and ended up winning. Next we decided to break out the dominoes. We played a few hands of that and then got started on our "Build Your Own Pizzas".

That was a blast and they were pretty good, too. We played some more dominoes, had several drinks and then decided to watch a movie. That was all she wrote for me. I didn't make it very far before my eyes were closed. I think around 11 I headed to bed.
Sunday everyone got up and got ready to head home. After a quick breakfast they were on the road. It was a great & much needed weekend, despite the bad news about great-gramps. Later we ran a few errands, visited gramps and spent the evening on the couch. I was exhausted and just didn't feel well.
Today I'm back to work. I woke up with a sore throat, so I hope I'm not getting sick, but I have a feeling its coming my way. I just feel a little icky. I don't have time to read blogs or update much. This week is crazy busy and I have several trainings & meetings on top of the regular stuff. I'll be catching up as I get time.
Here is more pics from the weekend as well. GWO 12 Photo Album
Rebel rebel getting the tattoo's. I like them all but I'll play favorites and tell you I like yours the best. What a great weekend, well deserved!
Sorry to hear about great-gramps. Sounds like the rest of the weekend was wonderful!
Love the tattoo's
Take care and hope you feel a little better soon
hey there. really sorry to hear about your Great Gramps :( i hope he's doing ok...
good on ya with the tats! your friends seem very supportive and nice.
i wonder what Jennifer's tatoo REALLY says...
Nice tats! Love them.
Sorry about the great grand. :(
I'm sorry to hear about your G.G.
Love the tatoos! I've always liked them, but never had the guts to get one: )
How are you holding up? Just wanted you to know that you've been in my thoughts and prayers.
Are you okay? Because it's been awhile, and I worry about you. *hugs*
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