Thursday, December 04, 2003

Everything! 21 Days til Christmas...

Just finished reading everyone's blog this morning. And as you can tell from the title, I have a lot to talk about. I thought I'd start with Tuesday!

As you know we had a VERY IMPORTANT workshop starting with a reception Tuesday night and the workshop on Wednesday. I came in at about 7:30 am and didn't leave this place until around 9:00 pm. Can you say LONG DAY? Ugh. The reception was a huge success. Everyone was so impressed with everything we did and we got complimented continuously! I was exhausted so I pretty much went right to bed when I got home.

At 2:30 in the morning our doorbell was ringing and someone was knocking on the door. It was my younger sister (the older of the two) Ashlee. She had apparently got into a huge fight with her dad (who is a complete asshole anyway). We talked for a little while and then tried to go back to sleep. Didn't get a whole lot more sleep. I was up and back at work by 7:30 am to get ready for the workshop. The workshop was a huge success, too. Eric & I were pretty stressed yesterday and got little sleep the night before. We really don't/didn't know what to do. As much as we wanted to take Ashlee in, we are not her parents. On top of that we only have 1 spare bedroom and and trying to have a child. Needless to say, I'm not sure what is going on. My mom came up last night and we talked to her and laid down some groud rules for both of them if Ashlee goes their. She ended up talking to her dad last night against our wishes and I went to bed. When I got up this morning to get Ashlee up, she just told me she was going to go over to her dad's tonight and talk to him and she'd call and let us know what happens. Eric pretty much laid down the law to her that we weren't playing these games. It is hard on both of us. I'll let you know what we find out.

Well, I woke up at about 5:00 this morning with cramps. That's right I started my period this morning. I was 99% sure this was not the month to get pregnant anyway, so I think Mother Nature agreed! I'm dissappointed, but then again, I knew it was going to take a while. I just didn't really believe it would take this long. Then again, it's been 4 months with the first 3 kinda hit and miss. We were trying, but not as actively as we should. Anyway, I supposed nature will take its course and apparently it wasn't meant to happen over the holidays since there was so much stress. OH, I"ve also come to the conclusion that my cycle is 27 days now. It was 27 days the last time, too, but I just kinda thought it was a flux, but it was 27 days this time, too. So with that being said, guess when my estimated ENP is.... New Year's Eve! WONDERFUL!!! Guess we won't be bringing in the new year with a "bang". ha ha ha We'll have to bring it in the night before! wink

Anyway, today is back to normal for the most part. I plan on taking a nap when I get home tonight and then watching Survivor and possibly CSI, but we might tape that and watch it tomorrow.

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