Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Weekend in OH & Paper Cutters

Sorry for the delay on the weekend post. I'll tell you why later. Our weekend in OH was great. I helped Jennifer out as much as she would let me, which in my opinion wasn't close to enough. Anyway, we got a huge snow on Thursday (7 inches), so we were a little nervous about driving. Once we were on the road we realized the roads were fine. On our way over we saw a "supersucker" truck.

A Truck we saw on the way over to OH

We arrived in OH around 5:30 or so. After we unloaded the car we immediately let Grace open her birthday & christmas presents. I think we were more excited than she was. hee hee

Grace Opening Her Birthday Present

Grace & Zeus amongst the wrapping paper

Grace Checking out her Christmas Present

We got her Lulu from Leap Frog and this little chair and nightstand. I think the chair was her favorite, but she learned very quick how to pat lulu's stomach to make her say different things.

Anyway, after that we took our bags downstairs and relaxed for the evening and caught up. Jennifer was feeling pretty good from her chemo treatment just a few ours earlier. We baked the pizza pasta that a friend of hers had brought over and heated up some soup for Jen. Unfortunately Eric wasn't a huge fan, so he ended up ordering pizza. I thought the bake was pretty good though. After that I helped (or watched) Jen give Grace a bath and put her to bed. She was pretty tired. We didn't stay up too much later ourselves. Jen was starting to feel sick and Eric & I were both exhausted.

Saturday we got up and played with Grace and was fairly lazy. During Grace's morning nap Jennifer & I started wrapping her Christmas presents. While we did this our husbands went shopping for a few things. We got about halfway through the presents when Grace woke up. We fed her lunch and the guys picked up lunch for us. After lunch Jennifer's friend stopped by to pick up some baby things Jen had borrowed from her. Jen & Grace took a nap and I showered and changed my clothes (from my pjs) and watched some TV.

Jennifer got up around 5 and we woke Grace up around 5:30. The guys were playing some xbox, so after they finished their game we headed out to dinner to Red*Robbin. It was busy, but we got right in and is was yummy. I got the teriyaki chicken burger. Oh my. Grace had her first meal ordered from the kids menu, Mac n' Cheese. After that we headed home. We put Grace to bed and Jennifer & I headed upstairs to finish wrapping her presents. We made a horrible discovery...

Evidence of Zeus Finding the

Zeus, Jennifer & Eric's pug, found a pot of gold while we were out to dinner... He moved to 8x10 picture frames that were sitting on top of the box, removed the plastic wrap and opened the box only to devour 23, count em 23, Hershey Pot of Gold Chocolate Pecan Clusters. Needless to say he spent the evening vomiting and waddling around with a rock hard stomach. We were all worried about him, but he was fine Sunday morning. In fact sometime during the night he even ate some crackers to settle his stomach.

Anyway Jennifer & I finished up wrapping presents then laid on the couches w/ our hubbies and watched TV before heading to bed.

We got up fairly early Sunday morning and were on the road home shortly after 8 am. Unfortunately Jennifer was not feeling well at all and I felt bad, but was glad she felt well while we were there this weekend, not that it would have mattered if she felt bad.

After we got home, we watched the Colts game, did laundry, took a nap & went to bed early. On Monday I was feeling blah when I got up and Eric was leaving for a business trip to Tennessee. I nearly stayed home, but then just decided to head to work and then leave a couple hours early. B-I-G M-I-S-T-A-K-E!! I should have stayed home!

About 2 pm Monday I was using a paper cutter to obviously trim some cardstock. Anyway, I'm sure you can see where this is heading, but I moved the paper and got it situated how I wanted. For some reason, when I was pulling my hands out of the way I brought my right hand under the blade of the cutter and sliced it pretty good. The slice is about 1.5 inches w/ a little triangle on one end where I apparently jerked when I realized what was happening. It didn't hurt much, nor was it bleeding much but I went to urgent care and ended up getting 4 stitches. It's in a bad spot, too, so it's really putting a damper on things considering I am right-handed. So there you have it. That's the reason for the late post and just for future reference, the reason for the lack of posts over the next week and a half. I don't get my stitches out til Dec 23.

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