Monday, December 19, 2005

Weekend Wrap-up & Eating

So about the weekend... Right, well I've been super busy today at work, so I'm just now getting around to telling you about it. Thursday was Eric's birthday (see previous post), so after work we went out to dinner and then home. It wasn't the best birthday celebration, but Eric claims they aren't as exciting after 30. I disagree b/c I love birthdays. Anyway...

Friday we got up and headed to the doctor. Eric was getting 2 moles removed and I decided I better take the whole day off to be with him. Well and who wants to work when you have a legit excuse? Anyway the procedure itself went fine and Eric survived despite grounding himself when doc was cauterizing one of them. I nearly peed my pants laughing about this. I find it hilarious still. After we left there we headed to C'ville to hit the bank and a local mexican restaurant. We called my mom and grams and had them meet us for lunch. It was quite yummy as usual. After lunch we stopped by my brother's grave to see the grave blanket that mom had got for it. It looked great. After that we headed home. We spent the afternoon and evening watching 1-4 of Band of Brothers.

Saturday we got up early and I headed back to C'ville to get my hair done. We colored it again. It's light brown. She also cut it although it was pretty short already, so we couldn't do what I wanted. She angled it so its longer in the front, but it's not dramatic b/c it wasn't long enough to make it that much longer. It looks nice though. I'm content. She was a little mad at Pete for all the damn bangs he gave me last time, too. We have got to let those grow back out. It's ridiculous. I visited with my dad & Peg for a while then headed home. On my way home I stopped at Sears to get my dad's christmas present. OH MY how I hate shopping this time of year. I was livid by the time I left the parking lot. I'm sending Eric out for the 2 items left to purchase at the mall b/c I cannot and will not re-enter that mall until mid-January or later. Saturday evening we watched 5 & 6 of BoB. We had some drama with one of my sisters, which I am not compelled to write about just yet. I will say that she's going through a really rough time and is heading to some serious counseling soon. She has recognized her problem and is looking forward to getting over this speed bump in her life. I have faith in her and know she will be just fine.

Yesterday we headed to Indy to my get together on my dad's side. I got to see my scrumptious little niece (including getting puked on) and the rest of the family and it was fun. We ate too much, laughed, unwrapped presents, watched the Colts lose and just enjoyed each others company. It was nice. I have some pics that I hope to upload tomorrow. I have a christmas party to go to tonight otherwise I'd do it tonight.


Tis the season to eat whatever you want in all the wrong (or right at the time) quantities. I enjoy eating all the good things during this wondrous season. Example my grams makes those cookies w/ the kisses in the middle. OMG! I'm salivating just thinking of them. Yesterday at our family thing she had those. I had them as appetizer, lunch, dessert, afternoon snack and 2 before exiting the front door. Yikes!

Today as I said I've been swamped all morning. Apparently when I'm busy the only other thing my brain can think about is food. I snacked all morning on a variety of things in my desk drawer. Granola, banana chips, a york peppermint patty. About mid morning I went to the main office and lo and behold they had food, too. I had a lemon bar, this chocolatey thing and this reeses' cooking thing. Yes, that was all before lunch. For lunch I had a 98% FAT FREE frozen lasagna. Woohoo! I think my body went into major withdrawl so after looking in my desk multiple times in hopes that something would appear I meandered down to the vending machine.


What did I choose you might ask? The "Dangerously Cheesy Cheetos" of course. Why? Because I laugh in the face of danger. ha ha ha ha Cheese does not scare me in the slightest, in fact it probably enticed me. Oh boy, will January 1 ever get here? That of course is when we are getting back on our diet and to the gym...

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