Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year's Resolutions/Goals

Today starts a new year and hopefully a much better year than 2005. So as always I have come up with some new year's resolutions...

1. Cook healthy dinners at home - 4 to 5 times weekly
2. Cook 1 new meal weekly
3. Reduce red meat to once/week, increase fish
4. Re-Initiate Diet Blog - At least weekly updates
5. 30 Minutes of Exercise 5 to 6 times weekly
6. Join 1 Class at the Gym
7. Allow 1 Lunch (Thurs) and 1 Dinner out during week, 1 Meal out on weekend
8. Make meal plans on Sunday and stick to it
9. Doing all this should put me at my ideal weight (approx 12-15 pounds lighter)
10. Stick to it for 1 whole year - This will be a struggle, but totally feasible

1. Reduce Debt by ALOT! I have an amount set, but don't think its appropriate to list it here.
2. Save $3,000 for IUI/Injectible Cycle ($250/month)

Intellectual Development
1. Read 10 books
2. Take some fun classes around town (crafty or gardening)
3. Learn how to knit

1. Yoga or Pilates or TaeBo (twice weekly) - This might be joining the Piyo class at gym

Personal Development
1. Remember cards for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc. (This was a goal for 2005 - I was good except for the "minor" holiday cards, ie Easter)
2. Increase positive well being
3. Update scrapbooks and keep them updated in timely manner

June 30 - Evaluate Goals & Progress

Most of my goals are more towards my health, yes, but it's very important. I think when I get my total body in check most of the other things will just come and I can feel better about myself all around.

1 comment:

April said...

That sounds like a great list.