Eric had a state-wide meeting on Friday and it ran late so my boss Darla ended up taking me home. It was nice though b/c I wanted her to see the house. She toured the house then left. Eric got home as she was leaving. We ended up going to Don Pablo's for dinner since it was our favorite manager's last day basically. We both stuffed ourselves and were miserable the rest of the evening. (Didn't get to BD either) :(
Saturday morning we got up and got some BD in before getting ready. Eric left around 9:00 to head out for his long day. Jimmy Bedford was in town signing bottles and greeting people. He is the master distillar for Jack Daniel's. I headed to C'ville to see my sister's softball game. She lost, but it was nice just seeing them. My mom and other sister where also there so I visited with them. After her game I headed back home. When I got almost home Eric called and said our dinner plans had changed, but we'd talk about it when I got home. He wasn't going to be home for a while so I decided to wonder around Hobby Lobby and Michael's for a bit. When I got home Eric explained that it was basically just going to be a quick dinner b/c time was so tight, so I decided to head back to C'ville to a cookout for my cousin who is back in town for a week. We had an absolute blast. Everyone was sad that Eric didn't come (me especially), but his duty calls sometimes. I felt guilty not going out with him, but he assured me it was okay. It was nice just sitting and chatting with family. We grazed the food all evening and laughed the rest of the time. Gotta love telling stories even if we've heard them a hundred times before. I left around 10 and headed home. It was a long drive and I was beat.
Sunday we got up and I had a sore throat. Yep, I was getting sick. I'm pretty sure it's just allergies b/c they are starting to harvest the corn now and I'm allergic to corn pollen. I know, fine thing to be allergic to living in Indiana. I laid around most of the day and by late afternoon I was feeling better so I did some scrapbooking. We ordered Pizza and watched the Colts football game (they won). I watched a little TV before we did a little dance then went to sleep.
I woke up this morning after not sleeping well last night and I was full of it. I have full blown allergy/sinus crap. I hate it. I decided to stay home from work. My boss called at 7 and apparently she came down with something over the weekend and was going to stay home, too, but after she found out I was sick, she went to work. I wonder if she'll call in tomorrow. Anyway, I am feeling better now. I made some homemade potato soup and have eaten two bowls despite not being able to taste much. I think it's good.
Tomorrow my family is supposed to be coming up to visit with me. We are going to grab dinner somewhere then visit at my house a little. That will be nice. Some of them haven't seen our house. It should be a good time though.
Monday, September 27, 2004
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Another Baby GWO
Congratulations to Will and Samara on conceiving their first month. Of course, I'm jealous, but I'm glad you didn't have to try that hard! It's so much easier that way!
I still have some hope that she will have a girl (like Jennifer) and I can have the first baby boy GWO.
I still have some hope that she will have a girl (like Jennifer) and I can have the first baby boy GWO.
Time to Vent.... Insurance....
It is time again to pick what worthless insurance you want to pay for for the next year and just how much out of pocket you can get stuck with b/c of their bullshit excuses. We've decided that right now Eric's is not good.
I called my informational number to find out about what my insurance would cover if I took it. Well, it only covers up to the diagnosis of infertility. So no drugs, no in verto, NOTHING. That is really a let down.
Eric's insurance is the same way.
What is up with these people? They say, "Yep, we'll pay for you to find out you are infertile, but after that, f*ck you, you're on your own!" (I need that smiley with steam blowing out his ears!)
It is time again to pick what worthless insurance you want to pay for for the next year and just how much out of pocket you can get stuck with b/c of their bullshit excuses. We've decided that right now Eric's is not good.
I called my informational number to find out about what my insurance would cover if I took it. Well, it only covers up to the diagnosis of infertility. So no drugs, no in verto, NOTHING. That is really a let down.
Eric's insurance is the same way.
What is up with these people? They say, "Yep, we'll pay for you to find out you are infertile, but after that, f*ck you, you're on your own!" (I need that smiley with steam blowing out his ears!)
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
3 Years Ago Today....
I met my dear husband. I'm so glad that guy decided to throw some shirts and buttons at me! Then, none the less, he took my up on stage w/ him (he was the MC). I guess that is one positive that came out of 9/11. He is the greatest thing that has happened to me!
Honey, I love you! Happy Anniversary!
Oh and today is also the first day of fall. My most favorite season! Leaves, pumpkins, perfect weather, bridge festival. Fun, fun, fun...
Honey, I love you! Happy Anniversary!
Oh and today is also the first day of fall. My most favorite season! Leaves, pumpkins, perfect weather, bridge festival. Fun, fun, fun...
Monday, September 20, 2004
Weekend Update
Friday night was pretty boring. I hurt my back somehow, so we didn't do anything besides watch TV.
Saturday morning we got up early and headed to C'ville to watch my sister's soccer game. On the way there we stopped at Burger King and got breakfast, but they forgot to give us change ($14). Eric went back in and had to fight the lady to get it back. She said she had to count the drawer to make sure he was telling the truth, however she kept waiting on people. She said to just give her his name and phone number, but we weren't going there. He told her we were from out of town passing through, so finally she said she'd just have to take his word for it and gave him his $14. Stupid people. I understand counting the drawer, but get to counting! I think she just wanted a tip that she didn't even deserve! Anyway we got to Ashlee's game and they lost. We made fun of the retarded ref most of the game. He really thought he was something, but in reality was an idiot. I kept saying he was trying to impress these H.S. girls. Who knows!? On the way home we stopped at Victoria's Secret and I got some new sexy bras and panties and also new lace lingerie. It was fun.
When we got home I started getting ready. D & C were on there way to our house. Once they arrived D & I reminisced over old photos of us as babies and drank a bottle of champagne between the two of us. I hadn't had a drink in a while, so I got a little giddy (and warm). D did, too. We snapped some pics of us then headed to Mount Fuji for dinner. We had some awesome steak and shrimp (Men had chick teriyaki). Bob was there to tame the eruption of Mt. Fuji. After dinner we hurried back home b/c it didn't sit too well on our stomachs. After a short bathroom break we headed to Purdue to go see George Carlin! It was a great show. Unfortunately, my back was still sore, so I kept moving and trying to get comfy throughout the whole show, but overall it was a great show and the guy who was his opening act was funny, too. We had such a blast. After D & C left Eric used the massager on my back then we went to bed.
Yesterday I got up and my back was feeling better, but not totally so I put one of those disposable heating pads on my back and laid in bed a while. After I got up it felt a little better. I started working on my baby scrapbook for a while then decided I better stop b/c I still had pics from Danialle that I needed to go through, so I went to scanning some of her photos she left me. I also baked to loaves of banana bread. (YUMMY!) We had BW3's takeout for dinner. By this time, my back was feeling much better. The heating pad did wonders! After dinner I went outside and pulled some weeds and watered the plants and grass. We went on a nice walk then relaxed for the rest of the evening. I brought in one of my three plants from the outside and found a home for it. I just have 2 more big plants to find spots for inside. Ugh.

Saturday morning we got up early and headed to C'ville to watch my sister's soccer game. On the way there we stopped at Burger King and got breakfast, but they forgot to give us change ($14). Eric went back in and had to fight the lady to get it back. She said she had to count the drawer to make sure he was telling the truth, however she kept waiting on people. She said to just give her his name and phone number, but we weren't going there. He told her we were from out of town passing through, so finally she said she'd just have to take his word for it and gave him his $14. Stupid people. I understand counting the drawer, but get to counting! I think she just wanted a tip that she didn't even deserve! Anyway we got to Ashlee's game and they lost. We made fun of the retarded ref most of the game. He really thought he was something, but in reality was an idiot. I kept saying he was trying to impress these H.S. girls. Who knows!? On the way home we stopped at Victoria's Secret and I got some new sexy bras and panties and also new lace lingerie. It was fun.
When we got home I started getting ready. D & C were on there way to our house. Once they arrived D & I reminisced over old photos of us as babies and drank a bottle of champagne between the two of us. I hadn't had a drink in a while, so I got a little giddy (and warm). D did, too. We snapped some pics of us then headed to Mount Fuji for dinner. We had some awesome steak and shrimp (Men had chick teriyaki). Bob was there to tame the eruption of Mt. Fuji. After dinner we hurried back home b/c it didn't sit too well on our stomachs. After a short bathroom break we headed to Purdue to go see George Carlin! It was a great show. Unfortunately, my back was still sore, so I kept moving and trying to get comfy throughout the whole show, but overall it was a great show and the guy who was his opening act was funny, too. We had such a blast. After D & C left Eric used the massager on my back then we went to bed.
Yesterday I got up and my back was feeling better, but not totally so I put one of those disposable heating pads on my back and laid in bed a while. After I got up it felt a little better. I started working on my baby scrapbook for a while then decided I better stop b/c I still had pics from Danialle that I needed to go through, so I went to scanning some of her photos she left me. I also baked to loaves of banana bread. (YUMMY!) We had BW3's takeout for dinner. By this time, my back was feeling much better. The heating pad did wonders! After dinner I went outside and pulled some weeds and watered the plants and grass. We went on a nice walk then relaxed for the rest of the evening. I brought in one of my three plants from the outside and found a home for it. I just have 2 more big plants to find spots for inside. Ugh.

Friday, September 17, 2004
I've got my work cut out for myself. I mentioned that this past weekend I started going through all the baby pics of myself that I've accumulated. Well I bought a scrapbook this week and last night I sat down and started organizing the pics within each year and putting them in my scrapbook. I didn't realize this was going to be such a chore. I worked on it for about 2 hours and only got about the first 2 1/2 years of my childhood. Of course I've putting a lot of effort and work into it, but still. It's going to take me many more hours at the rate I'm going!
Thursday, September 16, 2004
In the News
Ok, so I don't have a demanding job all the time and have time to browse the news and I found some interesting stuff as usual....
Eminem bares all....most (darn sock)
Don't they have anything better to do with their time? Let me count the ways!
The title says it all!
Most importantly!
Survivor 9-Vantuatu starts tonight! Yay!
I guess that's the end of my news rant for now... I only link to the good ones!
Eminem bares all....most (darn sock)
Don't they have anything better to do with their time? Let me count the ways!
The title says it all!
Most importantly!
Survivor 9-Vantuatu starts tonight! Yay!
I guess that's the end of my news rant for now... I only link to the good ones!
Horn...Amazing Miracle
We were watching a show last night about Roy Horn of Seigfreid & Roy, who was attacked by one of his own tigers. Anyway, they said that his brain was swelling, so they cut a portion of his skull off to let it swell, sewed this piece of skull into his abdomin, then replaced it back to his skull a few weeks later when the swelling went down. He also flat-lined and they brought him back. He said that he saw a bank of white light then all of his beloved animals over the years. It is just amazing at the technology they have and the things they can do. Oh and when the ambulance was on it's way to the hospital it had to turn around b/c it got stopped by a train. The odds were against this guy, but he apparently had the will to live!
Seminar Update
The seminar was okay. We ended up spending about 3 hours there which was not what I expected, since the talk was only supposed to be an hour and a half. Basically, he said that we are running out of the coal and oil resources, which is a given. They've been saying that for years. He gave some ideas on where else we can get energy from but no one really knows how to extract the energy from these other sources. It was standing room only and then some in this lecture hall. My videotaping is definitely not the best quality b/c they put us at the back of the room. Oh well at least they will be able to hear the lecture (I hope).
Some tidbits:
- By 2050, the world will have a population of 10 Billion - We have about 6.5 Billion today
- Within 10 years, oil productions will peak (probably w/in the next few years then the amount of oil produced per year will decline every year there on out until it is depleted.
- If oil is still the only answer, it maybe a very unpleasant century.
Special thanks to my dear husband who helped me set up the camcorder and did some adjusting to help the quality a little. And he escorted me to and from the hall and was my protector in the darkness. Thanks honey!! I really do appreciate it!
Some tidbits:
- By 2050, the world will have a population of 10 Billion - We have about 6.5 Billion today
- Within 10 years, oil productions will peak (probably w/in the next few years then the amount of oil produced per year will decline every year there on out until it is depleted.
- If oil is still the only answer, it maybe a very unpleasant century.
Special thanks to my dear husband who helped me set up the camcorder and did some adjusting to help the quality a little. And he escorted me to and from the hall and was my protector in the darkness. Thanks honey!! I really do appreciate it!
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Yet another Job Duty
Where the hell is my raise???
My new job duty is to be the videographer for this "Special Speaker" we have coming tonight at the school. Woo hoo! The only good thing is that I am getting 2 hours of over-time. Is it worth it? Well, I guess let's just say we don't have anything else planned. And yes, I am trying to con my husband into joining me. It's not every day that you get to see a nobel laureate speak about "Our Energy Challenge", right? I'll let you know what I learn, so stay tuned for tomorrow's post!
On a side note (about my raise), I'm going ot have to raise (ha ha) the issue. I know my boss has been busy, but I am not doing anything to the web until I see it in my paycheck. In the meantime, I keep putting my resume out there hoping someone will snatch me up! I'm such a catch and all!
My new job duty is to be the videographer for this "Special Speaker" we have coming tonight at the school. Woo hoo! The only good thing is that I am getting 2 hours of over-time. Is it worth it? Well, I guess let's just say we don't have anything else planned. And yes, I am trying to con my husband into joining me. It's not every day that you get to see a nobel laureate speak about "Our Energy Challenge", right? I'll let you know what I learn, so stay tuned for tomorrow's post!
On a side note (about my raise), I'm going ot have to raise (ha ha) the issue. I know my boss has been busy, but I am not doing anything to the web until I see it in my paycheck. In the meantime, I keep putting my resume out there hoping someone will snatch me up! I'm such a catch and all!
She arrived....
just as my alarm went off this morning. The good thing is I'm not having cramps. I do feel a little yucky, but I think that's just a given. The last few months I haven't really had cramps.
My back is really sore today, but I think that's more b/c of the chair I had to sit in all afternoon yesterday in training. Eric claims that it's b/c I've been napping on the couch in the evenings, too, but I have to disagree with that. :)
My back is really sore today, but I think that's more b/c of the chair I had to sit in all afternoon yesterday in training. Eric claims that it's b/c I've been napping on the couch in the evenings, too, but I have to disagree with that. :)
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Thanks Kitten!
A special thanks to kitten for sending my some baby pics of me. I spent Sunday going through a huge pile of pics that I've been given of ME! It was so fun going through them. I sorted them by year and tonight I'm going to go buy a scrapbook and start putting them in it. For those who don't know me, my mom was prego when she married my dad and they only stayed married for a short time. I have (had) zero pics of my mom and dad together except for their wedding album which was given to me by my grandparents. That was special to me. It's nice to know your parents loved each other once, even for a short time. And I especially didn't have any pics of me, mom & dad together (post womb) and Kitten found one and scanned it and sent it to me. Of course it has the entire rest of the family in it, too, but that's okay. We are still together! I also found 2 pics of Kitten at her 2nd birthday that I will be giving her this weekend when I see her. Even trade!
Thanks again Kitten!
If anyone else has any pics of me from the early years w/ or w/out my parents, feel free to send them to me. Kitten-If you find anymore, send them my way.
Thanks again Kitten!
If anyone else has any pics of me from the early years w/ or w/out my parents, feel free to send them to me. Kitten-If you find anymore, send them my way.
Waiting....waiting.....waiting...... (Rant)
AF should be arriving anytime now. I know she will b/c "The Mood" just kicked into overdrive. One of our professors was the first culprit. He thought I had time to stand at the copy machine for the rest of the day or all morning tomorrow simply to make copies of transparencies. Well, I told him I didn't have time until next week. I really am busy this week, but I could have squeezed him in. However, I just don't feel like spending a day at the copy machine. So, I told him no. He'll get over it I'm sure. Next was the Jimmy John's delivery guy. You know their saying, "Subs, so fast you'll freak"? Well usually they are right on the money. Today however, it was "Subs, so slow you'll starve". And I only tipped him $0.25 and that was only b/c I didn't have the correct change and didn't want to ask for a 25 cents back... Damn. Good thing I'm leaving shortly to go to training all afternoon. However, you know in a training class you always have that one person who NEVER understands and ALWAYS falls behind? Yep, I get to deal with her this afternoon. And it doesn't help when she's foreign and you can hardly understand her to begin with.
Come on AF... Seems like the mood lightens once the flow starts...
Come on AF... Seems like the mood lightens once the flow starts...
Sunday, September 12, 2004
Weekend Update
Friday was a pretty lazy evening. Didn't really do anything exciting.
Saturday morning Eric got up early and went to Breakfast Club. He said it was pretty hopping and I expected it w/ Purdue slamming Syracuse last weekend, plus it's parent's weekend and most of those parents are alumni. Anyway, I got up around 8:00 or so and got some energy or something b/c I made Eric a key lime pie and then put a turkey breast on for dinner. He came home around 10:30. I spent the entire afternoon working on scrapbooks. I have my GWO scrapbook completely up-to-date. (I was 2 behind). I also worked a bit on my "Family" scrapbook, which was a present from my grams. It's is basically a "Major Life Events" scrapbook. Then I got busy on our everyday scrapbook. I was exactly an entire year behind in that one. I'm finished up through the end of 2003. And only have a few major pages to finish for 2004. I ran out of a few things, so I'll have to run to the store before I can finish. Eric cleaned the office most of the afternoon, while I occupied the living room w/ my supplies! He got rid of 3 trashbags of stuff. Can you say pack-rat? I'm curious to see if he got rid of anything of mine. I probably won't miss anything though...
Today we got up and relaxed for the morning. We are getting ready to leave to do our usual Sunday errands now. First we are going to BW3s though for some wings! Then we need to run to staples and see about finding another bookshelf & some other organization stuff, then to Michael's for scrapbooking stuff, Target for misc stuff and groceries.
I've got a busy week ahead of me. I have been taking classes for Access and have 2 training sessions this week. Tomorrow I have to head to C'ville to the dentist b/c I think I might have a crack in my tooth. Then out to Dad & Peg's to visit w/ them b/c Eric has some thing in Indy tomorrow night. On Saturday Kitten & her husband are coming down to see George Carlin w/ us. Oh and that morning we are going to my sister's soccer game. Whew! I'm sure another thing or two will pop up before the week is over!
Off to shop now!
Saturday morning Eric got up early and went to Breakfast Club. He said it was pretty hopping and I expected it w/ Purdue slamming Syracuse last weekend, plus it's parent's weekend and most of those parents are alumni. Anyway, I got up around 8:00 or so and got some energy or something b/c I made Eric a key lime pie and then put a turkey breast on for dinner. He came home around 10:30. I spent the entire afternoon working on scrapbooks. I have my GWO scrapbook completely up-to-date. (I was 2 behind). I also worked a bit on my "Family" scrapbook, which was a present from my grams. It's is basically a "Major Life Events" scrapbook. Then I got busy on our everyday scrapbook. I was exactly an entire year behind in that one. I'm finished up through the end of 2003. And only have a few major pages to finish for 2004. I ran out of a few things, so I'll have to run to the store before I can finish. Eric cleaned the office most of the afternoon, while I occupied the living room w/ my supplies! He got rid of 3 trashbags of stuff. Can you say pack-rat? I'm curious to see if he got rid of anything of mine. I probably won't miss anything though...
Today we got up and relaxed for the morning. We are getting ready to leave to do our usual Sunday errands now. First we are going to BW3s though for some wings! Then we need to run to staples and see about finding another bookshelf & some other organization stuff, then to Michael's for scrapbooking stuff, Target for misc stuff and groceries.
I've got a busy week ahead of me. I have been taking classes for Access and have 2 training sessions this week. Tomorrow I have to head to C'ville to the dentist b/c I think I might have a crack in my tooth. Then out to Dad & Peg's to visit w/ them b/c Eric has some thing in Indy tomorrow night. On Saturday Kitten & her husband are coming down to see George Carlin w/ us. Oh and that morning we are going to my sister's soccer game. Whew! I'm sure another thing or two will pop up before the week is over!
Off to shop now!
Thursday, September 09, 2004
My new do
Here's my new do. My hair is a golden blonde now as you can
tell. I'm getting better at fixing my hair, too. It's hard to get used
to doing the back of it more. I like it though.
For now...
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Confidence Boost
I am feeling VERY good today. I was very leery about coming to work with my new do. I can't tell you how many compliments I've had today from professors, staff, and students. Literally every person I've talked to today has complimented me on both the color and cut. I know I need to post a pic so you all can compliment me, too! ha ha ha Seriously, I had a rough weekend and that was much needed. Of course my husband is always good about complimenting me, but he isn't likely to be brutally honest with me. And people at work, well, if they didn't like it, they just wouldn't say anything pretending not to notice... aaahhhh... Nice day!
Zombie Wedding Party
Yesterday, we made our third and final trip to C'ville to be part of Kitten's Zombie movie. Yes, the zombie part is kinda weird, but I think Kitten is doing a great job and I'm very proud of what she's trying to do. Anyway, they puts tons of make-up on us and even sprayed our hair black-ish w/ that halloween spray. Yes, my newly dyed golden blonde hair was black yesterday! Aah! Anyway, we drove way out in the boon-docks to this old cemetary to film the movie. Overall, it was very fun. I was impressed, I'll admit. Of course, we couldn't wait to get home and shower and wash all the make-up and crap off my body! I'll try to post a pic later, too of my zombie head!
Peg Saves the Day
As you can see I haven't posted a pic yet.... NEVER TRY TO DYE YOUR HAIR YOURSELF! I did not do that good of job. I missed spots behind my ears, some in the back and then worst of all, I had a dark spot front and center at my hairline & part. I called Peg (for anyone who doesn't know this is my step-mom who is a beautician) on the verge of tears. We made another trip to C'ville and she touched up the spots I'd missed. The haircut... Well, it was probably worse b/c I was so frustrated w/ the color, but she cut on it some more. My hair just does not like to flip out, so we decided to go layered, but curl under. It looks fine and I've got tons of compliments on it today (both color and cut). I'll try to post a pic sometime this week of it.
Sunday, September 05, 2004
Weekend So Far
Friday during lunch we went to pick up Mel from getting repaired. They had to replace both the passenger rear door and the rear quarter panel, but it looks good. Unfortunately they didn't detail our car of even clean up their mess and it was covered in dust on the inside. They told us to come back after work to pick it up and they'd clean it up for us. Well, I got off at 4:30 and we went to pick it up and it was still dusty. They hadn't touched the inside. The guy started cleaning it with what looked like Windex and Eric told him to just forget it and we'd clean it ourselves or get it detailed on our own. When we got home my nanny & papaw were already at our house waiting on us. We talked to them for a bit then headed to get something to eat. We went to this little diner near our house. The food was ok, but it was a little more expensive then we thought it should be. After coming home we played a little cards with my grandparents (Eric winning the majority of the hands) then they headed home and I fell asleep on the couch.
Saturday morning I got up and decided to go to C'ville to get my hair cut. Yep, it's that time again. My hair was getting long, but it was boring, so I did it again. Peg ended up cutting it 3 times (2 hours) This is what I had in mind. It's close, but when I got home Eric said he thinks it would be better if my hair was lighter... I had to think this one over... We were supposed to go out to dinner w/ Ashlee and Jeremy last night (my sister). We gave up on them by 8:00 and headed to Don Pablo's. The called about 9, but we said we'd just try another day.
Now, it's Sunday morning and I sit here now w/ bleach in my hair, patiently waiting for the timer to ding. Yep, I decided to try dying it myself. Eric is out mowing, but he knows I'm doing it. I don't know how its going to turn out. I may have to have it professionally done later today or tomorrow. I'll try to post later this afternoon if it looks ok... Wish me luck!
Saturday morning I got up and decided to go to C'ville to get my hair cut. Yep, it's that time again. My hair was getting long, but it was boring, so I did it again. Peg ended up cutting it 3 times (2 hours) This is what I had in mind. It's close, but when I got home Eric said he thinks it would be better if my hair was lighter... I had to think this one over... We were supposed to go out to dinner w/ Ashlee and Jeremy last night (my sister). We gave up on them by 8:00 and headed to Don Pablo's. The called about 9, but we said we'd just try another day.
Now, it's Sunday morning and I sit here now w/ bleach in my hair, patiently waiting for the timer to ding. Yep, I decided to try dying it myself. Eric is out mowing, but he knows I'm doing it. I don't know how its going to turn out. I may have to have it professionally done later today or tomorrow. I'll try to post later this afternoon if it looks ok... Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
What does your name mean?
Although the name Erica creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the nervous system, worry, and mental tension. Your name of Erica makes you very idealistic and generous, with the strong desire to uplift humanity leading you into situations where you can express your desire to serve others. You want to assume responsibilities and to look after people; however, you can become too involved in other people's problems and tend to worry. Your name gives you a natural desire to express along artistic and musical lines. You desire a settled home and family life, and are expressive and attentive to your loved ones.
Emotional intensity - That sums up a lot of me! ha I definitely am a people pleaser, too. Not so sure about the musical part, but I do like to sing in the car at the top of my lungs... Definitely desire a settled home and family life. Maybe not be as attentive as I should be, but am somewhat. Working on the expressive part!
Eric (My dear husband)
Although the name Eric causes an active mind and a restless urge to explore new ideas, we emphasize that it causes an unscrupulous, materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the solar plexus and reproductive organs. The name of Eric creates a very aggressive and independent nature, one with big ambitions, giving you original, progressive, large-scale ideas, salesmanship and promotional ability as well as the excellent business judgment which enables you to gain the financial accumulation to which you feel entitled. You have a versatile, restless nature, and could do any job well, although you would not like to do menial tasks. You are seldom satisfied and are always seeking something new.
Anyone who knows my husband at all will say this is dead on! Wow! Aggressive, independent, big ambitions. Awesome salesman! Definitely doesn't like to do menial tasks! Not sure about the seldom satisfied part though. Maybe w/in his job. yes.
Find out what your name means here!
Although the name Erica creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the nervous system, worry, and mental tension. Your name of Erica makes you very idealistic and generous, with the strong desire to uplift humanity leading you into situations where you can express your desire to serve others. You want to assume responsibilities and to look after people; however, you can become too involved in other people's problems and tend to worry. Your name gives you a natural desire to express along artistic and musical lines. You desire a settled home and family life, and are expressive and attentive to your loved ones.
Emotional intensity - That sums up a lot of me! ha I definitely am a people pleaser, too. Not so sure about the musical part, but I do like to sing in the car at the top of my lungs... Definitely desire a settled home and family life. Maybe not be as attentive as I should be, but am somewhat. Working on the expressive part!
Eric (My dear husband)
Although the name Eric causes an active mind and a restless urge to explore new ideas, we emphasize that it causes an unscrupulous, materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the solar plexus and reproductive organs. The name of Eric creates a very aggressive and independent nature, one with big ambitions, giving you original, progressive, large-scale ideas, salesmanship and promotional ability as well as the excellent business judgment which enables you to gain the financial accumulation to which you feel entitled. You have a versatile, restless nature, and could do any job well, although you would not like to do menial tasks. You are seldom satisfied and are always seeking something new.
Anyone who knows my husband at all will say this is dead on! Wow! Aggressive, independent, big ambitions. Awesome salesman! Definitely doesn't like to do menial tasks! Not sure about the seldom satisfied part though. Maybe w/in his job. yes.
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