Saturday morning we got up early and headed to C'ville to watch my sister's soccer game. On the way there we stopped at Burger King and got breakfast, but they forgot to give us change ($14). Eric went back in and had to fight the lady to get it back. She said she had to count the drawer to make sure he was telling the truth, however she kept waiting on people. She said to just give her his name and phone number, but we weren't going there. He told her we were from out of town passing through, so finally she said she'd just have to take his word for it and gave him his $14. Stupid people. I understand counting the drawer, but get to counting! I think she just wanted a tip that she didn't even deserve! Anyway we got to Ashlee's game and they lost. We made fun of the retarded ref most of the game. He really thought he was something, but in reality was an idiot. I kept saying he was trying to impress these H.S. girls. Who knows!? On the way home we stopped at Victoria's Secret and I got some new sexy bras and panties and also new lace lingerie. It was fun.
When we got home I started getting ready. D & C were on there way to our house. Once they arrived D & I reminisced over old photos of us as babies and drank a bottle of champagne between the two of us. I hadn't had a drink in a while, so I got a little giddy (and warm). D did, too. We snapped some pics of us then headed to Mount Fuji for dinner. We had some awesome steak and shrimp (Men had chick teriyaki). Bob was there to tame the eruption of Mt. Fuji. After dinner we hurried back home b/c it didn't sit too well on our stomachs. After a short bathroom break we headed to Purdue to go see George Carlin! It was a great show. Unfortunately, my back was still sore, so I kept moving and trying to get comfy throughout the whole show, but overall it was a great show and the guy who was his opening act was funny, too. We had such a blast. After D & C left Eric used the massager on my back then we went to bed.
Yesterday I got up and my back was feeling better, but not totally so I put one of those disposable heating pads on my back and laid in bed a while. After I got up it felt a little better. I started working on my baby scrapbook for a while then decided I better stop b/c I still had pics from Danialle that I needed to go through, so I went to scanning some of her photos she left me. I also baked to loaves of banana bread. (YUMMY!) We had BW3's takeout for dinner. By this time, my back was feeling much better. The heating pad did wonders! After dinner I went outside and pulled some weeds and watered the plants and grass. We went on a nice walk then relaxed for the rest of the evening. I brought in one of my three plants from the outside and found a home for it. I just have 2 more big plants to find spots for inside. Ugh.

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