Friday we grabbed dinner out and then came home and vegged on the couch. Eric had a promotion and left around 9:30. I watched 3 episodes of Grey's*Anatomy (Season 1) and went to bed about 11:30.
Saturday we got up and I finished the last 3 episodes of Grey's. Then we got ready and took Godiva to the dog park. Before she got out of the car she was growling and had a mohawk down her back. Of course after she got out of the car she was complete baby and scared. We registered her and headed to play. When she first got inside she sorta froze anytime a dog would come up and smell her. Finally she got the hang of it and ran to her heart's content. She had a blast chasing other dogs. At one point we stopped to get a drink of water and for some reason she started rubbing her snout in the dirt. It was funny.

After we got home from the dog park we got cleaned up and headed to dinner at BW3*s. It was good as usual. We stopped to get some groceries and then headed home. I watched some TV and fell asleep on the couch.
Today I got up, had breakfast and read the newspaper. Then I got to cooking. See I've been quite addicted to the Food*Network the last few weekends and found some recipes I wanted to try. First I started with a turkey. A whole turkey mind you, for 2 people. :D It's called Garlic Citrus Turkey and it was wonderful. I stuffed it with a lemon, orange and garlic. Then basted it with this lemon juice, orange juice, garlic, fresh oregano mixture. See...

I also tried a recipe for penne w/ spinach sauce. It calls for reduced fat cream cheese, goat cheese (although I used feta), garlic (I forgot mine) and fresh baby spinach leaves.

I desperately needed a real food processor as the handy LITTLE one wasn't so handy so I didn't get it as mixed up as it should have been. However it turned out quite yummy. I even made Eric try the pasta even though he doesn't like spinach.

Eric told his mom he now has his own "Food*Network Chef", so I guess I have to live up to that. I'm digging the cooking though. I just need to get a bigger food processor and a real basting brush. I'm relaxing this evening and plan to watch Cold*Case and tape Grey's. Tomorrow we are hitting the gym in the morning, then work. Blah. Tuesday is the big day for the consultation about the study we are on the waiting list for that I mentioned a few days ago.
Hope everyone else had a good weekend, too!