Saturday, October 04, 2003

After a VERY long week, I am finally able to blog a little. We are pretty much moved in now. All we have left at the other house is mostly outside stuff (ie. plants, pond, mower, gardening supplies) and a few other things from the garage. We are also pretty much unpacked from our house. The only major mess we have at the moment is the living room and that is just b/c our entertainment center hasn't come, but it is going to be here today, so that will be cleaned up today, too. As you may or may not have noticed it's only like 8:00 am. I've been up since 6:30 this morning. I had to move a punch of landscape pavers from an area where our pond is going. The guy is supposed to come shortly to dig our pond for me. Unfortunately it rained yesterday evening, so I'm hoping its not too wet. Just my luck. My grandparents are coming over today to help Eric hang blinds and Peg is coming later to help me move rocks from the old pond and eventually the fish. Then tomorrow Eric's parents and sister, Amanda are coming over to see the house. I'll be glad when November gets here so I can just relax or at least kick back and enjoy our new house. Next weekend (10th) is Amanda's wedding, so we will be traveling to Illinois. Then the 17th, is GWO, which I might add I'm looking VERY forward to. I suppose that will be pretty relaxing. Then a week off, then Halloween, then a few weeks then Thanksgiving, etc. etc. etc. What a busy next couple of months!

About trying to conceive.... We did try a little this week at least before we moved. Once we hit the moving process, we were too exhausted to even think, let alone do the other... :) We are going to try a little this weekend, just in case I ovulated REALLY late and well, just do it in our new house. Sorry for the graphic details. I will say this... If I am pregnant, I feel awfully darn good. Besides being exhausted, but I blame that on the actual moving. Something is telling me that this month is not a keeper either.... I guess we'll see next week as I'm supposed to have Aunt Flow over on Saturday the 11th. :)

Also, I wanted to say that Jennifer & Eric are in our thoughts every day. I hope everything went well yesterday!

That's all for now. I have to figure out if the pond man is coming or not. Oh, a quick note.... Isn't it funny how you talk to people on the phone you get this "impression" or "picture" of what they might look like in person and then when you meet them, it's total opposite. How deceiving! Our pond guy has this really deep, husky voice and I was expecting him to be a big burly man, well, it turns out he's this little scranny guy. Anyway, kinda funny!

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