Thursday, August 26, 2004


For some reason I have not been sleeping well for about the last week or so. I knew it was starting to affect me yesterday afternoon. For instance, the whole "stinky situation" with Dave Matthews Band dropping 800 lbs of shit on a tour boat full of people was hilarious to me. Everytime I read something on-line about it or even heard anything on the news I just starting rolling with laughter. This probably isn't the most funny thing, but for some reason I thought it was. I get so giddy and laugh at things at people's expense. Of course sleep deprivation isn't the only thing that causes this, but yesterday it was a big factor. On the way home I could feel a headache coming on and knew I was getting close to crashing, so we just got Wendy's and went home. After dinner I took 2 benadryl and crashed before 7:00. I feel better today except now I'm sort of a medicine head. That's about as bad a feeling as being sleep deprived.

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