Friday, August 13, 2004

Friday the 13th

Well, normally I don't have superstitions about "Friday the 13th", but today I'm beginning to wonder. Eric just called and he was in an accident today. He was turning left and out in the intersection and the other cars coming towards him were stopping, so he started to turn, but this lady decided she was going to blow the light and hit him in the back side. It basically broke off the valve stem on our tire and did some damage to the back quarter panel and the back pass door. Now Eric gets to spend the rest of the afternoon driving around to the various places to get the tire fixed, talk to our insurance, talk to our dealer, etc. I'm glad I'm at work! ha ha Although, I did get in trouble because I was at lunch and didn't have my cell phone on. Oops!

That's about the only weird thing that has happened to us so far today. Better knock on wood, the day isn't over yet!

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