Wednesday, August 04, 2004

My BBs & My Mom

Nothing new to report today really. My bbs are still sore and Eric thinks it's funny. That is until I told him two can play in that game and I could tap his nether things.

It stormed last night and my dog is very afraid of storms so she usually just gets on the bed and lays at my feet or at my side. This morning she decided to lay on me with her legs on my bbs. That HURT!

Talked to my mom last night. She doesn't know that we are and have been trying to get pregnant. Anway, there was a baby there and my asked when we were going to have a baby. Being the smart butt I am, I told her when she quit smoking, she just might get a surprise. Of course, she said she'd quit today. I informed her that I wasn't pregnant right now (thinking I could be though), but told her she had to start working on that. Since she brought up the topic, I decided to ask her a few questions. I knew she was young and not married when she got pregnant with me, but she didn't realize she was pregnant until she was about 2 months. She just thought she had the flew. Before she found out, her & my dad went to Kings Island and I guess she was sick all the way there and they even stopped to get Pepto, but of course it didn't help. Hmmm... Wonder why? Anyway, I guess she was sick throughout her whole pregnancy with me, but I attribute that to probably her not good eating habits and also smoking. I guess I assume she didn't stop smoking when she was pregnant with me, since she did with my brother and sisters. Another interesting tidbit is that my mom was really sick with children 1 and 3, which are the best kids, but not children 2 and 4, which are a little more trouble makers... Anyway, apparently my mom and her sister went to the doc and found out she was pregnant and she cried the rest of the day. This was the start of an also very emotional pregnancy. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with the fact that she was young, too. I wish I could ask her more questions, but I don't want her to know that we are trying b/c that would probably stress me out. I think I'll start making a list of things to ask her when I am finally pregnant. So far I have down to ask her about labor and if she carried my full term and about her weight gain and stretch marks. If any of you readers think of good questions, comment and I'll write them on my list.

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