Monday, July 11, 2005

GWO 9 - Ohio

We had another nice weekend getting together for our Girls' Weekend Out. I drove over Thursday afternoon and arrived at Jennifer's around 6:30 (their time). I visited w/ Eric (Jennifer's husband) and played with Grace. Jennifer & Danialle arrived soon after. After eating their fast food and playing more w/ Grace we decided to pack everything up and head to Samara's. We had a full load! When we got to Samara's we chatted and caught up and played with the babies. Everyone was tired so we didn't stay up too late.

Friday morning we got up and had breakfast and made our grocery list. We headed out around lunch time and headed to Tumble*weed for lunch. We were going to meet Samara there b/c she had to stop by the center and get some tubing for her pump. Unfortunately, Samara didn't have a great day and ended up missing lunch. :( AFter lunch and while we were waiting on Samara to call and meet us we headed to Fil*ene's. She finally called and we met up with her at Hobby Lo*bby. We wondered around HL for a while looking for something crafty to do on Saturday. We finally decided on stepping stones. Samara was exhausted and so she decided to head home for a nap while the rest of us headed to the grocery store. After we got home we lounged around the house for a bit and read some star trash magazines before starting our Mexican dinner. Dinner was pretty good. We had layer dip, beef taco cups, tacos, burritos, rice, and beans. We were so stuffed we forgot about dessert even! After dinner we watched Ava for a while so Samara could nap and finally headed to bed around 10 or so.

Saturday we got to sleep in a little. We got up and lounged some more and then started working on our stepping stones. We started by designing them on paper then poured the molds and transferred everything to the stone. It turned out to be really fun and the stones even turned out good, too. After finishing the stones up, we started getting ready for our girls night out w/out the little babes. We left around 5:30 for dinner and our reservation wasn't until 7. However when we got there, they got us right in. We had a wonderful dinner w/ lots of talking and laughing. The girls had some drinks and it was a nice evening. After dinner and dessert (of course) we decided it hadn't been long enough so we headed to BW*3s for a drink and chatting. We had planned on playing a round of putt-putt, but it was dark when we left BW*3s and Samara wasn't quite sure where it was so we headed back. When we got home everyone was fairly tired, so we got some stuff ready for our early departure in the morning and headed to bed.

Unfortunately Danialle got sick in the early morning hours and Grace decided to be a little chatty, so we ended up being awake way before our alarm was set to go off. We headed out and I dropped Danialle & Jennifer off before heading home myself. Overall it was a great weekend of girl time. I came back feeling somewhat refreshed. I love seeing my girls! I wish we lived closer and I could see them more often though!

When I got home I was exhausted. I was even having problems keeping my eyes open the last 30 minutes of the drive. Unfortunately when I got home I was so tired my body wouldn't let me nap. I tried taking a shower and eating lunch, but it didn't seem to help. I finally crashed in the afternoon for a while and spent a few of the evening hours w/ Eric and the doggies. I headed to bed shortly after 9 pm and slept like shit. I hope I sleep better tonight!

I didn't get the pictures downloaded last night, but plan on getting them added tonight. Check back tomorrow to see them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whaaaa....I want pictures!! :) Glad you and your girls had fun. It's always good to get some just girl time in.