Tuesday, April 13, 2004

Anniversary Evening

Well, our anniversary was nice. We went to the Japanese Steakhouse and b/c we went right after work, we were the only ones there, so it was like they were cooking just for us. (They were) We ran some errands afterwards and then headed home. When we got home Eric decided to open our anniversary cake and took one bite and threw it away. It definitely didn't look good, but we figured it was just b/c it had been in the freezer for a year. Nope it was bad. I was too chicken to taste it, but Eric said it tasted like wet cardboard. YUCK! That was a little disappointing, so I told Eric I'd make him a cake (and I will).

The picture we bought for our living room arrived yesterday, too. It looks great, but we were a little disappointed that it was a lithograph instead of something more artsy. I guess we thought it would actually be painted and more art like. Don't get me wrong, we like it and still put it up.

Still haven't decided on a testing date. I'd like to test on Thursday and that would only be 13 DPO and I'd think my period should arrive sometime between 11-14 DPO or Tuesday-Friday. I guess technically that would be okay. And I suppose technically I "could" be 2 days late if I test on Thursday... I guess I'll also see how next week goes. Not sure if I'll temp again or not. I may as the time gets closer so I can prepare for AF if she comes... I guess it will all just be dependent upon what next week brings... I sure hope I'm not on my period for GWO though. That would just be horrible!

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