Friday, April 30, 2004

Friday Five - Religion

1.) Were you raised in a particular religious faith? Well, my grandparents on my dad's side always liked me to go to church with them and they are christians (I prefer). My other grandparents on my mom's side liked me to go to church with them and they are mormons (Yuck). I used to hide in the bathroom or go kicking and screaming if I had to go to the latter. I wasn't really raised on a religion though as neither of my parents went to church regularly.

2.) Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not? Since I wasn't raised on anything, I don't practice it. However, I am working on figuring out what I believe in, etc.

3.) What do you think happens after death? I'm still trying to figure that one out. I believe we go to heaven...

4.) What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)? I always enjoy going to Candlelight service on Christmas Eve.

5.) Do you believe people are basically good? Yes overall, however some people just like to defy goodness. I think the "bad" people maybe just haven't found themselves and/or someone/thing they believe in or a reason to be good.

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