Friday, May 21, 2004

CD 29, 11 DPO

Well, my temp was 98.1 today. Not as high as I would have liked, but then again, I wasnt' expecting it to be either. I guess there's always that little bit of hope we hold way down. We'll see what tomorrow brings...

On another note, I won't be at work today as I took a personal day. Eric & I are going to Indy today to do some shopping for some clothes to wear to the couple of wedding we have to attend this summer. I'll try to get on later today. Something is wrong with my checking my work e-mail at home, so if it's anything important send it to my yahoo account.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

98.1 isn't "low," so we'll see what tomorrow brings. It isn't the highest you've had either, but there's always a chance! Looking at cycle days you're on a kind of long cycle. Maybe that means something?