Thursday, August 12, 2004

TTC Update

OK, I'm getting anxious and started temping early... It might jinx us, but maybe not. As you can see from my chart my temp was 98.3 yesterday and 98.1 today. I have a feeling the next couple days will be the deciding point. My bbs aren't as sore as they were last week, but they are still a little sore. I had a couple breakouts on my face this week, which have been happening the last few months a few days before AF arrives, so that might be an indicator. Of course, it could just be an indicator that my hormones are changing, too. (I hope!) Maybe we'll see a major change tomorrow in my temp. I have noticed the last few days that it seems like after O-time my CM really picked up... Don't know what the deal is, but it was a LOT yesterday. I'll update again tomorrow.

Even if I'm not pregnant this month, I know that my body is making progress and it won't be long now!


Jennifer said...

I am so glad that you are looking at all of this as a positive, regardless of this months outcome. I hope the weekend passes quickly for you (although not too fast, I need a break from work!). I'll keep checking in!

Lisa said...

Oh, I hope, I hope, I hope this is YOUR month!!!! Keep staying positive!