So I started my job yesterday full time. The afternoons are much busier than the mornings around here. Nothing too exciting happening though really.
A bit about the people I work with:
M - Interim Office Coordinator right now and will most likely become permanent. He is also a youth pastor or something at his church. He's a bit older. (He has kids my age) Seems like an alright guy, but he does have a bit of an ego. Not sure why though unless its just the fact he's been in the department for like 5 years and did my job for 4 of those years. Maybe he's just being a know-it-all.
G - She is over Admissions. She is a level lower than me for whatever reason. She is a super nice lady. I think she likes her job but does have some resentment that she is a level lower than me. And to make matters worse the campus paper put out a thing today that shows every single person's salaray (I'm not kidding when I say everyone), so I'm sure she checked mine. I know I checked hers. I make about $2 more/hour than her. She seems to be really religious. It came up that she does not acknowledge Halloween. I just ignored it.
We have 5 student workers in our office and they all seem to be pretty good people.
I seem to be really slow right now. (Obviously since I'm updating my blog at work) I hope it gets much busier as this is going to be really boring if it's the case. Maybe after I learn more about the job I will be busier. Let's hope. I did have one catastrophe yesterday. I keep a calendar of the prof that meets w/ students regarding their classes and stuff. Well, yesterday being my first day I had to mess something up. I accidentally scheduled some students an hour before the prof was actually supposed to be here and didn't realize it until 2 had already shown up. Oops. Good thing I can blame it on being new. Wonder how long I can use that excuse?
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Monday, November 29, 2004
Turkey Update
I tried updating yesterday, but was having problems with blogger. Sorry for the delay.
Anyway, Thursday when we got up we started cleaning the house. We did some pretty extensive cleaning, too. Not that our house is super dirty or anything, but it needed some detailed cleaning. After the cleaning we had a pretty relaxing, lazy day. Surprisingly we didn't ahve a single dinner on Thanksgiving day!
Friday we decided to go ahead and go to my mom's side's dinner which was good. We tried telling them we couldn't stay long b/c of the puppy so when we got ready to leave everyone convinced us to just go home and get the puppy and bring her back, so we obliged. Godiva did pretty well in the car and didn't have one accident at my aunt's house either thank goodness. It's always nice seeing everyone. We had good eats, played some cards and just caught up on everyone's lives. We were exhausted when we got home and I headed to bed.
Apparently w/ all the excitement Godiva was exhausted, too b/c she actually slept through the whole night and didn't get up til 6 which was when I had planned on getting up anyway. I laid in bed til about 6:30 then headed to the kitchen to prepare "THE MEAL". I started getting the turkey ready and Eric helped me get it into the bag, but unfortunately it went through the other end so Eric had to make a run to the grocery store to get another bag. The turkey ended up being done by 11:00 and our dinner wasn't until 2:00 so it was a little cool by the time we ate, but o'well. Everthing else went pretty smoothly. Everyone enjoyed each other's company and the dogs were good, too. We cleaned up after everyone left and pretty much crashed.
("Oh, whatever" in valley girl voice)
I thought you might get a kick out of this tidbit. Saturday during our dinner w/ my & Eric's side my cell phone rang off the hook. Apparently (but not surprisingly) my mom got drunk and got into a huge fight with my sisters. A hole in the door and a phone call to the cops later, the girls are back at their dad's and everyone is calling me. I talked to my sister Ashlee first and she assumed they were not invited to my house Sunday anymore. I politely told her that if they can't get along then no one is coming to our house on Sunday. I didn't want to be in the middle of anything. I tried calling my mom to let her know the dinner for Sunday was cancelled, but no one answered, not even voicemail. Finally she called me back (drunk). Eric answered the phone and she called him Tim, that was from left field. More or less our converation went as follows
Me: We aren't having a dinner tomorrow now since no one can get along
Mom: "Oh, whatever" (in a drunken stupor) You've apparently already talked to the girls
Me: Yes and I didn't want to hear either side.
Mom: "Oh, whatever"
Me: (Ready to burst out laughing) "You know what, you are drunk and I'm done talking"
Mom: "Oh, whatever" CLICK.
I'm sure I've left out some stuff, but as you can see, that was the most important and highlight of the conversation. Oh and before I went to bed, she called again, but I didn't answer. I did however get this voicemail message:
"Erica, this is mom, when you talk to the girls tell them I said Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for nothing"
My reply: "Oh, whatever!"
Needless to say Sunday we didn't do much. I cut up the leftover turkey and made some lunches for this week. I made some cookies, which sorta flopped b/c I used I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" sticks instead of real butter/margarine. We went to Lowe's to get the pull chains for our ceiling fan and Target for a few odds and ends. I tried cooking Turkey A La King, but my sauce wouldn't thicken while Eric worked outside finishing up putting up the rest of the lights. We had dinner and watch "The Terminal". It was a pretty funny movie.
What a weekend. I'm glad that's over. I hope Christmas is better on my mom's side otherwise I'll see them after the first of the year! ha ha
Anyway, Thursday when we got up we started cleaning the house. We did some pretty extensive cleaning, too. Not that our house is super dirty or anything, but it needed some detailed cleaning. After the cleaning we had a pretty relaxing, lazy day. Surprisingly we didn't ahve a single dinner on Thanksgiving day!
Friday we decided to go ahead and go to my mom's side's dinner which was good. We tried telling them we couldn't stay long b/c of the puppy so when we got ready to leave everyone convinced us to just go home and get the puppy and bring her back, so we obliged. Godiva did pretty well in the car and didn't have one accident at my aunt's house either thank goodness. It's always nice seeing everyone. We had good eats, played some cards and just caught up on everyone's lives. We were exhausted when we got home and I headed to bed.
Apparently w/ all the excitement Godiva was exhausted, too b/c she actually slept through the whole night and didn't get up til 6 which was when I had planned on getting up anyway. I laid in bed til about 6:30 then headed to the kitchen to prepare "THE MEAL". I started getting the turkey ready and Eric helped me get it into the bag, but unfortunately it went through the other end so Eric had to make a run to the grocery store to get another bag. The turkey ended up being done by 11:00 and our dinner wasn't until 2:00 so it was a little cool by the time we ate, but o'well. Everthing else went pretty smoothly. Everyone enjoyed each other's company and the dogs were good, too. We cleaned up after everyone left and pretty much crashed.
("Oh, whatever" in valley girl voice)
I thought you might get a kick out of this tidbit. Saturday during our dinner w/ my & Eric's side my cell phone rang off the hook. Apparently (but not surprisingly) my mom got drunk and got into a huge fight with my sisters. A hole in the door and a phone call to the cops later, the girls are back at their dad's and everyone is calling me. I talked to my sister Ashlee first and she assumed they were not invited to my house Sunday anymore. I politely told her that if they can't get along then no one is coming to our house on Sunday. I didn't want to be in the middle of anything. I tried calling my mom to let her know the dinner for Sunday was cancelled, but no one answered, not even voicemail. Finally she called me back (drunk). Eric answered the phone and she called him Tim, that was from left field. More or less our converation went as follows
Me: We aren't having a dinner tomorrow now since no one can get along
Mom: "Oh, whatever" (in a drunken stupor) You've apparently already talked to the girls
Me: Yes and I didn't want to hear either side.
Mom: "Oh, whatever"
Me: (Ready to burst out laughing) "You know what, you are drunk and I'm done talking"
Mom: "Oh, whatever" CLICK.
I'm sure I've left out some stuff, but as you can see, that was the most important and highlight of the conversation. Oh and before I went to bed, she called again, but I didn't answer. I did however get this voicemail message:
"Erica, this is mom, when you talk to the girls tell them I said Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for nothing"
My reply: "Oh, whatever!"
Needless to say Sunday we didn't do much. I cut up the leftover turkey and made some lunches for this week. I made some cookies, which sorta flopped b/c I used I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" sticks instead of real butter/margarine. We went to Lowe's to get the pull chains for our ceiling fan and Target for a few odds and ends. I tried cooking Turkey A La King, but my sauce wouldn't thicken while Eric worked outside finishing up putting up the rest of the lights. We had dinner and watch "The Terminal". It was a pretty funny movie.
What a weekend. I'm glad that's over. I hope Christmas is better on my mom's side otherwise I'll see them after the first of the year! ha ha
Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving
Nothing too exciting happening with me these days, thus the lack of posts. I'm finally done with my old job and can concentrate fully on my new job come Monday. Thank goodness after the Turkey holiday. It's been a little hectic b/c I've been trying to do as much as I can to help my now old boss since she will be returning on Monday from being on medical leave the last 4 weeks. I think I did all I could. It was really a struggle this week to stay motivated knowing it was my last week, but I managed.
They informed me yesterday that come Monday they'd really start training me hard core, which is fine with me. I've been bored the last few weeks although I'm sure that will pick up, too.
On Turkey day I'm going to really get down and clean the house good. Eric will probably help some, but I will probably be a little on the anal side while cleaning. I hope to drink some Asti while I'm cleaning, too. We've decided to go to my mom's side's family thing on Friday for at least a few hours. I debated it for a while now and decided we should since we definitely won't be seeing them at Christmas this year. Saturday my dad's side and Eric's parents and sister will be at our house. I'm super excited about that. Unfortunately we forgot to put the monster turkey in the fridge to thaw, so right now its in the sink and may be there all of tomorrow, too. (I forgot last year, too until the last minute and froze my hands trying to get the inerds out!) We also bought a real turkey roasting pan today from BBB. Target had one in their add for $8 and of course they sold out so we've been checking back every day. Then yesterday we got an ad from BBB w/ a $5 coupon, so we headed there today. We found one for $19.99 minus the $5 coupon, plus a $10 rebate, so we got a nice roaster for a whopping $5.99. Woo hoo! Now I don't have to worry about my grandpa dumping turkey juices all over the cabinet and floor and his shoes with the flimpsy foil pans. Sunday my mom (and possibly new boyfriend) and my sisters are coming up for the afternoon. Mom's bringing the turkey and desserts, so that's a load off. I'm hoping to get to meet her new boyfriend I've heard so much about and they'll get to see us and our new puppy.
Speaking of the new puppy... Godiva was/is doing really well. She does really good then regresses a bit then does good again. The last few days she thinks when Eric is in the bathroom w/ the door closed that it means she should do #2 on the floor. She's been good about that with me except for 1 accident today, but I wasn't paying attention to her either so that was my fault. She still is mean and bites constantly, but is getting better. She pretty much only minds Eric right now, but I can't expect too much b/c I'm not home w/ her much. It saddens me a bit b/c even though it's "our" dog, she's sorta "my" dog and I don't really get to be with her, train her, bond w/ her, stuff like that. I guess I'll take what I can get. I wonder if that will happen when we have kids, too... That scares me a little.
Anyway, hope everyone has a safe and happy thanksgiving. I'll try to update over the weekend at some point.
They informed me yesterday that come Monday they'd really start training me hard core, which is fine with me. I've been bored the last few weeks although I'm sure that will pick up, too.
On Turkey day I'm going to really get down and clean the house good. Eric will probably help some, but I will probably be a little on the anal side while cleaning. I hope to drink some Asti while I'm cleaning, too. We've decided to go to my mom's side's family thing on Friday for at least a few hours. I debated it for a while now and decided we should since we definitely won't be seeing them at Christmas this year. Saturday my dad's side and Eric's parents and sister will be at our house. I'm super excited about that. Unfortunately we forgot to put the monster turkey in the fridge to thaw, so right now its in the sink and may be there all of tomorrow, too. (I forgot last year, too until the last minute and froze my hands trying to get the inerds out!) We also bought a real turkey roasting pan today from BBB. Target had one in their add for $8 and of course they sold out so we've been checking back every day. Then yesterday we got an ad from BBB w/ a $5 coupon, so we headed there today. We found one for $19.99 minus the $5 coupon, plus a $10 rebate, so we got a nice roaster for a whopping $5.99. Woo hoo! Now I don't have to worry about my grandpa dumping turkey juices all over the cabinet and floor and his shoes with the flimpsy foil pans. Sunday my mom (and possibly new boyfriend) and my sisters are coming up for the afternoon. Mom's bringing the turkey and desserts, so that's a load off. I'm hoping to get to meet her new boyfriend I've heard so much about and they'll get to see us and our new puppy.
Speaking of the new puppy... Godiva was/is doing really well. She does really good then regresses a bit then does good again. The last few days she thinks when Eric is in the bathroom w/ the door closed that it means she should do #2 on the floor. She's been good about that with me except for 1 accident today, but I wasn't paying attention to her either so that was my fault. She still is mean and bites constantly, but is getting better. She pretty much only minds Eric right now, but I can't expect too much b/c I'm not home w/ her much. It saddens me a bit b/c even though it's "our" dog, she's sorta "my" dog and I don't really get to be with her, train her, bond w/ her, stuff like that. I guess I'll take what I can get. I wonder if that will happen when we have kids, too... That scares me a little.
Anyway, hope everyone has a safe and happy thanksgiving. I'll try to update over the weekend at some point.
Monday, November 22, 2004
And the Holiday Blahs Begin.../Weekend Update
Friday was not a good day at all. In fact I won't go into any details, but we thought Eric might lose his job. Needless to say he made 2 trips to Indy and I have about 3 more fever blisters. He still has his job for now, but he is working on a new job/career. Let's just say Eric overheard something he shouldn't have (by accident) and wasn't thinking and told some others not realizing how big of deal it was. Those "other people" supposedly got really mad and threatened to quit, but haven't so far. Eric was told that if one person quits that they will fire him. We aren't sure if he is blowing smoke up Eric's ass or if they will hold true. All the people Eric work with are sick of the shit and have been looking for quite some time, too. Who knows, we'll see what happens. Anyway, after Eric picked me up from work we ran a few errands and had dinner at Bruno's (pizza). We headed home and hooked up the TiVo Eric won as an incentive. Eric had a promo that night so I went to bed and he went to the bar.
Saturday morning the alarm went off nice and early for Breakfast club. I spent a few more hours in bed, but didn't really get totally back to sleep. When I got up I cleaned the house, made a few phone calls, and started making pumpkin rolls. The dogs were being pretty good and it was a pretty nice morning. When Eric got home I showered and my Nanny & Papaw arrived around 2:30 to help Eric put up the ceiling fan/light up in the living room (the motor blew in our other one). He started on it before they got there while I was putting the filling in the pumpkin rolls. When they arrived it wasn't too much of a chore to finish the installation. After they got done, Eric took a shower, Papaw took a nap and Nanny & I sat and chatted in the kitchen. I had been marinating some chicken, but everyone decided that we'd just go out for dinner, so that we did. The PU/IU game had finished, but we knew traffic would be bad so we headed to Battleground to TC's. We almost didn't get a table b/c they were all reserved, but they gave us one. Dinner was yummy and cheap as usual and we headed home. Nanny & Papaw left when we got back and Eric & I had a lazy evening. I wasn't feel great and ended up falling asleep on the couch until late.
Sunday morning Godiva got up before 5 and Eric decided she was too wound up to go back in her cage so he let me sleep and took her to the living room. I got up around 8 and honestly was dreading the dinner we had to go to that evening so I spent the day being lazy. This bothered Eric some, but at the same time I've been so stressed out and really am starting to get somewhat depressed so I think he understood later what my problem was. He did some laundry and worked on putting some of the lights up outside. (Thanks honey!) It was just not a good day or me at all.
And so about the first holiday dinner...
We had a dinner Sunday evening w/ my stepmom's side. This usually goes ok, but I was really dreading it this year. I guess the biggest thing was being around pregnant sister K and all her glory. Yes, she's like 10 weeks pregnant and already in maternity clothes. Let me just say that she was not a small girl before so it is not the baby that is causing the need for maternity clothes... She spent most of the evening holding her "belly", which I'm sure was just so everyone had the constant reminder that "she was pregnant". This girl needs lots of attention and cannot stand it when anyone else gets it. For the most part Eric & I sat back and didn't say much and just observed. I guess I'm just not feeling close to the family every since we moved to Lafayette. Maybe that's what moving away does or maybe not. My grandparents have always been very good to me, but we just don't see them much and I'm sure it goes both ways, but whatever. I'm also sure its a case of the holiday blahs, too. I'm starting to feel depressed and as I said before, all of my emotions are intensified 300 times or something. Anyway we pretty much just ate and left for the most part. We had a nice talk on the way home though, so I think Eric understands more. After we got home we put some of the Christmas decorations up around the inside of the house and I went to bed around 9:30-ish.
Holidays are just not the best time for me.
We have a big weekend planned (sorta). Wednesday I get off work at 12:00 noon so essentially I only have 2 more days (Mon & Tues) of my old job. That will be some stress off my shoulders that's for sure. I hope to run down to C'ville maybe Wednesday or Friday to get my roots re-done. We will probably finish putting up the lights either Wednesday or Thursday depending on the weather. Call me crazy, but I'm ready for some snow! Friday we are supposed to go to my mom's side for a dinner, but we are pretty sure we are skipping it this year. I want to go, but at the same time we can only leave the puppy for about 4 hours and with driving an hour, visiting for 2 and driving back an hour I just don't feel up to it this year. I will probably spend Thursday and Friday cleaning and getting ready for Saturday when we have my dad's side and Eric's side at our house. I'm excited about all the cooking I get to do. I love cooking for things like this, just not the everyday stuff (ha ha) We already have the turkey and potatoes. I really don't have to make any other sides as I've divied them out to the guests. Sunday my mom, possibly new boyfriend, and sisters are coming up and we are having a small dinner w/ them. Again I won't have to do much since there will only be 5-6 people total and mom is bringing the turkey. I'll probably do mashed potatoes and a couple sides.
Good thing we've taken a break from trying. My lip is all messed up from the fever blisters I've had from stress, my emotions are on a roller coaster, and I've probably got an ulcer or something.
Ugh, the holiday season begins... I wish I could be more happy about it...
Saturday morning the alarm went off nice and early for Breakfast club. I spent a few more hours in bed, but didn't really get totally back to sleep. When I got up I cleaned the house, made a few phone calls, and started making pumpkin rolls. The dogs were being pretty good and it was a pretty nice morning. When Eric got home I showered and my Nanny & Papaw arrived around 2:30 to help Eric put up the ceiling fan/light up in the living room (the motor blew in our other one). He started on it before they got there while I was putting the filling in the pumpkin rolls. When they arrived it wasn't too much of a chore to finish the installation. After they got done, Eric took a shower, Papaw took a nap and Nanny & I sat and chatted in the kitchen. I had been marinating some chicken, but everyone decided that we'd just go out for dinner, so that we did. The PU/IU game had finished, but we knew traffic would be bad so we headed to Battleground to TC's. We almost didn't get a table b/c they were all reserved, but they gave us one. Dinner was yummy and cheap as usual and we headed home. Nanny & Papaw left when we got back and Eric & I had a lazy evening. I wasn't feel great and ended up falling asleep on the couch until late.
Sunday morning Godiva got up before 5 and Eric decided she was too wound up to go back in her cage so he let me sleep and took her to the living room. I got up around 8 and honestly was dreading the dinner we had to go to that evening so I spent the day being lazy. This bothered Eric some, but at the same time I've been so stressed out and really am starting to get somewhat depressed so I think he understood later what my problem was. He did some laundry and worked on putting some of the lights up outside. (Thanks honey!) It was just not a good day or me at all.
And so about the first holiday dinner...
We had a dinner Sunday evening w/ my stepmom's side. This usually goes ok, but I was really dreading it this year. I guess the biggest thing was being around pregnant sister K and all her glory. Yes, she's like 10 weeks pregnant and already in maternity clothes. Let me just say that she was not a small girl before so it is not the baby that is causing the need for maternity clothes... She spent most of the evening holding her "belly", which I'm sure was just so everyone had the constant reminder that "she was pregnant". This girl needs lots of attention and cannot stand it when anyone else gets it. For the most part Eric & I sat back and didn't say much and just observed. I guess I'm just not feeling close to the family every since we moved to Lafayette. Maybe that's what moving away does or maybe not. My grandparents have always been very good to me, but we just don't see them much and I'm sure it goes both ways, but whatever. I'm also sure its a case of the holiday blahs, too. I'm starting to feel depressed and as I said before, all of my emotions are intensified 300 times or something. Anyway we pretty much just ate and left for the most part. We had a nice talk on the way home though, so I think Eric understands more. After we got home we put some of the Christmas decorations up around the inside of the house and I went to bed around 9:30-ish.
Holidays are just not the best time for me.
We have a big weekend planned (sorta). Wednesday I get off work at 12:00 noon so essentially I only have 2 more days (Mon & Tues) of my old job. That will be some stress off my shoulders that's for sure. I hope to run down to C'ville maybe Wednesday or Friday to get my roots re-done. We will probably finish putting up the lights either Wednesday or Thursday depending on the weather. Call me crazy, but I'm ready for some snow! Friday we are supposed to go to my mom's side for a dinner, but we are pretty sure we are skipping it this year. I want to go, but at the same time we can only leave the puppy for about 4 hours and with driving an hour, visiting for 2 and driving back an hour I just don't feel up to it this year. I will probably spend Thursday and Friday cleaning and getting ready for Saturday when we have my dad's side and Eric's side at our house. I'm excited about all the cooking I get to do. I love cooking for things like this, just not the everyday stuff (ha ha) We already have the turkey and potatoes. I really don't have to make any other sides as I've divied them out to the guests. Sunday my mom, possibly new boyfriend, and sisters are coming up and we are having a small dinner w/ them. Again I won't have to do much since there will only be 5-6 people total and mom is bringing the turkey. I'll probably do mashed potatoes and a couple sides.
Good thing we've taken a break from trying. My lip is all messed up from the fever blisters I've had from stress, my emotions are on a roller coaster, and I've probably got an ulcer or something.
Ugh, the holiday season begins... I wish I could be more happy about it...
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Finally some sleep
We finally got a good night's sleep last night. (Me especially) My dad & Peg came over to visit last night so of course Godiva was on high while they were there. She even drew blood on Peg. Before they even left Godiva went and slept underneath the bed. She didn't even tell them goodbye! ha ha Anyway I went to bed shortly after 9 and Eric stayed up with her watching Monday night football. He said he fell asleep on the couch and she slept on the floor by him. Anyway, he came to bed sometime after midnight. We had moved her cage earlier in the evening right next to the bed and put a towel in there for her to sleep on, too. She went right to bed. She did wake up about 4-ish, but didn't wine much and laid back down and went to sleep. I feel so much better today after some good sleep!
I can definitely tell she's getting better. She isn't having as many accidents in the house for starters. We are super excited about that. She is simmering down a bit. It won't be long before she can jump up on the couch/chase! She's quite clumsy, so she hasn't figured it out yet even though I'm sure she actually can now.
I can definitely tell she's getting better. She isn't having as many accidents in the house for starters. We are super excited about that. She is simmering down a bit. It won't be long before she can jump up on the couch/chase! She's quite clumsy, so she hasn't figured it out yet even though I'm sure she actually can now.
Monday, November 15, 2004
I forgot to mention
that AF did arrive on Sunday. I knew she would and really it didn't bother me too much. We are definitely taking a few months off now. I mean really taking some time off, not just saying it. Holidays are always stressful for me and we have so much going on during the holidays and on top of that the new puppy. We also want to work really hard getting some of our debt down. It is so important to both of us and frustrating, too. We just feel a little out of control right now. We have been doing good the last few months and we will get better I know. It just takes time to get things paid off. Unfortunately it won't happen over night. Darn!
The weekend was pretty good overall. Friday night Eric had a promotion and I ended up going to bed early as I had a headache (lack of sleep I'm sure). The dog woke us up at 4:45 and we tried sleeping til 6 with not much luck. Eric had to get up a 6 b/c he had breakfast club so I got up, too. Godiva was wired so I really couldn't go back to sleep. I lounged on the couch for a bit and finally got up and took a shower aroun 9. It took me longer to get ready of course b/c of the doggie. Jamie, Sherrie, & Tom were at our house shortly after 10:30 to pick me up. We left by 11 and headed to Merrillville for some major shopping. We stopped at Hooters first for lunch and then headed to the mall. We had a blast and Tom & Sherrie got a lot of christmas shopping done. We were beat by the end of the day and headed back home. Jamie stayed the night at my house. I went to bed about 10 and she and Eric stayed up and watched a show til about 11. We ended up just putting Godiva in bed with us in the wee hours of the morning and it was so-so sleeping with her. She licked Eric's head a bunch and chewed on my hair a bit. We did sleep in a bit more (8). When we got up Eric went and got us breakfast at BK and we just hung out for a bit. We left around 10:30. On our way out Matt called so Jamie was excited, too b/c I put him on speaker phone and we both got to talk to him. He was on his 36 hour pass and they stayed at a hotel the night before. He was pretty excited b/c he got to sign his ranger papers on Friday. I think its more b/c he actually feels like he has a "Place" now. Our first stop was PetSmart b/c Godiva broke her nice ceramic bowl. We also got her some puppy shampoo and some more food and a few other things. On the way to take Jamie home we had a really good talk. I'd never really had an "in-depth" conversation with her so it was very interesting. I'm not going to write much about it here, but I'd be glad to tell you what I learned in e-mail or something. Anyway, I took her home then made a quick stop at my dad & Peg's to say hi. Then headed back home. When I got home I cleaned the house, talked on the phone some, made my list of stuff for T-day since one of them is at our house this year, and then made dinner. Oh, we also gave Godiva a bath. She surprising was really good and didn't mind it at all. Of course after she got and we tried drying her off she got wired again and ran everywhere. She spent most of the evening napping on the couch then. We went to bed shortly after 9 and had another bad night w/ the pooch. Not sure what we are going to do with her yet. She just does not like being in her cage at night when we and the other dogs are right there. Godiva is really taking a toll on our sleeping right now. I hope that lets up soon.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
Job Update
So I started my new job this week. So far it's going well. I seem to be moving right along and learning some new things. I took my first box of stuff from my old office today and loaded up another one this afternoon. I also have started organizing some stuff there and of course cleaning. Damn, I don't think they ever dusted over there. I spent most of this morning cleaning up and such. So far the people in the office have been great, too. I had an uneasy feeling about the other lady the first day, but she seems fine now. We showed off our pictures today since I brought mine over!
My old job isn't too stressful yet. I'm trying to get some stuff done for my boss before I leave although this afternoon I don't feel like doing much so I repotted one of my plants and obviously am updating my blog, too. ha ha ha I'm trying to have a less stressful afternoon these days, too. I have busy mornings in my new job and busy evenings with the puppy. Gotta have some "me" time in there somewhere.
This week has been a little on the stressful side with starting the new job and the new puppy. AF is supposed to arrive Saturday, too. So far I have 3 fever blisters and the normal teenage pre-AF breakouts. Really I'll just be glad when this week is over. I'm ready to start a new week.
My old job isn't too stressful yet. I'm trying to get some stuff done for my boss before I leave although this afternoon I don't feel like doing much so I repotted one of my plants and obviously am updating my blog, too. ha ha ha I'm trying to have a less stressful afternoon these days, too. I have busy mornings in my new job and busy evenings with the puppy. Gotta have some "me" time in there somewhere.
This week has been a little on the stressful side with starting the new job and the new puppy. AF is supposed to arrive Saturday, too. So far I have 3 fever blisters and the normal teenage pre-AF breakouts. Really I'll just be glad when this week is over. I'm ready to start a new week.
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Tips on Owning a Puppy
As I may have mentioned before, I have never owned a puppy before so I have already learned a few things about owning/raising a puppy.
1) You cannot have trees in your yard. Those falling leaves are considered toys.
2) Mulch is considered sticks for puppies
3) You must have metal everything in your house b/c they will chew on everything.
4) You must wear padded bras b/c they will bite anything!
5) Along w/ that wear ultra thick clothing.
6) "No" really means go ahead and do it anyway.
7) There is no "Just sitting on the couch watching TV" in the evenings anymore.
8) MOST IMPORTANT (at least in my house) Make sure you have a husband who has raised puppies before!
1) You cannot have trees in your yard. Those falling leaves are considered toys.
2) Mulch is considered sticks for puppies
3) You must have metal everything in your house b/c they will chew on everything.
4) You must wear padded bras b/c they will bite anything!
5) Along w/ that wear ultra thick clothing.
6) "No" really means go ahead and do it anyway.
7) There is no "Just sitting on the couch watching TV" in the evenings anymore.
8) MOST IMPORTANT (at least in my house) Make sure you have a husband who has raised puppies before!
Monday, November 08, 2004
As promised
Here are some pics of our sweet little chocolate Godiva...

Doesn't that just make you melt?

Doesn't that just make you melt?
Weekend in OH
Friday afternoon I got off work at noon. I had only had a mocha that morning so I was coming down off my caffeine high and STARVING. When we got home I finished packing and Eric went to grab lunch. I also took some pics of Godiva to show the girls this weekend. (I'll try to post some this week) Anyway, I left our house at 1:00 to head to OH. The drive over was pretty uneventful. It was a long 4 hours with little sleep from the night before. I spent a lot of time on the phone to keep myself awake. I got to Samara's at 4:50 and she wasn't home yet, but she arrived shortly there after. After the tour we headed to town to grab dinner (breakfast style) at Bob Evans and do some shopping for stuff for the shower. We also stopped by her husband's parents house to pick up the cake, which was absolutely adorable. Jennifer picked up Danialle at the airport and they got to Samara's just a few minutes after we did. I think we were all exhausted, but we stayed up until about midnight before retiring to bed.
Saturday morning we all slept in a little later than anticipated, but everything worked out fine. We took turns getting ready and preparing food. Guests started arriving at 12:00 and we ate shortly there after. We played a few games and had a blast. I think Jennifer got some really great gifts and everyone had a great time. After the shower and cleaning up everything, we headed to Jennifer's to see the nursery and drop all her gifts off. Then we headed to this mexican place for dinner. It was very good except as usual it didn't sit well with me, so as soon as we got to Babies R' Us I headed to the "back of the store". Then we shopped around and helped Jennifer pick out things she still needed for Grace's arrival. When we got back to Jennifer's house we got in our pajamas and started helping her put together her stroller/carseat combo. That's going to be a sweet ride for Grace! We played a game of Phase 10, which I ended up winning after being down 4 phases. Then we headed to bed.
We got up early Sunday morning as Danialle had to be at the airport by 7:30. I headed back home and made it home in just over 3 hours. (Yes, I drove fast) I even made a breakfast stop and a gas stop. When I got home Eric needed some alone time from the doggies, so I spent the afternoon running around chasing the dogs and playing with them. Godiva and I even had a nap together. Later last evening my nanny and papaw stopped by to bring me my pants she hemmed and of course to see Godiva. We spent the evening just relaxing (and chasing the puppy). I guess that isn't real relaxing, but it was still fun.
Overall it was a good weekend. I got to see my girls. Next time I see Jennifer I'll be seeing Grace, too. Yay!
Saturday morning we all slept in a little later than anticipated, but everything worked out fine. We took turns getting ready and preparing food. Guests started arriving at 12:00 and we ate shortly there after. We played a few games and had a blast. I think Jennifer got some really great gifts and everyone had a great time. After the shower and cleaning up everything, we headed to Jennifer's to see the nursery and drop all her gifts off. Then we headed to this mexican place for dinner. It was very good except as usual it didn't sit well with me, so as soon as we got to Babies R' Us I headed to the "back of the store". Then we shopped around and helped Jennifer pick out things she still needed for Grace's arrival. When we got back to Jennifer's house we got in our pajamas and started helping her put together her stroller/carseat combo. That's going to be a sweet ride for Grace! We played a game of Phase 10, which I ended up winning after being down 4 phases. Then we headed to bed.
We got up early Sunday morning as Danialle had to be at the airport by 7:30. I headed back home and made it home in just over 3 hours. (Yes, I drove fast) I even made a breakfast stop and a gas stop. When I got home Eric needed some alone time from the doggies, so I spent the afternoon running around chasing the dogs and playing with them. Godiva and I even had a nap together. Later last evening my nanny and papaw stopped by to bring me my pants she hemmed and of course to see Godiva. We spent the evening just relaxing (and chasing the puppy). I guess that isn't real relaxing, but it was still fun.
Overall it was a good weekend. I got to see my girls. Next time I see Jennifer I'll be seeing Grace, too. Yay!
O What a Night
I tried posting this on my blog, but blogger is having problems this morning, so I thought I'd just send it out in an e-mail for the time being. Little laugh to start your day.
Yesterday right before lunch, Patty from the Lab Rescue called and said she had another lady coming to get a Lab either Friday or Saturday and wanted to know if we minded if she sent the pup with her so we wouldn't have to make the long drive. Eric said sure. I was sad b/c of course he'd get to see her and play with her before I would and we were supposed to get her together. Plus my in-laws are coming over on Saturday so even they would see her before I would. I got over it though and went about my day. We decided since we weren't sure when we were getting her on Friday or Saturday we had better get her some stuff, so we headed to Pet Smart after work. We got her a cage, puppy food, 2 bowls, collar, leash and 1 toy. We also got this bitter spray in case she is a chewer. Eric tried to call Patty and find out what they were feeding her now, but she didn't answer, so we went ahead and bought Science diet, which is what our dogs eat now. So when we got home we set the cage up and did some rearranging and I packed. We then set down at 8:00 to watch Survivor.
At about 8:15 we get a call....
It's the lady who was coming to Lafayette and she had the pup. All I heard was "Sure we can get it tonight". I jumped up and put clothes on and Eric kept motioning me to sit down or something. I couldn't figure it out. Then I heard, "Okay, so about 10:30". Yikes!!! Anyone who knows me knows I go to bed between 9-10 every night. So that was it. I had to wait almost 2 hours before we could head over to pick up our new puppy.
I tried watching the rest of survivor, but of course couldn't. I called Peg (my step-mom) and talked to her for a while, then I called my Nanny.
She told me she had my pants hemmed for me and they thought they would come up last night, but decided against it. I told her that was ok, that they could just come up next week and see our new puppy anyway. They of course couldn't believe we were getting another dog, especially another big one. I talked to her for a bit then let her go. By this time it was 9:45. I put my shoes on and waited, waited, waited, waited. That was a long 20 minutes let me tell ya!
So we left shortly after 10 and headed to the house we were going to pick her up at. We got there about 10:20 and they weren't back yet, so we drove around the big block and ended up pulling in right behind them.
She was just as cute as I could have ever imagined. I really think she has part frog in her b/c she just kept hopping everywhere. It was so funny. We signed our adoption papers and paid and chatted with the people a little then headed home. Unfortunately Patty had been gone most of the day and didn't get a chance to bathe her before the other picked her up so she was a bit stinking, but that was ok. I made the mistake of letting Eric drive home and I tried to hold her the whole way home. She was all over the place. The bad thing was we had already packed up the car for the trip to Ohio, so we couldn't even let her run around. Oh, we named her Godiva. Yes, like Godiva chocolates.
FINALLY we got home and introduced her to our other dogs. Of course it's going to take a while for them to warm up to her. Our other part lab is scared to death of her and runs from her. Our Shepard, Husky, wolf mix is scared of her, too, but of course Godiva just jumps around and runs after them, so I can't blame them.
We didn't have a very good night last night of course. I tried to go to bed by midnight. We tried just putting her in her cage (she is somewhat cage broken), just knowing the other dogs were out, she was p*ssed.
Finally Eric took her out and he ended up sleeping with her in the dogs room, while the big dogs slept with me. Neither one of us slept well, Eric I'm sure less than me. I tossed and turned all night and finally got about shortly after 5 and got ready. Eric came in about 6:30 and we spent about 45 minutes just playing with the pup and dogs and stuff. So far she's good about pottying outside. She had some split second tinkle accidents last night. This morning after I was at work, Eric let the big dogs out to go #2 and he kept telling them to poop. Well, he turned around just in time to see Godiva squat and start to poop in the living room, too. She had just went about 30 minutes before, too. He will have an interesting weekend with all the dogs I'm sure.
This is going to be sorta scary for me, too b/c I've never had a pup to raise. I'll try to post pics either Sunday or early next week. She'll make you melt, that's for sure!
Editor's Note: This was supposed to be published Friday, but I couldn't get into blogger for whatever reason
Yesterday right before lunch, Patty from the Lab Rescue called and said she had another lady coming to get a Lab either Friday or Saturday and wanted to know if we minded if she sent the pup with her so we wouldn't have to make the long drive. Eric said sure. I was sad b/c of course he'd get to see her and play with her before I would and we were supposed to get her together. Plus my in-laws are coming over on Saturday so even they would see her before I would. I got over it though and went about my day. We decided since we weren't sure when we were getting her on Friday or Saturday we had better get her some stuff, so we headed to Pet Smart after work. We got her a cage, puppy food, 2 bowls, collar, leash and 1 toy. We also got this bitter spray in case she is a chewer. Eric tried to call Patty and find out what they were feeding her now, but she didn't answer, so we went ahead and bought Science diet, which is what our dogs eat now. So when we got home we set the cage up and did some rearranging and I packed. We then set down at 8:00 to watch Survivor.
At about 8:15 we get a call....
It's the lady who was coming to Lafayette and she had the pup. All I heard was "Sure we can get it tonight". I jumped up and put clothes on and Eric kept motioning me to sit down or something. I couldn't figure it out. Then I heard, "Okay, so about 10:30". Yikes!!! Anyone who knows me knows I go to bed between 9-10 every night. So that was it. I had to wait almost 2 hours before we could head over to pick up our new puppy.
I tried watching the rest of survivor, but of course couldn't. I called Peg (my step-mom) and talked to her for a while, then I called my Nanny.
She told me she had my pants hemmed for me and they thought they would come up last night, but decided against it. I told her that was ok, that they could just come up next week and see our new puppy anyway. They of course couldn't believe we were getting another dog, especially another big one. I talked to her for a bit then let her go. By this time it was 9:45. I put my shoes on and waited, waited, waited, waited. That was a long 20 minutes let me tell ya!
So we left shortly after 10 and headed to the house we were going to pick her up at. We got there about 10:20 and they weren't back yet, so we drove around the big block and ended up pulling in right behind them.
She was just as cute as I could have ever imagined. I really think she has part frog in her b/c she just kept hopping everywhere. It was so funny. We signed our adoption papers and paid and chatted with the people a little then headed home. Unfortunately Patty had been gone most of the day and didn't get a chance to bathe her before the other picked her up so she was a bit stinking, but that was ok. I made the mistake of letting Eric drive home and I tried to hold her the whole way home. She was all over the place. The bad thing was we had already packed up the car for the trip to Ohio, so we couldn't even let her run around. Oh, we named her Godiva. Yes, like Godiva chocolates.
FINALLY we got home and introduced her to our other dogs. Of course it's going to take a while for them to warm up to her. Our other part lab is scared to death of her and runs from her. Our Shepard, Husky, wolf mix is scared of her, too, but of course Godiva just jumps around and runs after them, so I can't blame them.
We didn't have a very good night last night of course. I tried to go to bed by midnight. We tried just putting her in her cage (she is somewhat cage broken), just knowing the other dogs were out, she was p*ssed.
Finally Eric took her out and he ended up sleeping with her in the dogs room, while the big dogs slept with me. Neither one of us slept well, Eric I'm sure less than me. I tossed and turned all night and finally got about shortly after 5 and got ready. Eric came in about 6:30 and we spent about 45 minutes just playing with the pup and dogs and stuff. So far she's good about pottying outside. She had some split second tinkle accidents last night. This morning after I was at work, Eric let the big dogs out to go #2 and he kept telling them to poop. Well, he turned around just in time to see Godiva squat and start to poop in the living room, too. She had just went about 30 minutes before, too. He will have an interesting weekend with all the dogs I'm sure.
This is going to be sorta scary for me, too b/c I've never had a pup to raise. I'll try to post pics either Sunday or early next week. She'll make you melt, that's for sure!
Editor's Note: This was supposed to be published Friday, but I couldn't get into blogger for whatever reason
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
New Addition to the Family
This little Chocolate Lab Sweetie is going to be ours on Sunday. Yay! Don't those eyes just make you melt? aaaawwww.....

I felt like a teenager last night. I spent most of the evening on the phone. It was a good evening though.
First I had a voicemail to call my mom. She said it was important, but it wasn't like paniced or anything so that was good. I called her back and ended up just leaving her a voicemail. She called a little while later and told me that she got a letter from the army (I think) that told her a link to go to and she could possibly see pics of Matt and those in his company. We checked out this link, but goodness is it every hard to pick up anyone with everyone having shaved heads. They all look the same. I'm going to try to go through the pics today in and maybe with the help of Kitten (hint) we can find my brother.
After that I got a call from Peg (my stepmom/K's mom). She has been nervous about calling me all week and frankly I hadn't called her either, but she finally broke and called me. It was a good conversation. She told me that she understood I probably had some hard feelings and was hurt and all that. She even said that K was scared to tell me, too, which is probably true. I told her I was pissed at first, but felt much better after I found out that she conceived on their own, which was a miracle. I am happy for them even though it does hurt deep down. Of course she gave me all the shit about relax, stop trying, etc, etc, etc. K went to the doctor yesterday and basically they told her to go to the Women's Clinic here, which she had already planned on. It's only about a 30-45 min. drive so that's not too bad. They told her that she is very high risk and that she was definitely not out of the woods yet. She's 7 weeks and her due date is June 23. Not sure when she is going back since she's finding a doctor up here. We talked about some other stuff then and that was about it.
I then called my mom back and talked to her for a LONG time. It was a great talk! I felt so much better after I talked to her. I started telling her about Kisha, but couldn't tell her everything b/c she does not know we are even trying. I ended up telling her and threatening her NOT to tell anyone. I imagine she might tell at least my grandma, but I doubt anyone else. I told her we had been trying for quite some time now and told her since she knew now, she can stop asking us, that we will tell her when we get pregnant. We had quite a few laughs and talked about all kinds of stuff and I was so happy when I got off the phone with her. I'm a bit sad b/c my brother gets his 36 hour pass this weekend and I imagine he will try to call me. I told mom to tell him to call my cell phone but explain to him where I'm at and what I'm doing so he wouldn't get discouraged if he tried calling me.
Finally I talked to my Nanny until bedtime. We talked about the election and K's news, too. Nothing too exciting.
Side note: I thought I was going to the shower this weekend with black eyes and a broken nose. I was playing around with Kodi (our dog) and we collided noses and I heard a "pop". I thought for sure I'd broken it. Eric swears that my nose is crooked, but it already was a little b/c I was in a car accident when I was younger. Anyway, I was bawling and my nose is still sore today, but no black eyes, so that's good! Only 2 more days til J's shower!
First I had a voicemail to call my mom. She said it was important, but it wasn't like paniced or anything so that was good. I called her back and ended up just leaving her a voicemail. She called a little while later and told me that she got a letter from the army (I think) that told her a link to go to and she could possibly see pics of Matt and those in his company. We checked out this link, but goodness is it every hard to pick up anyone with everyone having shaved heads. They all look the same. I'm going to try to go through the pics today in and maybe with the help of Kitten (hint) we can find my brother.
After that I got a call from Peg (my stepmom/K's mom). She has been nervous about calling me all week and frankly I hadn't called her either, but she finally broke and called me. It was a good conversation. She told me that she understood I probably had some hard feelings and was hurt and all that. She even said that K was scared to tell me, too, which is probably true. I told her I was pissed at first, but felt much better after I found out that she conceived on their own, which was a miracle. I am happy for them even though it does hurt deep down. Of course she gave me all the shit about relax, stop trying, etc, etc, etc. K went to the doctor yesterday and basically they told her to go to the Women's Clinic here, which she had already planned on. It's only about a 30-45 min. drive so that's not too bad. They told her that she is very high risk and that she was definitely not out of the woods yet. She's 7 weeks and her due date is June 23. Not sure when she is going back since she's finding a doctor up here. We talked about some other stuff then and that was about it.
I then called my mom back and talked to her for a LONG time. It was a great talk! I felt so much better after I talked to her. I started telling her about Kisha, but couldn't tell her everything b/c she does not know we are even trying. I ended up telling her and threatening her NOT to tell anyone. I imagine she might tell at least my grandma, but I doubt anyone else. I told her we had been trying for quite some time now and told her since she knew now, she can stop asking us, that we will tell her when we get pregnant. We had quite a few laughs and talked about all kinds of stuff and I was so happy when I got off the phone with her. I'm a bit sad b/c my brother gets his 36 hour pass this weekend and I imagine he will try to call me. I told mom to tell him to call my cell phone but explain to him where I'm at and what I'm doing so he wouldn't get discouraged if he tried calling me.
Finally I talked to my Nanny until bedtime. We talked about the election and K's news, too. Nothing too exciting.
Side note: I thought I was going to the shower this weekend with black eyes and a broken nose. I was playing around with Kodi (our dog) and we collided noses and I heard a "pop". I thought for sure I'd broken it. Eric swears that my nose is crooked, but it already was a little b/c I was in a car accident when I was younger. Anyway, I was bawling and my nose is still sore today, but no black eyes, so that's good! Only 2 more days til J's shower!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Monthly Fertility Update
My temp hit 98.1 this morning, so I feel like that is a sign that I have ovulated this month. I plan on taking it a few more days just to be sure. The question is, however, WHEN?
Option 1 - Temperature Indication
I ovulated either Sunday or Monday
Option 2 - Fern Indication
I ovulated last week sometime. I had total ferns last Wednesday and partials Tuesday and Thursday-Monday. Last night before bed I had no ferns what-so-ever and I haven't checked today yet.
Analysis - Craziness
I ovulated sometime between last Tuesday and yesterday (Monday). So, who the hell knows?! ha ha ha This month is just totally whacked!
I'm not holding much hope out for this month. We did use PS Mon, Wed, Sat so I feel pretty good about that. We haven't got another BD in since Saturday b/c Eric has been really down in the back. I marked on my calendar to expect AF around Nov 13, which is CD 30. So we'll see.
Option 1 - Temperature Indication
I ovulated either Sunday or Monday
Option 2 - Fern Indication
I ovulated last week sometime. I had total ferns last Wednesday and partials Tuesday and Thursday-Monday. Last night before bed I had no ferns what-so-ever and I haven't checked today yet.
Analysis - Craziness
I ovulated sometime between last Tuesday and yesterday (Monday). So, who the hell knows?! ha ha ha This month is just totally whacked!
I'm not holding much hope out for this month. We did use PS Mon, Wed, Sat so I feel pretty good about that. We haven't got another BD in since Saturday b/c Eric has been really down in the back. I marked on my calendar to expect AF around Nov 13, which is CD 30. So we'll see.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Weekend Update
Saturday night we went to my cousin's (J&R) Halloween party. We had to leave by 9:00 b/c Eric had a promotion at one of the bars, but we did spend a few hours there and it was fun. We really didn't know anyone, so that was not as good, but most of the people our age didn't show up until about the time we got ready to leave. We headed home and I watched a little TV and Eric got ready to go out. I stayed up for a little bit after he left, but fell asleep on the couch, too, so I got up and went to bed.
Yesterday we slept in a little (Eric a lot) then lounged around the house most of the day. Eric's back was really bothering him for some reason, so we just watched the Colts lose and alternated laying on the couch. I got into a homemaker mood and started baking stuff. I made Blueberry Muffins, which we both are sorta scared to eat b/c they are low-carb and look different than the ones I normally make. I also made some M&M cookies, which are good. Then last night, of course was Halloween. We already decorated a few weeks ago, but Eric bought a fog machine this week, so he set it up in the witchs pot we already had. It looked pretty neat. We had several trick-or-treaters again this year and even got a little worried that we might run out of candy, but we didn't thank goodness. We also found out that our neighbor that we really don't like is moving back in "for the time being". Ugh.
Overall not the best weekend, but it could have been worse I guess...
Yesterday we slept in a little (Eric a lot) then lounged around the house most of the day. Eric's back was really bothering him for some reason, so we just watched the Colts lose and alternated laying on the couch. I got into a homemaker mood and started baking stuff. I made Blueberry Muffins, which we both are sorta scared to eat b/c they are low-carb and look different than the ones I normally make. I also made some M&M cookies, which are good. Then last night, of course was Halloween. We already decorated a few weeks ago, but Eric bought a fog machine this week, so he set it up in the witchs pot we already had. It looked pretty neat. We had several trick-or-treaters again this year and even got a little worried that we might run out of candy, but we didn't thank goodness. We also found out that our neighbor that we really don't like is moving back in "for the time being". Ugh.
Overall not the best weekend, but it could have been worse I guess...
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