Thursday, March 31, 2005
My Mom
If you've been reading this blog for any amount of time or know me in person you know that I have not had the best relationship w/ my mom. We've had some REALLY hard times. There was even a few years I barely talked to her at family get-togethers. Recently they seem to be getting much better. We, of course, went to Chicago in mid-March and spent the entire day together. We didn't fight once and really enjoyed each other's company. I was a little worried about going w/ her at first b/c I figured I might end up leaving her in Chicago, but that was just not the case. Surprisingly she even paid a good portion of my haircut! This is the same lady who didn't give Christmas presents for a few years! So we've decided to get together more often. Wow! I'm still a little taken back and guarded, but I'm letting my guard down more all the time. She has finally figured out how to use her computer after a year of collecting dust and is figuring out the whole IM stuff. We talk almost daily now and even talk on the phone sometimes on the weekend. This really makes me happy and I just hope it stays this way and our relationship keeps getting stronger.
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Spring is Here!
Officially in my book that is. And when I mean officially I mean I can go outside w/out tons of layers and work in my yard and landscape. I got to do this last night and it made me feel G-R-E-A-T! I cut back some old foilage and checked every plant to make sure it was starting to show its face to me. Everything seems to have made it through the winter, not that it was overly hard. The only thing I really worried about is the Magnolia tree & Lilac Bush we planted last year. I've seen little buds on my magnolia tree for weeks now, but didn't see anything on the lilac bush until yesterday. Looks like they are both going to be in full bloom this year! Woohoo! I'm anxious to take a little trip down down to my dad's house and get some start off Peg's landscaping. I even called her last night and told her to get some honeysuckle starts going for me. See I have this deal w/ my husband. I really wanted an arch for my walkway around the side of the house. I didn't want to spend much money either since the honeysuckle will just cover it and you won't even be able to see the actual arch itself. I bought this ChEAP ($10) arch from Michael's and he hates it, but I assured him it will be full of honeysuckle vines in no time. When I checked last night, my starts from last year were already going, so with a few more from Peg, I should be set to watch it grow this summer!
I'm ready to start working on my fish pond, too. It needs some major cleaning and stuff. I have irises already starting in one of my pots in the pond. I want to see how big my fish have grown since last fall! And find out if I have any new additions! Should be able to start that in a couple weeks. I hope to have it up and running and cleaned out by Mid-April in time for the next GWO that I host! Keep your fingers crossed for warm weather!
For a little viewing pleasure I thought I'd post some pics from last night!
This is me w/ the doggies. They just don't all cooperate at once for a good pic.

This is all three doggies near each other.

Krissy & Godiva relax after a romp around the yard.

And finally... Who could resist this sweet piece of chocolate???
I'm ready to start working on my fish pond, too. It needs some major cleaning and stuff. I have irises already starting in one of my pots in the pond. I want to see how big my fish have grown since last fall! And find out if I have any new additions! Should be able to start that in a couple weeks. I hope to have it up and running and cleaned out by Mid-April in time for the next GWO that I host! Keep your fingers crossed for warm weather!
For a little viewing pleasure I thought I'd post some pics from last night!
This is me w/ the doggies. They just don't all cooperate at once for a good pic.

This is all three doggies near each other.

Krissy & Godiva relax after a romp around the yard.

And finally... Who could resist this sweet piece of chocolate???

Monday, March 28, 2005
Mr. T
Mr. T is an avid reader at least of my blog and probably a few others, too, so I decided to make him an admin also so he may make guest appearances from time to time. Maybe he can give us some thoughts on what it's like on the "other" side of the fence w/ all this TTC frustration... **hint, hint**
Of course I may need to give him a little course on how to post, but then again he's pretty smart and probably will be able to figure it out himself.
Also since I have more than just me as a contributor to this blog now, it messed up my whole sidebar and I no longer have a profile. So I added the link "Our Story" if you are interested in knowing a little of our background. Darn blogger. I'm still working on some things. I hope to put up a new pic of us in the sidebar, too, but can't do that until Mr T.'s black eye goes away.
Of course I may need to give him a little course on how to post, but then again he's pretty smart and probably will be able to figure it out himself.
Also since I have more than just me as a contributor to this blog now, it messed up my whole sidebar and I no longer have a profile. So I added the link "Our Story" if you are interested in knowing a little of our background. Darn blogger. I'm still working on some things. I hope to put up a new pic of us in the sidebar, too, but can't do that until Mr T.'s black eye goes away.
Easter Weekend Update
We had a pretty nice Easter weekend over all. Friday night we did some spring cleaning and skipped the gym. I think I finally sat down around 9:30 and decided I wasn't even going to just go to bed b/c I was exhausted and if I actually sat down on the couch I was just going to pass out anyway. Saturday we got up bright and early and headed to C'ville for an Easter breakfast w/ my stepmom's side. It was ok, except my aunt's husband's side was there, too and we really didn't know any of them. On the way home I called my mom who was supposed to come up for dinner later that night, but she had the stomach flu, so we decided it was a bad idea and postponed it for another weekend. We did some more spring cleaning Saturday when we got home and then relaxed the rest of the evening. Sunday we got up and just as we were getting ready to go to the gym realized Carter (our guinea pig) had passed. We knew he was getting bad and only had a few days left. Apparently he decided Easter was the day to go. Poor guy. He was 2 1/2 years old and some might not think that is that old, but he was pretty obese, too, so I'm sure that played a part in it, too. After his proper burial we headed to the gym for a workout. After the gym we went home and got ready then headed to Mt. Fuji (Japanese) for lunch. It was great as always! After lunch we went home & I took a nap. That evening we decided to drive around in the country & look at some different homes. We eventually want to move in just a couple years max. and these weren't houses that we would be buying in the near future, but they were awesome to look at & dream about. hee hee Saturday evening we lounged around and watched some TV.
I thought I was getting sick b/c I had a few days of nausea, but it seems to have subsided, so I hope my body has fought it off. Sunday morning I was getting ready for lunch and was having a BAD hair day. I was ready to cut my hair off! Ugh! I don't know what the problem was, but today it's better. I just think PMS is setting in. Maybe worse since I didn't really have it last month. We seems to be out of that "peak" time window now since I'm supposed to start next week. We didn't try very hard this month. Some days we had too much going on and some days we/I was just not in the mood. TTC really puts a damper on the mood. Ugh! We've got to get busy this month since Eric would be gone the month of May if he gets this job he's interviewing for and then June is my Lap... Wow! That's frighteningly close...
I thought I was getting sick b/c I had a few days of nausea, but it seems to have subsided, so I hope my body has fought it off. Sunday morning I was getting ready for lunch and was having a BAD hair day. I was ready to cut my hair off! Ugh! I don't know what the problem was, but today it's better. I just think PMS is setting in. Maybe worse since I didn't really have it last month. We seems to be out of that "peak" time window now since I'm supposed to start next week. We didn't try very hard this month. Some days we had too much going on and some days we/I was just not in the mood. TTC really puts a damper on the mood. Ugh! We've got to get busy this month since Eric would be gone the month of May if he gets this job he's interviewing for and then June is my Lap... Wow! That's frighteningly close...
Easter Weekend
We had a pretty nice Easter weekend over all. Friday night we did some spring cleaning and skipped the gym. I think I finally sat down around 9:30 and decided I wasn't even going to just go to bed b/c I was exhausted and if I actually sat down on the couch I was just going to pass out anyway. Saturday we got up bright and early and headed to C'ville for an Easter breakfast w/ my stepmom's side. It was ok, except my aunt's husband's side was there, too and we really didn't know any of them. On the way home I called my mom who was supposed to come up for dinner later that night, but she had the stomach flu, so we decided it was a bad idea and postponed it for another weekend. We did some more spring cleaning Saturday when we got home and then relaxed the rest of the evening. Sunday we got up and just as we were getting ready to go to the gym realized Carter (our guinea pig) had passed. We knew he was getting bad and only had a few days left. Apparently he decided Easter was the day to go. Poor guy. He was 2 1/2 years old and some might not think that is that old, but he was pretty obese, too, so I'm sure that played a part in it, too. After his proper burial we headed to the gym for a workout. After the gym we went home and got ready then headed to Mt. Fuji (Japanese) for lunch. It was great as always! After lunch we went home & I took a nap. That evening we decided to drive around in the country & look at some different homes. We eventually want to move in just a couple years max. and these weren't houses that we would be buying in the near future, but they were awesome to look at & dream about. hee hee Saturday evening we lounged around and watched some TV.
I thought I was getting sick b/c I had a few days of nausea, but it seems to have subsided, so I hope my body has fought it off. Sunday morning I was getting ready for lunch and was having a BAD hair day. I was ready to cut my hair off! Ugh! I don't know what the problem was, but today it's better. I just think PMS is setting in. Maybe worse since I didn't really have it last month. We seems to be out of that "peak" time window now since I'm supposed to start next week. We didn't try very hard this month. Some days we had too much going on and some days we/I was just not in the mood. TTC really puts a damper on the mood. Ugh! We've got to get busy this month since Eric would be gone the month of May if he gets this job he's interviewing for and then June is my Lap... Wow! That's frighteningly close...
I thought I was getting sick b/c I had a few days of nausea, but it seems to have subsided, so I hope my body has fought it off. Sunday morning I was getting ready for lunch and was having a BAD hair day. I was ready to cut my hair off! Ugh! I don't know what the problem was, but today it's better. I just think PMS is setting in. Maybe worse since I didn't really have it last month. We seems to be out of that "peak" time window now since I'm supposed to start next week. We didn't try very hard this month. Some days we had too much going on and some days we/I was just not in the mood. TTC really puts a damper on the mood. Ugh! We've got to get busy this month since Eric would be gone the month of May if he gets this job he's interviewing for and then June is my Lap... Wow! That's frighteningly close...
Friday, March 25, 2005
2nd Interview
Mr. T finally got a call yesterday for his 2nd interview the a Rx company. Poor guy was really stressing b/c the recruiter had said in the beginning they wanted to make an offer by today, but in reality its a pretty long process - 2 Interviews w/ District Mgr, 1 Interview Regional Mgr, a Ride w/ a Rep thing, THEN an offer. He will be home the month of April now, but if he gets the job will be gone in May. The good thing is it will be much warmer outside and I'll have plenty to do. Softball should be in full swing and of course I can start all my gardening. Both things I am very excited about. The only bad thing and it's not really that bad is were going to have a family (his parents, sister & husband & us) vacation towards the end of June. We'll just have to postpone it though. We went last night and got him a very nice sport coat (Ayres is having a GREAT sale on suits and the like I might add), dress shirt and tie. He already has it planned what he will wear to the next interview too. Suits are so easily interchangeable. And let me add that my man is the best dressed man around if I do say so myself.
Oh! Good thing his interview isn't until next week b/c we need some healing time for this! No, he didn't make me mad! He was playing w/ Godiva on the floor and she kneed him. It bruised and started swelling immediately! I hope it goes away fast!
Oh! Good thing his interview isn't until next week b/c we need some healing time for this! No, he didn't make me mad! He was playing w/ Godiva on the floor and she kneed him. It bruised and started swelling immediately! I hope it goes away fast!
New Look
Inspired by Kitten changing the look of her blog, I've decided to change mine up a bit as well. I'm getting tired of the "green" look and since my favorite color is blue, well it seems my blog should reflect me more. I will probably be changing it even more over the course of the next few weeks as I get time at work and maybe a little on the weekend. I think Kitten is also going to help me with a few changes, to it, too! (Thanx Kitten!) If you have any suggestions, please feel free to comment. I'm definitely open to suggestions.
Some Things I've Added
- a hit counter, which I'm excited about. I think I have more lurkers than I realize
- A little logo currently in the profile box, but subject to change. Since my site is Mrs. T (and my husband is obviously Mr. T) I thought it appropriate to use this logo.
I'm also going to try to post more frequently. I know I've said this before and it comes and goes, but I'm going make a better effort. Enjoy!
Some Things I've Added
- a hit counter, which I'm excited about. I think I have more lurkers than I realize
- A little logo currently in the profile box, but subject to change. Since my site is Mrs. T (and my husband is obviously Mr. T) I thought it appropriate to use this logo.
I'm also going to try to post more frequently. I know I've said this before and it comes and goes, but I'm going make a better effort. Enjoy!
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Know Jack
Just got this from a good friend and it was worth posting! (Need speakers)
You Don't know Jack... Schitt, that is...
You Don't know Jack... Schitt, that is...
Monday, March 21, 2005
Weekend Update
As you know Friday I had surgery on my gums. Overall it went pretty well. I was in the office about 1 hour. We picked up my prescriptions on the way home and I iced 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off for the first 4 hours. Eric left around 5 to head to a Pacers game (he won suite tickets). I'm sure he felt bad about going, but I told him to go. My stepmom Peg came up shortly after 6 and visited for a little while. After she left I was exhausted but couldn't go to bed b/c Godiva kept getting up and down. I finally headed to bed around 11 pm. Eric got home around midnight. I was so glad to get some sleep although I didn't sleep great. I was worried about laying on my right side even though I never lay on that side. Thankfully I didn't have any swelling or bruising. It is a little uncomfortable b/c it feels like I have a piece of food or something in my cheek b/c of the packing material they put over it. Its sorta like a piece of gum squished literally super-glued to my gum. I'm certain it will fall out before my 2-week follow-up to get the stitches out, but they said it might.
Saturday I slept in a while. I was a little sore, but I think it's mostly b/c I hadn't has any naproxen since the night before. We didn't do much during the day. Eric ran some errands and picked up Subway for lunch, which was very difficult to eat. My brother and his wife came up Saturday evening and we went out to eat at Olive Garden. Dinner was much easier to eat as I got a chicken bread and fettucine noodles in a white wine sauce. It was good.
Yesterday we had a pretty unproductive day. We went to the gym and had an awesome workout, but that's about all we did the rest of the day. Eric left about 3:30 for Chicago. I spent the evening letting Godiva in and out and finally headed to bed around 11:30. (I got involved in a movie)
today I got up around 6 w/ Godiva and fought w/ her for about an hour then called Eric to make sure he was up (not that I thought he'd sleep in). I stayed home today since Eric took the car and we aren't really busy at work. Now its the sit and wait game this morning. Keep your fingers crossed. I'll update if I find anything out, but we probably won't know anything today.
Saturday I slept in a while. I was a little sore, but I think it's mostly b/c I hadn't has any naproxen since the night before. We didn't do much during the day. Eric ran some errands and picked up Subway for lunch, which was very difficult to eat. My brother and his wife came up Saturday evening and we went out to eat at Olive Garden. Dinner was much easier to eat as I got a chicken bread and fettucine noodles in a white wine sauce. It was good.
Yesterday we had a pretty unproductive day. We went to the gym and had an awesome workout, but that's about all we did the rest of the day. Eric left about 3:30 for Chicago. I spent the evening letting Godiva in and out and finally headed to bed around 11:30. (I got involved in a movie)
today I got up around 6 w/ Godiva and fought w/ her for about an hour then called Eric to make sure he was up (not that I thought he'd sleep in). I stayed home today since Eric took the car and we aren't really busy at work. Now its the sit and wait game this morning. Keep your fingers crossed. I'll update if I find anything out, but we probably won't know anything today.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Timmerman Family Fan Club
I'm about to cry writing this! Apparently we have a fan club now.
I have no excuse to cancel my Laparoscopy in June now...
I have the
a girl could ask for! It just so happens I got this letter in the mail today for contributions to my uterus. We truly are speechless right now. I hope you realize just how much you mean to us and we truly are forever indebted to you. Although it was definitely not necessary, it is GREATLY appreciated and will be used in June. We are so glad you are in our lives and know we will be involved in each others lives forever. It's wonderful to know that you can always count on your friends in good times and bad and I hope you know I will do the same.
Note from Eric: Bring your shopping bags next GWO for items you might need from our garage or storage unit. *wink*
If Eric gets this job (or we win the lottery) we will return the generous contribution to the return address on the envelope so it can be returned to the rightful owners!
I have no excuse to cancel my Laparoscopy in June now...
I have the
a girl could ask for! It just so happens I got this letter in the mail today for contributions to my uterus. We truly are speechless right now. I hope you realize just how much you mean to us and we truly are forever indebted to you. Although it was definitely not necessary, it is GREATLY appreciated and will be used in June. We are so glad you are in our lives and know we will be involved in each others lives forever. It's wonderful to know that you can always count on your friends in good times and bad and I hope you know I will do the same.
Note from Eric: Bring your shopping bags next GWO for items you might need from our garage or storage unit. *wink*
If Eric gets this job (or we win the lottery) we will return the generous contribution to the return address on the envelope so it can be returned to the rightful owners!
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
K update
K got to go home yesterday. They gave her a physical and made her bear down and she didn't have any leakage and since the fluid is building back up they let her go home. She's still on bedrest until she has the baby, but at least she is at home instead of racking up the hospital bills...
By the way, thanks for the comments yesterday. One day it will be my turn. I just wish it was sooner as opposed to later. ha ha ha
By the way, thanks for the comments yesterday. One day it will be my turn. I just wish it was sooner as opposed to later. ha ha ha
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Another one...
I found out over the weekend that my brother and his new wife are pregnant. She's not been to the actual doc yet, but thinks she's due around the end of October or early November. Of course, Matt is leaving for Iraq in November or December... It figures. I called her a bitch when I found out. That probably wasn't the right word, but it really bothered me. They only got married early February! Eric thinks she has ulterior motives. I don't really know. I'm mixed. I'm sure this is exactly what my brother needs to think about while he's over in Iraq!
Later Saturday, after several questions from my mom I ended up telling her just about everything that was going on with us right now. She acted like she might help us with some of the costs, but honestly I'm not counting on it and she doesn't even have the money to help if she wanted to. She did give some good advice, "Hold your rear up in the air after you get done and don't get right up and go to the bathroom." You think that might work??? Hadn't heard that one before. ha ha ha
They did another ultrasound on Sunday (26w,1d) and the fluid is building back up around the baby so that's good.
Later Saturday, after several questions from my mom I ended up telling her just about everything that was going on with us right now. She acted like she might help us with some of the costs, but honestly I'm not counting on it and she doesn't even have the money to help if she wanted to. She did give some good advice, "Hold your rear up in the air after you get done and don't get right up and go to the bathroom." You think that might work??? Hadn't heard that one before. ha ha ha
They did another ultrasound on Sunday (26w,1d) and the fluid is building back up around the baby so that's good.
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Peter wins!
So I drove to Chicago yesterday with my mom. After a quick lunch at Roong Petch (Thai) w/ Kitten we headed to Evanston to see Peter. (aka get my new look) I was speechless most of the time. He just amazed me with his technique! At first he just thought I should do high/low-lights all over, but I told him I was tired of dealing with my roots and wanted to get back to my natural color then do the high/low-lights. So here is what I got!
Here is a before pic at Kitten's

Here is me getting highlights. You can see how dark my hair really is...

Here is the final look.

And for some added fun. Here's me with Peter.

And here is my and my momma!

Sadly I didn't get one with Kitten. Mom may have got one on her camera though. Mom absolutely loved Chicago and wants to grow her hair out some and go back up and have Peter do her hair. We had a blast!
Here is a before pic at Kitten's

Here is me getting highlights. You can see how dark my hair really is...

Here is the final look.

And for some added fun. Here's me with Peter.

And here is my and my momma!

Sadly I didn't get one with Kitten. Mom may have got one on her camera though. Mom absolutely loved Chicago and wants to grow her hair out some and go back up and have Peter do her hair. We had a blast!
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Happy Birthday To Me! **updated**
Today I am 26 years old. I don't feel old yet by all means! It actually feels about right. I've got several cards in the mail already. Eric got me two of the most perfect cards, a gift certificate to Bennett's Greenhouse and taking me to dinner at La Scala. Woohoo! The doggies gave me birthday kisses and Godiva added a few bites with her's. :) When I got on the computer as I usually do in the morning, I almost had a tear in my eye from the sweetest post/person EVER! My co-workers are taking me to lunch today at Seattle Beanery and I've never been there before so I'm excited about that. My mom called a short while ago and sang the birthday song to me. (I hope she doesn't quit her day job!)
**I also got this floral arrangement from my GWO girls! Thanks so much ladies! I love and miss ya, too!**
Today is going to be a good day because It's My Birthday! Yay!
**I also got this floral arrangement from my GWO girls! Thanks so much ladies! I love and miss ya, too!**
Today is going to be a good day because It's My Birthday! Yay!
K Update
So we went to see K in the hospital last night. She is hiding her feelings well. She did admit she was depressed and scared, but didn't act like it after a few minutes. I can only imagine the fear she has. Wow! Basically her water broke. She's a little over 25 weeks along. Right now there is still fluid around the baby's head (sorta like a halo), so unless that goes the baby is safe for the time being. She's allowed to go to the bathroom and that is it. She tried to take a shower yesterday but got another "gush" so she won't be doing that too often either. She also said next time she bathes it will be sitting down. Sometime yesterday afternoon she turned to brown blood, which is always a good sign. She's hoping to keep the baby in for another 6 weeks, but I'm not sure she'll make it that long. She knows it's being pretty optomistic, too. We'll see. They come in twice a day and get her hooked up to all the machines to see if she's having contractions or in distress or anything.
My guess: I look for her to have it by the end of March by c-section. She has a diaper that is about the size of a post-it note (maybe smaller). Can you freaking imagine? I know my previous boss's DIL just went through it last summer and the baby is doing excellent, but wow!
She's in a great hospital 10 minutes from me, but the bad thing is that she's 45 min-1 hour away from the rest of the family. Her husband works 1 hour in the opposite direction so for him to see her after work it's a 2 hour drive to her and 1 hour home. He's coming up every other day. So far her mom (my stepmom) has been up every day and probably will continue at least for a while. And to call any of them it's long distance and she's already out of minutes on her phone for the month! How boring is that? She isn't in to doing crafty things or crosswords or scrapbooking. I can't think of anything to take her to give her something to do in the hospital except coloring books! Any suggestions???
My guess: I look for her to have it by the end of March by c-section. She has a diaper that is about the size of a post-it note (maybe smaller). Can you freaking imagine? I know my previous boss's DIL just went through it last summer and the baby is doing excellent, but wow!
She's in a great hospital 10 minutes from me, but the bad thing is that she's 45 min-1 hour away from the rest of the family. Her husband works 1 hour in the opposite direction so for him to see her after work it's a 2 hour drive to her and 1 hour home. He's coming up every other day. So far her mom (my stepmom) has been up every day and probably will continue at least for a while. And to call any of them it's long distance and she's already out of minutes on her phone for the month! How boring is that? She isn't in to doing crafty things or crosswords or scrapbooking. I can't think of anything to take her to give her something to do in the hospital except coloring books! Any suggestions???
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Monday, March 07, 2005
Will this day EVER end???
To start off my day, good ol' Aunt Flo arrives with a big hello. That was no big deal really. But it kept getting worse and worse.
To make one long story short, my youngest sister L who has been in and out of trouble for a while now ran away from her dad's last week. They found her Saturday hiding at my mom's. The cop put her in the car then went in to ream my mom for not turning her in and while she was doing that L was outside taking several of this prescription medicine she was on to try to OD. Now she wasn't actually trying to OD or she would have taken the whole bottle, but they did take her to the hospital. (This was Saturday night) I got a call on Sunday telling me what was going on. Today I get a call saying she is going to some psyciatric hospital down on the IN/KY border. She is not psychotic. She is a 16 yr. old kid who is defying every rule to get attention b/c neither of her parents are around. Oh, but I'm not a doctor, right. Their diagnosis is Bipolar disorder. Don't get me started.
As I'm waiting after work for Eric to pick me up, I get another phone call. This time it was my stepmom telling me that Sister K is in the hospital b/c she had a rupture (she's 25 wks. pregnant) She will be in the hospital on bedrest til she either has the baby or loses it. They don't know yet what will happen. Apparently she had a "gush" Friday night, slight bleeding Saturday, little more bleeding Sunday and finally decided it might be a good idea to go to the hospital/doctor this morning. She is high-risk pregnancy anyway and has a 5 lbs weight restriction, which I know she doesn't follow. My god its a miracle she even got pregnant. Yet lets wait 3 days before we go to the doctor when we have a "gush" and bleeding that gets worse. That's is all I know about her right now, but I'll update when I find out more.
Damn, damn, damn. I think I need a drink before I go to bed! For now, I'm off to the gym to break my neck on the treadmill.
To make one long story short, my youngest sister L who has been in and out of trouble for a while now ran away from her dad's last week. They found her Saturday hiding at my mom's. The cop put her in the car then went in to ream my mom for not turning her in and while she was doing that L was outside taking several of this prescription medicine she was on to try to OD. Now she wasn't actually trying to OD or she would have taken the whole bottle, but they did take her to the hospital. (This was Saturday night) I got a call on Sunday telling me what was going on. Today I get a call saying she is going to some psyciatric hospital down on the IN/KY border. She is not psychotic. She is a 16 yr. old kid who is defying every rule to get attention b/c neither of her parents are around. Oh, but I'm not a doctor, right. Their diagnosis is Bipolar disorder. Don't get me started.
As I'm waiting after work for Eric to pick me up, I get another phone call. This time it was my stepmom telling me that Sister K is in the hospital b/c she had a rupture (she's 25 wks. pregnant) She will be in the hospital on bedrest til she either has the baby or loses it. They don't know yet what will happen. Apparently she had a "gush" Friday night, slight bleeding Saturday, little more bleeding Sunday and finally decided it might be a good idea to go to the hospital/doctor this morning. She is high-risk pregnancy anyway and has a 5 lbs weight restriction, which I know she doesn't follow. My god its a miracle she even got pregnant. Yet lets wait 3 days before we go to the doctor when we have a "gush" and bleeding that gets worse. That's is all I know about her right now, but I'll update when I find out more.
Damn, damn, damn. I think I need a drink before I go to bed! For now, I'm off to the gym to break my neck on the treadmill.
Weekend Update
Friday after work we went to Wal-Mart and bought a rod to hang my tapestry with. I easily convinced Eric it was a good idea to get pizza from Pizza King for dinner. (Not so good of choice) When we got home we hung the tapestry and I worked on packaging a couple moo moo's I sold then we ate dinner. After dinner we cleaned the house up and relaxed the rest of the evening.
Saturday we got up early. My mom showed up around 9:30 and picked up the weight bench she bought off of us. We chatted with her a bit. After she left we did a few things and Eric got ready and his parents arrived shortly after noon. We headed to Red Lobster for lunch (yum). After lunch we wondered around Best Buy, BBB, and Sam's, then headed out to get frozen custard before heading back home. We had cake when we got home and his parents left shortly thereafter. We didn't do much Saturday evening.
Sunday we got up and worked out at the gym. The weather was GREAT out so we took the dogs on a walk in the afternoon. Godiva choked herself the majority of the walk. She's going to be a pain to train on a leash, but she'll come around. We didn't go on a long walk, but it was still a nice one. We made out our weekly menu and got groceries in the afternoon. I made some chicken salad for my lunch this week and made dinner. We spent the evening being pretty lazy. It was a good weekend.
Today mother nature is not on my side. When I got up this morning I knew that I felt a little crampy. Sure enough AF showed up before I left for work this morning. She actually was a day early, but I knew she'd show. Reading the news this morning I realized that it is supposed to snow on Friday and Saturday, along w/ a few other days early this week. This really pisses me off b/c I'm supposed to be going to Chicago this weekend to get my new look. I hope its just minimal b/c I want to still go. I'm not happy about the possibility of rescheduling it. The problem is that if snows a tiny bit I know Peg won't go with me and Eric doesn't want me to go by myself. Grrrr... Hopefully mother nature will realize how unhappy this is making me and change the weather for the weekend. We'll see. My birthday is Wednesday and that would be a good birthday present for me.
Saturday we got up early. My mom showed up around 9:30 and picked up the weight bench she bought off of us. We chatted with her a bit. After she left we did a few things and Eric got ready and his parents arrived shortly after noon. We headed to Red Lobster for lunch (yum). After lunch we wondered around Best Buy, BBB, and Sam's, then headed out to get frozen custard before heading back home. We had cake when we got home and his parents left shortly thereafter. We didn't do much Saturday evening.
Sunday we got up and worked out at the gym. The weather was GREAT out so we took the dogs on a walk in the afternoon. Godiva choked herself the majority of the walk. She's going to be a pain to train on a leash, but she'll come around. We didn't go on a long walk, but it was still a nice one. We made out our weekly menu and got groceries in the afternoon. I made some chicken salad for my lunch this week and made dinner. We spent the evening being pretty lazy. It was a good weekend.
Today mother nature is not on my side. When I got up this morning I knew that I felt a little crampy. Sure enough AF showed up before I left for work this morning. She actually was a day early, but I knew she'd show. Reading the news this morning I realized that it is supposed to snow on Friday and Saturday, along w/ a few other days early this week. This really pisses me off b/c I'm supposed to be going to Chicago this weekend to get my new look. I hope its just minimal b/c I want to still go. I'm not happy about the possibility of rescheduling it. The problem is that if snows a tiny bit I know Peg won't go with me and Eric doesn't want me to go by myself. Grrrr... Hopefully mother nature will realize how unhappy this is making me and change the weather for the weekend. We'll see. My birthday is Wednesday and that would be a good birthday present for me.
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
This Month in TTC
So right now were are in the last week before AF comes. We only BD'd a few time around the window, so I doubt there is any chance that I will be pregnant this month. Plus I was sick at the beginning of the month so I imagine that whacked my system, too. Today I have to go get bloodwork to check my progesterone. This is for my surgery in June (if I still get it) so I'm not exactly sure why I'm getting it now, but whatever, it's free and I'll leave work a little early. hee hee You may wonder why I say "if I still get it" with my scheduled Lap in June. Well, we've been thinking about this and although I won't cancel it til late May early June, we aren't sure we want to fork out that kind of money just yet. Don't get me wrong I WANT TO BE PREGNANT AND WE WANT A BABY, but we are "trying" to be smart about this. We do have a lot of debt that we are very slowly getting down and I'm not sure we'll every be completely financially ready, but with my dental surgery in a few weeks, which is NOT CHEAP and the rest of the bills. We aren't sure where we want to go yet. The Lap itself is covered by my insurance except $300, plus 3 months of Clomid at $150 a month and then another 3 months of Clomid again $150 a month AND the IUI, which I don't have a clue on cost. That's a lot of money on top of what we already owe. It is so frustrating. We haven't made any "for sure" decision yet, but wanted to update my blog for all the readers who were curious.
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