Officially in my book that is. And when I mean officially I mean I can go outside w/out tons of layers and work in my yard and landscape. I got to do this last night and it made me feel G-R-E-A-T! I cut back some old foilage and checked every plant to make sure it was starting to show its face to me. Everything seems to have made it through the winter, not that it was overly hard. The only thing I really worried about is the Magnolia tree & Lilac Bush we planted last year. I've seen little buds on my magnolia tree for weeks now, but didn't see anything on the lilac bush until yesterday. Looks like they are both going to be in full bloom this year! Woohoo! I'm anxious to take a little trip down down to my dad's house and get some start off Peg's landscaping. I even called her last night and told her to get some honeysuckle starts going for me. See I have this deal w/ my husband. I really wanted an arch for my walkway around the side of the house. I didn't want to spend much money either since the honeysuckle will just cover it and you won't even be able to see the actual arch itself. I bought this ChEAP ($10) arch from Michael's and he hates it, but I assured him it will be full of honeysuckle vines in no time. When I checked last night, my starts from last year were already going, so with a few more from Peg, I should be set to watch it grow this summer!
I'm ready to start working on my fish pond, too. It needs some major cleaning and stuff. I have irises already starting in one of my pots in the pond. I want to see how big my fish have grown since last fall! And find out if I have any new additions! Should be able to start that in a couple weeks. I hope to have it up and running and cleaned out by Mid-April in time for the next GWO that I host! Keep your fingers crossed for warm weather!
For a little viewing pleasure I thought I'd post some pics from last night!
This is me w/ the doggies. They just don't all cooperate at once for a good pic.

This is all three doggies near each other.

Krissy & Godiva relax after a romp around the yard.

And finally... Who could resist this sweet piece of chocolate???
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