Tuesday, November 08, 2005

CD 8

GOODBYE CLOMID! I took my last clomid pill this morning. I'm happy to see those little suckers gone! Now the fun begins, right?

Got a letter late last week from my insurance company basically stating they are allowing me $500 for my initial consultation with the RE. Nothing else will be covered. Period. No testing, no procedures, no bloodwork, nothing, nada, zilch. This depresses me in all honesty. I am going to talk to the RE about it b/c I don't feel like we've ran ALL of the tests and should not be classified as infertile until then. We'll see what Dr. H has to say? I'm not sure where this leaves us either. I mean, if I'm classified as infertile then that's it? I wonder about finding another OBGYN, but I don't know if I can even do that.

I'm just so confused and scared and lost right now.


Anonymous said...

Believe me, we're so there too right now. I'm trying to figure out how the hell we're going to pay for ivf.

Kitten said...

Oh E...I just read this. You are in such a tough space. I'm sorry.