Friday, November 18, 2005

Quick update

So I have officially applied to college once again. I won't hear anything for probably a few weeks though. :( I did get an e-mail requesting basically a statement of purpose, which I happily obliged and returned to them. I get the feeling they are unsure of me b/c I do not have a health sciences background. What freshman do you know have that background? I took biology and zoology and chemistry in HS and loved them. It sorta pisses me off that they even gave me this impression. I have a meeting on Tuesday with an actual advisor, so I should know more then. (I hope!) If for some ungodly reason they don't admit me I'll have to come up with another game plan. What, I don't know yet. I have no desire to go to graduate school, especially not for business or management. Aw well. We'll see what happens next week.

Big plans for the weekend, so you won't hear from me again until Monday. I hope to have some pics up though from our weekend. We just found out last night that we are going to an NBA game and have floor seats (right behind the scorers table). Woohoo! I get to see just how tall those dudes are. I can't wait!

It's really cold here and we even had some flurries the other day! I'm not ready for the coldness, but bring on the snow! I know I'm weird. 8-)

As for this cycle.... We have been trying on a consistent basis and will continue for a few more days although I think I've already ovulated. It doesn't hurt though. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very exciting ... can't wait to hear more details on this big change!!

I keep trying to figure out where exactly you live. I thought I had it figured out with all the C'ville references, but with your post about snow today, I'm confused again. Is it a secret, or will you let me in on it?