Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I stole this from Kitten.

•A is for age: 26
•B is for booze of choice: Asti, Bloody Mary, Chocolate Tini
•C is for career: I work in the Graduate Office of a Top 10 University
•D is for your dad's name: Brad
•E is for essential items to bring to a party: Alcohol & Music
•F is for favorite song at the moment: Don't have a favorite at the moment, but like anything hip-hop/rap
•G is for favorite game: Football
•H is for hometown: C'ville, Indiana
•I is for instruments you play: None
•J is for jam or jelly you like: Strawberry Jam
•K is for kids: 0, but working on 1
•L is for living arrangements: Husband, 3 doggies
•M is for mom's name: Vickie
•N is for name of your crush: Harrison Ford & Vin Diesel
•O is for overnight hospital stays: Pheumonia
•P is for phobias: Snakes and Spiders
•Q is for quotes you like: "That is not in your best interest."
•R is for relationship that lasted the longest: Husband-4 years and counting
•S is for sexual preference: Straight
•T is for time you wake up: Workdays – 6:01 am, Weekends: depends..around 8:00-9:00 a.m.
•U is for underwear: Just as long as they are VS
•V is for vegetable you love: Mashed potatoes
•W is for weekend plans: Cutting down & decorating our christmas tree
•X is for x-rays you've had: Chest, hand (finger), nose, ovaries (that counts right?)
•Y is for yummy food you make: Pumpkin rolls, Chili, & Mashed Potato Dream Casserole
•Z is for zodiac sign: Pisces


Lubna said...

Ok, I must delurk for a moment here because I am a fellow mashed-potato lover and must have your recipe for Mashed Potato Dream Casserole. It sounds dreamy!!

Mrs. T said...

Oh, sooooo S-I-M-P-L-E!! My grams actually got me hooked on it.

Basically I make mashed potatoes the regular way only using sour cream. Make them super creamy. Then put them in a 9x13 or whatever dish if you have a smaller amount. Then put either cheese slices or velveeta on top. Put in oven at 350 to melt the cheese and pull it out just before the cheese starts burning.

Oh goodness I think I need to make some soon now. :D