My cycle is slowing dwindling down. Here's the latest update. I know I'm totally jinxing myself now, but I had to share.
We go to the gym several times throughout the week. Last night was supposed to be upper body and cardio. I couldn't do cardio last night b/c my bbs hurt so bad to even walk up and down the stairs at the gym. It was like constant throbbing almost. Hard to explain. I didn't even sleep well last night either. I didn't think hurt as bad today though until I did a bathroom check and yep, they still hurt. Sorta weird. I do get sore ones during this time of the month, but this seem unusually sore. Or maybe I'm just hoping they are unusually sore. Am I imagining it?
NO changes in my temp. I took it once this morning and it was 97.7, but I had been fighting w/ Godiva so I took it again and it was 98.1. Nothing remarkable. Ugh.
I refuse to pee on a stick until Wednesday. Then I will be officially late. Unless of course my temp really spikes again over the weekend I get some definitely pregnancy signs.
I so want to call my doc next week and tell him I need to come in for blood work for pregnancy instead of the damn surgery! Please if anyone is listening grant me this one wish!
Friday, April 29, 2005
It's Official

I could go either way. I have sinned quite a bit but I still have a bit of room for error. My life is a tug of war between good and evil.
Are you evil?
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Ramblings (Many)
Where to start. Let's begin w/ something hilarious that happened last night... I was cutting up some salad and I don't know what Eric was doing when all of a sudden I heard this water sound. Sorta like pour water in water maybe. Didn't quite know, so I peered around the corner to see Godiva (not knowing I was watching) sticking her nose in her water bowl, blowing bubbles, then lifting it out and letting the water fall out of her mouth. I watched her a couple of times then yelled for Eric between hysterical laughs. He watched her and checked her bowl. He thought maybe there was a piece of food in it or something she was trying to get. Nope, she just enjoyed sticking her nose in her water bowl, blowing bubbles, then lifting it out and letting the water fall out of her mouth. I wish we could have taken a picture or video, but she quit. I'm still laughing about it.
Another Godiva tidbit. Since she's a Lab and since they love water, we bought her a kiddie pool. This isn't just your average kiddie pool. It has an elephant on the side of it and you can hook up the hose to it and water squirts out of its trunk! Doesn't that sound like fun? Of course the weather has turned to hell, so we haven't got to play in it with her yet, but we can't wait for the weather to turn warm again.
K called me yesterday after she found out I was not seeing her doctor. I will say she didn't know about the Lap and I did go ahead and tell her about it. She never ceases to amaze me, yet most times seems to piss me off. I'm "thisclose" from speaking my mind. I'm not sure why I haven't already, maybe b/c of her current condition. Anyway, she keeps telling me about this RE she had started to see before she got pregnant and thinks I should see him. I'm not sure we are too that point yet. You've had the Lap before right? Yes, it was mild, but Dr. S thinks it was b/c I was on BC Well, I sure hope you don't have all the problems I had, blah, blah, blah. She is a hypochondriac. Have you discussed adoption w/ Eric? No, we aren't to that point yet. Well you really should b/c when I finally convinced L to adopt that's when we got pregnant, blah, blah, blah... Well, that's our decision. Maybe you are just trying to hard. You know that's what the doc told my friend X, blah, blah, blah. I need to, someone is at my desk.
I honestly believe she is basking in the idea that we are having problems.
I am currently working on a speech for when she opens her big mouth on Mother's Day to let everyone know all about OUR FUCKING problems like it's any of her business. It happens to not take into account that she is pregnant, on bedrest, or fragile in any way. As the time gets closer, I may even tell Peg to let everyone know to keep all their mouths shut about OUR situation unless WE SO CHOOSE to bring it up.
Ok, so can you tell that my hormones are at about a 9.5 on a 1-10 scale at the moment? Yeah, I'm almost full blown bitch. Poor Eric got a taste last night. We went grocery shopping and I pinched his butt. He turned around & came at my boobs which are quite sore this month and I chewed it head off and spit it out. Grrrr.... I don't think he realized how sore they are and can get. Normally I don't complain about them that much. I think they are a little sorer now b/c I also did an intense upper body workout on Tuesday and was pretty sore from that, too. He did make up for it later by telling me how good my thighs are looking and how small they are getting. I don't think he would be telling me that unless it were true.
Do you think peole can tell just by looking at me that I'm pissy? I try to look pleasant, but I wonder if that is somewhat transparent to the pissiness... I sense that people sort of stay clear when I'm this way, so I feel like it has to be a little noticeable.
Another Godiva tidbit. Since she's a Lab and since they love water, we bought her a kiddie pool. This isn't just your average kiddie pool. It has an elephant on the side of it and you can hook up the hose to it and water squirts out of its trunk! Doesn't that sound like fun? Of course the weather has turned to hell, so we haven't got to play in it with her yet, but we can't wait for the weather to turn warm again.
K called me yesterday after she found out I was not seeing her doctor. I will say she didn't know about the Lap and I did go ahead and tell her about it. She never ceases to amaze me, yet most times seems to piss me off. I'm "thisclose" from speaking my mind. I'm not sure why I haven't already, maybe b/c of her current condition. Anyway, she keeps telling me about this RE she had started to see before she got pregnant and thinks I should see him. I'm not sure we are too that point yet. You've had the Lap before right? Yes, it was mild, but Dr. S thinks it was b/c I was on BC Well, I sure hope you don't have all the problems I had, blah, blah, blah. She is a hypochondriac. Have you discussed adoption w/ Eric? No, we aren't to that point yet. Well you really should b/c when I finally convinced L to adopt that's when we got pregnant, blah, blah, blah... Well, that's our decision. Maybe you are just trying to hard. You know that's what the doc told my friend X, blah, blah, blah. I need to, someone is at my desk.
I honestly believe she is basking in the idea that we are having problems.
I am currently working on a speech for when she opens her big mouth on Mother's Day to let everyone know all about OUR FUCKING problems like it's any of her business. It happens to not take into account that she is pregnant, on bedrest, or fragile in any way. As the time gets closer, I may even tell Peg to let everyone know to keep all their mouths shut about OUR situation unless WE SO CHOOSE to bring it up.
Ok, so can you tell that my hormones are at about a 9.5 on a 1-10 scale at the moment? Yeah, I'm almost full blown bitch. Poor Eric got a taste last night. We went grocery shopping and I pinched his butt. He turned around & came at my boobs which are quite sore this month and I chewed it head off and spit it out. Grrrr.... I don't think he realized how sore they are and can get. Normally I don't complain about them that much. I think they are a little sorer now b/c I also did an intense upper body workout on Tuesday and was pretty sore from that, too. He did make up for it later by telling me how good my thighs are looking and how small they are getting. I don't think he would be telling me that unless it were true.
Do you think peole can tell just by looking at me that I'm pissy? I try to look pleasant, but I wonder if that is somewhat transparent to the pissiness... I sense that people sort of stay clear when I'm this way, so I feel like it has to be a little noticeable.
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
CD 23, 8 DPO
So we are down to the one week late. Let's evaluate shall we?
1) My temp was 98.1 this morning. Nothing any different from any other cycle.
2) My BBs are only mildly sore since O-ing. Again, this is normal.
I guess that about sums up my "symptoms" at the moment. ha ha ha Looks positive, huh? AF is expected next Monday or Tuesday.
I did a little research this morning about progesterone levels. I really didn't find a scale. I found that 10 or above is good. 2-6 is low. Well, looks like I didn't learn any more than what Dr. S said. Hmmm... Anyone else know about the actual scale they use for progesterone levels? Maybe I'll ask the ladies on FF & see what they have to say.
1) My temp was 98.1 this morning. Nothing any different from any other cycle.
2) My BBs are only mildly sore since O-ing. Again, this is normal.
I guess that about sums up my "symptoms" at the moment. ha ha ha Looks positive, huh? AF is expected next Monday or Tuesday.
I did a little research this morning about progesterone levels. I really didn't find a scale. I found that 10 or above is good. 2-6 is low. Well, looks like I didn't learn any more than what Dr. S said. Hmmm... Anyone else know about the actual scale they use for progesterone levels? Maybe I'll ask the ladies on FF & see what they have to say.
Monday, April 25, 2005
Another weekend full of girls. Yay! It was such a nice weekend to see my girls again.
Thursday night Danialle made great timing and got down shortly after 7. We made a quick trip to Target and came back and worked on some art projects she is doing for a set she is designing. I hadn't heard from Jennifer & Samara yet so I called to see where they were. Funny enough, they had just pulled into my driveway. We all hugged and touched Samara's belly then changed into our PJs to watch Survivior. We didn't stay up too late since we had all worked and were a bit tired.
Friday morning we got up at a decent time and headed to breakfast still in our pajamas. Breakfast was ok. I had heard this place downtown was good and cheap. It was cheap, but the food was so-so. At breakfast we decided to go see if All Fired Up was open and we would just get the painting of our pottery done early. Unfortunately they didn't open until 12 and it was only 10, so we headed back home. We chatted and for a little bit then headed to Target for a little shopping. After we got done there we headed to lunch at Moe's before heading on to paint our pottery. Painting was a blast as always. Samara painted an adorable light switch cover for Bean's room, Jennifer painted 2 picture frames, Danialle painted what turned into a birthday plate, and I painted a flower pot. I think Danialle's new tradition of the Birthday Plate was a hit. I plan to either have her make one for our child (her god child) or make one myself for our child. Such a cute idea and new tradition! Anyway, as always we spent several hours painting and chatting away. After we were done we headed home, got ready and then headed to dinner at La Scala, an Italian Restaurant. It was good although I was not as impressed with my meal as last time. Unfortunately when it was time to leave it was raining and we had to walk back to the car in the rain, but it wasn't too far. A couple of the ladies had enjoyed some wine at dinner and thought they might like another glass before bed, but also for the dinner on Saturday, so we a trip to the LQ. Jennifer & Danialle went in to get it and Jennifer ended up getting kicked out b/c her license was expired. She even tried to argue w/ the clerk like he was playing a joke on her or something. You can guess what she'll be doing this week. When we got back home we looked through some of my picture albums then headed to bed.
Saturday morning we got up and again went to breakfast in our pajamas. We went to Four Season's this time, which was much better in my opinion. We went home for a little while and changed clothes then headed to the mall for a little more in depth shopping. We had a blast as always. After a few hours & a few $$ we headed back home to begin our cooking extravaganza. Our meal consisted of a very filling and wonderful salad w/ ALL the fixins, Steak marinated in this teriyaki/pineapple type sauce(some w/ Blue cheese), Garlic Green Beans, & Cheesy Mashed Potatoes. We forgot to cook the Hawaiian bread until it was too late. After dinner we literally watched The S Factor. We did try the cat crawl and the S walk, but it's going to need lots or practice. Apparently that was enough to work up another appetite, so we had some chocolate fondue w/ Bananas, Strawberries, and Marshmallows. Again we forgot the brownies until the last minute. Before heading to bed we watched and did try to do some pilates abs. We laughed to tears a few times.
Sunday morning everyone got up quite early and headed home. Eric & I cleaned up the house and did a few other things then headed out to run some errands and had lunch at Don Pablo's. When we got home I was about zombie like so I look about a 2 hour nap. When I woke up, I called a few people to let them know about my upcoming surgery then Eric & I watched "Meet the Fockers" and laughed our butts off. It was pretty funny.
I loaded some pics here. Unfortunately some of my pics are fuzzy for some reason. Sorry! I'll upload more after I pick up the finished masterpieces this weekend!
Thursday night Danialle made great timing and got down shortly after 7. We made a quick trip to Target and came back and worked on some art projects she is doing for a set she is designing. I hadn't heard from Jennifer & Samara yet so I called to see where they were. Funny enough, they had just pulled into my driveway. We all hugged and touched Samara's belly then changed into our PJs to watch Survivior. We didn't stay up too late since we had all worked and were a bit tired.
Friday morning we got up at a decent time and headed to breakfast still in our pajamas. Breakfast was ok. I had heard this place downtown was good and cheap. It was cheap, but the food was so-so. At breakfast we decided to go see if All Fired Up was open and we would just get the painting of our pottery done early. Unfortunately they didn't open until 12 and it was only 10, so we headed back home. We chatted and for a little bit then headed to Target for a little shopping. After we got done there we headed to lunch at Moe's before heading on to paint our pottery. Painting was a blast as always. Samara painted an adorable light switch cover for Bean's room, Jennifer painted 2 picture frames, Danialle painted what turned into a birthday plate, and I painted a flower pot. I think Danialle's new tradition of the Birthday Plate was a hit. I plan to either have her make one for our child (her god child) or make one myself for our child. Such a cute idea and new tradition! Anyway, as always we spent several hours painting and chatting away. After we were done we headed home, got ready and then headed to dinner at La Scala, an Italian Restaurant. It was good although I was not as impressed with my meal as last time. Unfortunately when it was time to leave it was raining and we had to walk back to the car in the rain, but it wasn't too far. A couple of the ladies had enjoyed some wine at dinner and thought they might like another glass before bed, but also for the dinner on Saturday, so we a trip to the LQ. Jennifer & Danialle went in to get it and Jennifer ended up getting kicked out b/c her license was expired. She even tried to argue w/ the clerk like he was playing a joke on her or something. You can guess what she'll be doing this week. When we got back home we looked through some of my picture albums then headed to bed.
Saturday morning we got up and again went to breakfast in our pajamas. We went to Four Season's this time, which was much better in my opinion. We went home for a little while and changed clothes then headed to the mall for a little more in depth shopping. We had a blast as always. After a few hours & a few $$ we headed back home to begin our cooking extravaganza. Our meal consisted of a very filling and wonderful salad w/ ALL the fixins, Steak marinated in this teriyaki/pineapple type sauce(some w/ Blue cheese), Garlic Green Beans, & Cheesy Mashed Potatoes. We forgot to cook the Hawaiian bread until it was too late. After dinner we literally watched The S Factor. We did try the cat crawl and the S walk, but it's going to need lots or practice. Apparently that was enough to work up another appetite, so we had some chocolate fondue w/ Bananas, Strawberries, and Marshmallows. Again we forgot the brownies until the last minute. Before heading to bed we watched and did try to do some pilates abs. We laughed to tears a few times.
Sunday morning everyone got up quite early and headed home. Eric & I cleaned up the house and did a few other things then headed out to run some errands and had lunch at Don Pablo's. When we got home I was about zombie like so I look about a 2 hour nap. When I woke up, I called a few people to let them know about my upcoming surgery then Eric & I watched "Meet the Fockers" and laughed our butts off. It was pretty funny.
I loaded some pics here. Unfortunately some of my pics are fuzzy for some reason. Sorry! I'll upload more after I pick up the finished masterpieces this weekend!
Lap Scheduled
So the doctor's office called on Friday and they have schedule my Lap on May 9. I'm dissappointed that it's on a Monday for one thing (I'd like the weekend to recoop) and also they scheduled it at 3:00 pm. Ugh! O'well, it will work out and I'll just have to deal with it.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
I'm so happy I could jump up and down...
...and I did!
Yes, my doctors appointment today w/ Dr. S went spectacular! First off, we knew right away that we liked him just by his demeanor. I'm not sure exactly why, but we just knew. He became a wealth of information by the end! When he came in he asked the normal questions... How old are you? (26/30) How long TTC? (Almost 2 yrs) Any health problems w/ us? (no) Any w/ immediate family? (no) etc., etc. I had taken the list of fertility stats with me, but I didn't even have to break them out and give him my history. He had skimmed through my chart already (good doctor) and we started going over those stats that were in my chart. Here is what he told us. Mind you all I ever heard was normal, normal, normal. NO NUMBERS, NO ANYHTING, EXCEPT NORMAL!
- Progesterone March 2004 - 4.9 - This is on the low side (Very interesting to know since I was told it was normal)
- Progesterone March 2005 - 11.7 - Normal Range
- Male Factor - 151 Million - Good
- 50% Motility - Good
- Shape of the Guys - Good
When he started rattling all that stuff I knew he was the doctor for me! I like information. He asked me about my cycles and I explained that I had done the temping thing and he actually seemed impressed that I had control over my cycles. (Pats self on back.) I told him it seemed pretty obvious when I was ovualting and my cycles are VERY regular. In fact, I had just O'd ealier this week. I asked him about CM b/c I had wondered about it, but he didn't seem concerned either. He was more concerned with the fact that I had had Endo. Hmm... I remember I was too some time back, huh, but Dr. Baldy told me not to worry about it "It was a mild case". Anyway, Dr. S said that even though my endo was mild when I had the lap in 2000 I was on BC, so that could have supressed it. Very interesting. There is a chance that since I'm not on BC (for about 2 yrs) and it's been 5 years since the Lap, that it may have recurred. We talked a bit more. He gave us some statistics and was very positive that we would get pregnant. When and how was the unexplained question. We do fall into the "unexplained infertility" category, which we already knew. He asked us how we'd like to proceed and gave us 3 options.
1) Keep trying as we are & use OPKs
2) Laparoscopy
3) IUI w/ Stimulation (Clomid or injectibles)
He said that w/ the IUI he would refer us on to an RE and also said that in his opinion the first thing they would do was to do a Lap.
We explained we were done "just trying" like we have been and wanted to go forward with the Lap. Interestingly enough he wanted to time it right after my period and right before ovulation. (Dr. Baldy didn't even mention timing...) So, I should here back tomorrow from their office, but I go in sometime between May 9-12 to have my Lap. I asked what would happen after the Lap since Dr. Baldy has said Clomid for 3 months then 3 months of clomid and IUI and Dr. S said it basically depended on what the found. If they found endo, they'd clean it up and we'd try for a few months, then if still no conception we could try Clomid for a few months. If they didn't find anything then there might be more to it and he'd probably refer me on.
So anyway, I feel very good about this visit and will know tomorrow the exact date I am having my Lap. At least I'm getting some relief...
Yes, my doctors appointment today w/ Dr. S went spectacular! First off, we knew right away that we liked him just by his demeanor. I'm not sure exactly why, but we just knew. He became a wealth of information by the end! When he came in he asked the normal questions... How old are you? (26/30) How long TTC? (Almost 2 yrs) Any health problems w/ us? (no) Any w/ immediate family? (no) etc., etc. I had taken the list of fertility stats with me, but I didn't even have to break them out and give him my history. He had skimmed through my chart already (good doctor) and we started going over those stats that were in my chart. Here is what he told us. Mind you all I ever heard was normal, normal, normal. NO NUMBERS, NO ANYHTING, EXCEPT NORMAL!
- Progesterone March 2004 - 4.9 - This is on the low side (Very interesting to know since I was told it was normal)
- Progesterone March 2005 - 11.7 - Normal Range
- Male Factor - 151 Million - Good
- 50% Motility - Good
- Shape of the Guys - Good
When he started rattling all that stuff I knew he was the doctor for me! I like information. He asked me about my cycles and I explained that I had done the temping thing and he actually seemed impressed that I had control over my cycles. (Pats self on back.) I told him it seemed pretty obvious when I was ovualting and my cycles are VERY regular. In fact, I had just O'd ealier this week. I asked him about CM b/c I had wondered about it, but he didn't seem concerned either. He was more concerned with the fact that I had had Endo. Hmm... I remember I was too some time back, huh, but Dr. Baldy told me not to worry about it "It was a mild case". Anyway, Dr. S said that even though my endo was mild when I had the lap in 2000 I was on BC, so that could have supressed it. Very interesting. There is a chance that since I'm not on BC (for about 2 yrs) and it's been 5 years since the Lap, that it may have recurred. We talked a bit more. He gave us some statistics and was very positive that we would get pregnant. When and how was the unexplained question. We do fall into the "unexplained infertility" category, which we already knew. He asked us how we'd like to proceed and gave us 3 options.
1) Keep trying as we are & use OPKs
2) Laparoscopy
3) IUI w/ Stimulation (Clomid or injectibles)
He said that w/ the IUI he would refer us on to an RE and also said that in his opinion the first thing they would do was to do a Lap.
We explained we were done "just trying" like we have been and wanted to go forward with the Lap. Interestingly enough he wanted to time it right after my period and right before ovulation. (Dr. Baldy didn't even mention timing...) So, I should here back tomorrow from their office, but I go in sometime between May 9-12 to have my Lap. I asked what would happen after the Lap since Dr. Baldy has said Clomid for 3 months then 3 months of clomid and IUI and Dr. S said it basically depended on what the found. If they found endo, they'd clean it up and we'd try for a few months, then if still no conception we could try Clomid for a few months. If they didn't find anything then there might be more to it and he'd probably refer me on.
So anyway, I feel very good about this visit and will know tomorrow the exact date I am having my Lap. At least I'm getting some relief...
Definite Spike!
I hit 98.1 today! In the past this has been my absolute indicator for O-ing. Yay! My FF chart put my O line on Monday. We BD'd Sunday & Tuesday. This could also explain my crampiness on Sunday and Monday. Now the 2WW begins... Oh, my favorite... Not! Especially when you know you have exceptional timing!
We even did a high five for our great timing & efforts this month! Yay us!
I'll update later about my doc visit at 11:45 this morning. I'm anxious!
We even did a high five for our great timing & efforts this month! Yay us!
I'll update later about my doc visit at 11:45 this morning. I'm anxious!
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Oh Darn!
I know I should feel guilty about this, but I really don't all that much.
Many months ago my husband's side decided to have a little family vacation and go somewhere. We decided on a weekend and although all the arrangements aren't complete, it is still on my calendar and I intend for it to stay that way.
Maybe 1 or 2 (max) months ago my stepmom called to find out if I had any major conflicts in May b/c they were planning K's baby shower. I specifically told her about the weekend we were going to be out of town.
What do they do? You guessed it...
Schedule her baby shower when I'll be out of town. Now honestly, I have dreaded it for a while now and am a little happy that I have a "way out" so to speak. Maybe I feel a little guilty about that, too. Maybe not. We will still get her something of course, its just easier to not have to deal w/ her at the shower. I imagine I would feel a little worse about this if I actually was pregnant, too. She's been fairly good about not rubbing it in, but at the same time this is K we are talking about. She is the center of attention at all times!
Anyway, she called to get my address and I told her about the previous engagement and her response, "Well, you better be there!" I'm sure she wants me there, but lets face it, why do you think she wants me there? In her mind it's so EVERYONE knows she finally beat me at something I don't complete with her at all, however she has spent her life trying to "one-up" me. Well, she finally did. More power to her. Let her have her little show. My day will come. I promise! I just have to keep reminding myself that I am stable enough in 90% of all aspects of my life to have kids, she on the other hand... maybe 50%.
Guess I needed to vent a bit...
Many months ago my husband's side decided to have a little family vacation and go somewhere. We decided on a weekend and although all the arrangements aren't complete, it is still on my calendar and I intend for it to stay that way.
Maybe 1 or 2 (max) months ago my stepmom called to find out if I had any major conflicts in May b/c they were planning K's baby shower. I specifically told her about the weekend we were going to be out of town.
What do they do? You guessed it...
Schedule her baby shower when I'll be out of town. Now honestly, I have dreaded it for a while now and am a little happy that I have a "way out" so to speak. Maybe I feel a little guilty about that, too. Maybe not. We will still get her something of course, its just easier to not have to deal w/ her at the shower. I imagine I would feel a little worse about this if I actually was pregnant, too. She's been fairly good about not rubbing it in, but at the same time this is K we are talking about. She is the center of attention at all times!
Anyway, she called to get my address and I told her about the previous engagement and her response, "Well, you better be there!" I'm sure she wants me there, but lets face it, why do you think she wants me there? In her mind it's so EVERYONE knows she finally beat me at something I don't complete with her at all, however she has spent her life trying to "one-up" me. Well, she finally did. More power to her. Let her have her little show. My day will come. I promise! I just have to keep reminding myself that I am stable enough in 90% of all aspects of my life to have kids, she on the other hand... maybe 50%.
Guess I needed to vent a bit...
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I'm Accepted!!
So Dr. S's office left a message yesterday saying I was "accepted" and could now schedule an appointment. I called this morning and they got me in THIS THURSDAY! Woohoo! I'm excited. I hope he gives me much insight and hope!
CD 16
A little TTC Update...
As you can see from my chart at the right I had a possible spike this morning although I'm not overly impressed with it. I hope it is even higher tomorrow morning. What you can't see on my chart (b/c I'm not a VIP member) is that I felt crampy Sunday evening & Monday. Could be O pains, but who knows?! So today might be 1 DPO. I stress MIGHT b/c in the past when I've temped my spike usually his 98.1 or so, so this seems like a really low spike. I guess we'll see how the next couple of days pan out. We aren't stopping the BD-ing yet though. hee hee
As you can see from my chart at the right I had a possible spike this morning although I'm not overly impressed with it. I hope it is even higher tomorrow morning. What you can't see on my chart (b/c I'm not a VIP member) is that I felt crampy Sunday evening & Monday. Could be O pains, but who knows?! So today might be 1 DPO. I stress MIGHT b/c in the past when I've temped my spike usually his 98.1 or so, so this seems like a really low spike. I guess we'll see how the next couple of days pan out. We aren't stopping the BD-ing yet though. hee hee
Monday, April 18, 2005
Rollercoaster Weekend
Friday Eric had his 3rd interview. It went really well. They told him he should hear one way or the other on Monday (today). An added benefit is that he was scheduled at 9:30 and a girl scheduled for 8:00 (also coming from Lafayette) arrived shortly after Eric. He was 45 minutes early, but she was an hour and ten minutes late. The interviewer actually took Eric first and made the girl wait until he got done w/ Eric before he interviewed her. Friday night we took my grandparents to the Pacer's game. It was a great game to attend. There was a fight, that only I saw, and it was a close game right up until the end. We got home late and I went straight to bed.
Saturday morning we got up and started working out in the yard. We headed out to Lowe's, Bennett's Greenhouse, and Aquarium World and got the supplies we needed. While we were out my mom called and said she, Crystal (my brother's wife) and Kayleigh were going to come up. We got a few things done before they got there, then sat around outside talking and doing other things. Kayleigh is so adorable and we played with her and had a ball. She even fed the fish in my pond. We made a quick trip to Wal-Mart and the grocery and came back home and made some tacos. In the meantime, Crystal had went to the bathroom and noticed blood. Some background: She's pregnant. About 11 weeks. Also has severe kidney stones. Anyway she thought it was just in her urine possibly from the kidney stones. After dinner she went to the bathroom again and there was more blood this time. We decided she needed to get to the hospital and she really wanted to go to C'ville since they had all her records so they left. We finished planting stuff outside and cleaned up, etc. Crystal called me around 8-ish and they had done some bloodwork and told her it was definitely blood and it was a good thing she came in. They were waiting to take her down to do an ultrasound. My mom called maybe 30 minutes later and said she had lost the baby. It actually had died 3-4 weeks prior and her body was just not trying to expel it. The weird thing is that she had just been to the army doc this past Tuesday, but they couldn't hear the heartbeat. The doc said it was probably just too early. Crystal is obviously devastated and Matt is in total disbelief. I imagine part of it is b/c she is here and he is in TX still. She was on bed rest yesterday and told her if to come in today to get a D&C. My heart just breaks for both of them. I've just been a little numb the rest of the weekend. I can't believe this is happening to someone so close to me again.
Sunday we got up and I talked to mom for a little bit and she gave me a few more details. We did a few more things outside then got ready and headed to C'ville. I got my hair cut again then headed to my grandparents for a little get together. This is the first time we've gotten together since Christmas. It was a nice afternoon. When we got home we planted a few more things I got from Peg (stepmom) then we watched Ocean's 12, got a BD in and headed to bed.
Saturday morning we got up and started working out in the yard. We headed out to Lowe's, Bennett's Greenhouse, and Aquarium World and got the supplies we needed. While we were out my mom called and said she, Crystal (my brother's wife) and Kayleigh were going to come up. We got a few things done before they got there, then sat around outside talking and doing other things. Kayleigh is so adorable and we played with her and had a ball. She even fed the fish in my pond. We made a quick trip to Wal-Mart and the grocery and came back home and made some tacos. In the meantime, Crystal had went to the bathroom and noticed blood. Some background: She's pregnant. About 11 weeks. Also has severe kidney stones. Anyway she thought it was just in her urine possibly from the kidney stones. After dinner she went to the bathroom again and there was more blood this time. We decided she needed to get to the hospital and she really wanted to go to C'ville since they had all her records so they left. We finished planting stuff outside and cleaned up, etc. Crystal called me around 8-ish and they had done some bloodwork and told her it was definitely blood and it was a good thing she came in. They were waiting to take her down to do an ultrasound. My mom called maybe 30 minutes later and said she had lost the baby. It actually had died 3-4 weeks prior and her body was just not trying to expel it. The weird thing is that she had just been to the army doc this past Tuesday, but they couldn't hear the heartbeat. The doc said it was probably just too early. Crystal is obviously devastated and Matt is in total disbelief. I imagine part of it is b/c she is here and he is in TX still. She was on bed rest yesterday and told her if to come in today to get a D&C. My heart just breaks for both of them. I've just been a little numb the rest of the weekend. I can't believe this is happening to someone so close to me again.
Sunday we got up and I talked to mom for a little bit and she gave me a few more details. We did a few more things outside then got ready and headed to C'ville. I got my hair cut again then headed to my grandparents for a little get together. This is the first time we've gotten together since Christmas. It was a nice afternoon. When we got home we planted a few more things I got from Peg (stepmom) then we watched Ocean's 12, got a BD in and headed to bed.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Just call me Dr. Crazy
I'm switching doctors. Why? Well, if you've read my blog for very long then you know I'm not fond of my current obese, bald-headed doc. (Dr. Baldy) :D I've been contemplating this for a long time. I even tried to change in January, but my insurance wouldn't cover the doc I wanted to change to at that time. So today Eric was talking to one of his customers and the subject of babies came up. He told her we'd been trying for a while and she asked what doc I was seeing. He told her who and she told him to change! She apparently had went to him for a while and he told her she was going to need a hysterectomy so she got a second opinion from Dr. S and ended getting pregnant with her son soon after. We don't know all the details except that she doesn't like Dr. Baldy at all. I like this lady and she's been around this area (I think) her whole life, so I think I will take her advice. Obviously we don't like him either and I'm not pregnant, so why not change? That is assuming Dr. S accepts me and Dr. Baldy lets me go. See, they are in the same complex so as a courtesy to the other docs they have to get permission to "take me" so to speak. I asked if it is normally a problem and she said no, just a courtesy thing. I should have my answer by mid-next week. Then I can make an appointment.
I'm a bit nervous now and have some mixed emotions. I wonder if Dr. S will cancel the lap scheduled for June and put me immediately on fertility drugs. If he still wants to do the lap obviously it will change to his schedule and not Dr. Baldy's. I guess I'm sorta hoping it's cancelled. Maybe jump into drugs for a few months and see if that works before doing an invasive surgery just to "look around". I think I'm doing the right thing and Eric definitely agrees, but its scary switching. Ironically she suggested Dr. S, who also happens to be K's doctor and she really likes him, too. I wonder if I don't like him if I can go back to the regularly schedule program? Let's just hope I do like him!
I'm a bit nervous now and have some mixed emotions. I wonder if Dr. S will cancel the lap scheduled for June and put me immediately on fertility drugs. If he still wants to do the lap obviously it will change to his schedule and not Dr. Baldy's. I guess I'm sorta hoping it's cancelled. Maybe jump into drugs for a few months and see if that works before doing an invasive surgery just to "look around". I think I'm doing the right thing and Eric definitely agrees, but its scary switching. Ironically she suggested Dr. S, who also happens to be K's doctor and she really likes him, too. I wonder if I don't like him if I can go back to the regularly schedule program? Let's just hope I do like him!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Chocolate Martinis
I absolutely love them! However they, well, any amount of alcohol, makes me very opinionated and able to voice those opinions. Last night my hubby picked me up from work and we headed to Pucchini's for dinner. The girl who seated us had serious back problems that caused her to stick her boobs and put out so far that she was even having problems walking. Eric immediately order me a chocolate martini but at the bar b/c he knew the lady and had to tell her how to order it. We had an overly gay waiter which is fine, but he wasn't the greatest on service... He came to our table and asked "Who ordered the chocolate martini?" I said it was me and off he trotted to pick it up. My thinking is, does it really matter, just bring it to me! I shouldn't complain though b/c they gave us one on the house, too b/c it wasn't filled to the rim. Woohoo! Then Eric ordered a 1/2 order of garlic bread w/ cheese. He got a whole order of garlic bread (no cheese). Finally we ordered. I ordered this chicken w/ noodles in a cream sauce. It had capers, but I asked them to leave it off (This didn't seem to be a problem). While we were waiting and waiting Eric went to get my second chocoalte martini. My meal was supposed to come w/ a salad and he didn't ask me what dressing I wanted, so we called him back over and told him. The waiter finally brought out our food and needless to say I got it with capers. He took it back then came back and said it was pre-packaged and they couldn't take the capers out. They offered to make me something different, but I didn't want to wait and had already had 1 martini and 1 waiting, so I just said I'd eat around it. I did call him a few choice words though b/c he was an idiot! While we were eating there was this "Breaking News Story" that Brittney had finally admitted she was pregnant. Well, as I mentioned I had had some alcohol and belted out "who the hell cares, she's a whore!" This was not deemed "Breaking News Story" in my book whatsoever! Sometimes I think I embarrass Eric, but secretly I think he likes seeing me liquored up. I do admit that I am funny. But this time I was getting mad b/c the girl behind us was talking really loud. I imagine her being loud was making me loud. Anyway, we finally decided to order dessert. The waiter had already printed up our big (assuming we weren't getting dessert), so he pulled a quick one and said, "That will just be on me since you got capers w/ your meal." I just rolled my eyes and said sure. We ate our Tiramisu w/ delight, I finished all but a little bit of my 2nd martini and we headed home.
Being that it is our 2nd anniversary, I came across this the other day. Our "gift" this year is Cotton. So Monday I spent the morning writing Eric a love note and when I got home I glued cotton balls to my love note to him. Funny thing though I couldn't find regular glue so I used super glue. BAD IDEA! I super glued his entire note to the bathroom sick b/c it soaked through the paper. It was a mess, but I got it cleaned up. Eric out did me as usual and bought me this! He has such good taste! And they are so soft! I love VS, too!
Being that it is our 2nd anniversary, I came across this the other day. Our "gift" this year is Cotton. So Monday I spent the morning writing Eric a love note and when I got home I glued cotton balls to my love note to him. Funny thing though I couldn't find regular glue so I used super glue. BAD IDEA! I super glued his entire note to the bathroom sick b/c it soaked through the paper. It was a mess, but I got it cleaned up. Eric out did me as usual and bought me this! He has such good taste! And they are so soft! I love VS, too!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Happy 2 Year Anniversary
It's hard to believe we've been married for 2 years. It feels like much longer. It's amazing to look back when we first got together and see how we've changed and grown, too. I'm so happy in my life right now. Eric completes me in so many ways.
Happy Anniversary Honey!
I know there will be MANY more!
Happy Anniversary Honey!
I know there will be MANY more!
Monday, April 11, 2005
Jam Packed Weekend
Friday I left around 3:45 to head to OH. It was a nice drive despite the little detour I had to take when I stopped off to get dinner. I got to OH around 8:30-9:00 (OH time). We of course caught up a bit then went downstairs and drew numbers out of a hat for Baby Bingo, a game we were playing at Samara's shower on Saturday. Grace was tired, but did not want to go to sleep so she was a little fussy. She fell asleep though. Eric went to get us shakes (not that we needed them), but we ate them, talke a bit then headed to bed. I didn't sleep too great. I got to sleep with Zeus, which was fine, but he had a hard time getting comfy and when he got comfy then he'd start snoring. ha ha ha I did get some sleep though.
Saturday morning we got up and got ready. Then headed to the airport to pick up Danialle. We were running a little late, but it worked out b/c we didn't have to park the car. We just pulled up to the drop off place and picked her right up. After we got back to Jennifer's we cut up fruit for the fruit pizza and got ready to head to Samara's shower. We were all starving and weren't sure what the food choices were giong to be, so we made a quick stop at McD's. Samara's shower was a blast and they made out like bandits! Before the guests arrived her SILs cat decided he wanted some cake and stuck his face and/or paw in for a taste. It only made a "dent" in the cake and they just cut that piece out when they started cutting the cake. We all made a page in the scrapbook for them to put pics of Bean in when he/she arrives. Oh and we played the game where you cut string to guess how big the mommy's belly was and I WON! After the shower we hurried home b/c Grace needed a bottle and I headed out. I was exhausted so I made good time on the way home. I was also a bit on the grouchy side when I got home. My in-laws were there and that was fine, but I was just tired and wanted to go to bed. Anyone who knows me know I'm grouchy when I'm tired.
Saturday morning we got up and got ready then headed to breakfast, which wasn't the greatest. We then headed to Indy to go to the Pacers Game. We thought we were running late, but as it turned out, they changed the game time and we were about 3 hours early. Unfortunately we couldn't wait that long b/c of the doggies and the in-laws didn't want to get home that late. We ended up walking around the mall for a bit then gave the tickets to a lady and her son on the corner. Lucky them! I'm sure Eric made their day!
Once we got back home, the in-laws headed home and we spent the rest of the day/evening working out in the yard. We got the pond completely cleaned up and up and running. (We did lose 1 big fish Sat). We picked up some sticks around the yard and I pulled some weeds and freshened up the landscape even more. We also took the dogs on a short walk. It was a great weekend, but we were both exhausted and were in bed by 10:00.
Saturday morning we got up and got ready. Then headed to the airport to pick up Danialle. We were running a little late, but it worked out b/c we didn't have to park the car. We just pulled up to the drop off place and picked her right up. After we got back to Jennifer's we cut up fruit for the fruit pizza and got ready to head to Samara's shower. We were all starving and weren't sure what the food choices were giong to be, so we made a quick stop at McD's. Samara's shower was a blast and they made out like bandits! Before the guests arrived her SILs cat decided he wanted some cake and stuck his face and/or paw in for a taste. It only made a "dent" in the cake and they just cut that piece out when they started cutting the cake. We all made a page in the scrapbook for them to put pics of Bean in when he/she arrives. Oh and we played the game where you cut string to guess how big the mommy's belly was and I WON! After the shower we hurried home b/c Grace needed a bottle and I headed out. I was exhausted so I made good time on the way home. I was also a bit on the grouchy side when I got home. My in-laws were there and that was fine, but I was just tired and wanted to go to bed. Anyone who knows me know I'm grouchy when I'm tired.
Saturday morning we got up and got ready then headed to breakfast, which wasn't the greatest. We then headed to Indy to go to the Pacers Game. We thought we were running late, but as it turned out, they changed the game time and we were about 3 hours early. Unfortunately we couldn't wait that long b/c of the doggies and the in-laws didn't want to get home that late. We ended up walking around the mall for a bit then gave the tickets to a lady and her son on the corner. Lucky them! I'm sure Eric made their day!
Once we got back home, the in-laws headed home and we spent the rest of the day/evening working out in the yard. We got the pond completely cleaned up and up and running. (We did lose 1 big fish Sat). We picked up some sticks around the yard and I pulled some weeds and freshened up the landscape even more. We also took the dogs on a short walk. It was a great weekend, but we were both exhausted and were in bed by 10:00.
Friday, April 08, 2005
So if you've looked at my chart you'll see I've not go into the habit of temping yet. I forgot today and won't be temping tomorrow or Sunday due to travel and in-laws. I hope to get back on track Monday morning. Darn I have a lot to get back on track come Monday that includes diet and exercise, too. Although I don't mind any of those! Plus Monday starts the official BD every day for like 2 weeks routine. Tuesday is our 2 year anniversary! Yay! Wow! I guess I have a pretty busy next 2 weeks in addition to this weekend!
I just hope it's worth it! *wink*
I just hope it's worth it! *wink*
Big Weekend Ahead
I'm leaving this afternoon for a drive to OH to see J & Baby Grace. Tomorrow morning we pick up D then head to S's baby shower. I can't believe its time for her shower. Bean will be here before we know it! Seems like yesterday she got pregnant! I'm sure that partially b/c we live in different states and don't see each other often! :( Anyway, after the shower on Saturday I have to head back home. My in-laws are coming over and then going to the Pacers Game with us on Sunday. This should be a great weekend, but very busy.
My mom came up last night and we had a blast! I'm really happy about our relationship right now. Even Eric commented that she's doing much better. We had dinner and talked all through dinner. Then we walked around Lowe's and Target. Laughed a ton and just really had a good time. I feel so happy with my life right now.
My mom came up last night and we had a blast! I'm really happy about our relationship right now. Even Eric commented that she's doing much better. We had dinner and talked all through dinner. Then we walked around Lowe's and Target. Laughed a ton and just really had a good time. I feel so happy with my life right now.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Finally a Neighbor w/ Potential
After going to the dog park on Sunday I decided to join the on-line group of the dog park. Today I got an e-mail asking about getting on the mailing list and some input for future meetings which I gladly gave. Ironically after I sent her my mailing address she replied and come to find out she lives across the street from us and has a black lab Casey. We have noticed that we have two neighbors both with labs and had planned on introducing ourselves once we saw them outside and stuff, but this is pure coincidence. Good though. The people in our neighborhood as I've mentioned before are quite "different" to say the least. Rarely anyone waves and they definitely never talk to you. Maybe we can turn this neighborhood around (before we move in the next few years) ha ha ha
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Career vs Family
I've been heavy in thought today while I'm supposed to be working. This thought came in my head and I thought I'd write about it. Career vs. Family For several years I've struggled w/ what career path I wanted to choose in my life. I've tried retail, which I did enjoy except the hours and I've done the secretary for the last few. Now I work with graduate students of a particular department and I do enjoy working with them. My job can have times of redundancy, but mostly I deal with about 500 students and each one is different and I like the interaction. This is not the "Career" for me even though I still don't know what is. As I was thinking today, I wondered is there a career for me? There doesn't have to be. I don't care about my career so much anymore. It's just a job for money. I want a family and will do what I have to to get it. Maybe it's all this infertility stuff that is in my head, but maybe that is what I was just meant to be... A Mom!
I forgot to set out my thermometer last night before going to bed, thus forgot to temp this morning. In fact, didn't even think of it until I was almost finished with my shower. Oops. Then I forgot again by the time I got out of the shower, so it still isn't on my night stand, but I just called home to have Eric put it out for me, otherwise I knew I would forget by this evening again. :) I hope this isn't a premonition of how the rest of the month will be. hee hee Nah, I'll be better from this point forward. I'm only on Day 2 ya know?! It might take a little adjusting to get back in that routine.
Monday, April 04, 2005
This could potentially be it...
...on the TTC solely between the 2 of us and nothing else!
What am I talking about you might ask? This cycle (the one I started today) could be the last cycle for me to get pregnant before my scheduled Lap in June!!! Why?
Well, AF showed up today, not that I had any doubt she would. If Eric gets this job he's interviewing for then he'll be gone the entire month of May! So May is out. June is basically out since my Lap is scheduled before AF is expected to arrive. So anyway I'm so freaking scared. We really have to get our BDs in full swing this month. (pun intended) Here's what our (my) plan is for now.
1) BD - EVERY Day 8-18
2) Drink at least 1 glass Green Tea every day (Since they say it is good for your CM)
3) Saliva Test Day 8-18
4) Start temping tomorrow
5) PBUP Method - Prop Butt Under Pillow Method (and hold for 30 minutes)
I'm sorta panicking right now... If you can't tell!
What am I talking about you might ask? This cycle (the one I started today) could be the last cycle for me to get pregnant before my scheduled Lap in June!!! Why?
Well, AF showed up today, not that I had any doubt she would. If Eric gets this job he's interviewing for then he'll be gone the entire month of May! So May is out. June is basically out since my Lap is scheduled before AF is expected to arrive. So anyway I'm so freaking scared. We really have to get our BDs in full swing this month. (pun intended) Here's what our (my) plan is for now.
1) BD - EVERY Day 8-18
2) Drink at least 1 glass Green Tea every day (Since they say it is good for your CM)
3) Saliva Test Day 8-18
4) Start temping tomorrow
5) PBUP Method - Prop Butt Under Pillow Method (and hold for 30 minutes)
I'm sorta panicking right now... If you can't tell!
Adventures of a Dog Park
Our weekend was great overall. We were having our open house at work Thursday night -Saturday morning. I took Eric with me Friday night to the dinner and we had a pretty good time. The food was much better than Friday's lunch, too. Thank goodness! I was exhausted, so I pretty much went to bed when we got home. Plus I had to get up and work Saturday from 8:30-11:30 am. Eric's parents arrived shortly after noon. We had planned on moving the fish tank Saturday so we could get our new kitchen table and chairs in the kitchen. However, my wonderful husband had graciously got bored on Friday and moved it already. It was nice b/c we just had to move the old table out and the new one in. The table is perfect. We don't have that big of dining room and the table we had before was round. Thankfully this one is oblong and it works much better. Anyway, after getting that all set up, we grabbed lunch then did a little shopping. By the time we got home it was evening and Eric's parents headed home. I cleaned up the table and chairs while he watched the games on TV.
Yesterday we got up and Eric started burning the sticks we have piled in the yard and put some fertilizer out for the magnolia tree and lilac bush. I didn't get up and around as fast as he did. Around 11:30 we headed out with Godiva. First stop, Pet Smart. This was her first experience out and about. You would have thought we were taking her back to where we got her. She acted like a big baby w/ big sad eyes like "don't take me back". Poor thing. Anyway, Eric had her while I was exchanging something and she goes and poops right there at the front door. I think she literally got the shit shared out of her! ;) Eric cleaned the poop up and then took her outside in case she needed to go anymore. After they came back in, Godiva acted fine and apparently thought she was the new manager. She jumped up on the window where you see dogs getting groomed and checked to make sure it was going ok in there. Then she sorta pranced around like she was hot shit. ha ha ha Next stop, dog park. We saw a sign on the window of Starbuck's the other day about a dog park and decided to take Godiva there in hopes of getting her some social skills. We had scoped it out on Saturday and it was really in a dumpy part of town, so we weren't sure how it was going to go over, now how Godiva was going to do there. She was so overwhelmed when we got there. She was so scared. Maybe her parents were a little bit, too. Anyway, while Eric was registering her she was trying to back away from the other dogs and ended up slipping out of her collar. She didn't run though. So after she got registered we went inside. We were nervous about taking her leash off, but we finally did and she just ran and played and had a ball! It was so cute! She would chase other dogs and they would chase her. She wasn't very fond of other dogs smelling her butt (not that I blame her), but she got used to it. It was funny b/c she would run up to the dogs that were playing catch with their owners and chase after the ball or frisbee like she was going to get it then just run past. It was in a fenced in ball field. They had little games/obstacles set up in the in-field, but she liked to be in the outfield away from the chaos apparently. After about an hour she was exhausted and hung around us, which we decided was our sign to head home. We had a few errands to run w/out Godiva so we dropped her off and headed back out to get groceries. When we got back home we worked out in the yard for a while, then took a nice walk around the neighborhood. It was a fantastic weekend overall.
Yesterday we got up and Eric started burning the sticks we have piled in the yard and put some fertilizer out for the magnolia tree and lilac bush. I didn't get up and around as fast as he did. Around 11:30 we headed out with Godiva. First stop, Pet Smart. This was her first experience out and about. You would have thought we were taking her back to where we got her. She acted like a big baby w/ big sad eyes like "don't take me back". Poor thing. Anyway, Eric had her while I was exchanging something and she goes and poops right there at the front door. I think she literally got the shit shared out of her! ;) Eric cleaned the poop up and then took her outside in case she needed to go anymore. After they came back in, Godiva acted fine and apparently thought she was the new manager. She jumped up on the window where you see dogs getting groomed and checked to make sure it was going ok in there. Then she sorta pranced around like she was hot shit. ha ha ha Next stop, dog park. We saw a sign on the window of Starbuck's the other day about a dog park and decided to take Godiva there in hopes of getting her some social skills. We had scoped it out on Saturday and it was really in a dumpy part of town, so we weren't sure how it was going to go over, now how Godiva was going to do there. She was so overwhelmed when we got there. She was so scared. Maybe her parents were a little bit, too. Anyway, while Eric was registering her she was trying to back away from the other dogs and ended up slipping out of her collar. She didn't run though. So after she got registered we went inside. We were nervous about taking her leash off, but we finally did and she just ran and played and had a ball! It was so cute! She would chase other dogs and they would chase her. She wasn't very fond of other dogs smelling her butt (not that I blame her), but she got used to it. It was funny b/c she would run up to the dogs that were playing catch with their owners and chase after the ball or frisbee like she was going to get it then just run past. It was in a fenced in ball field. They had little games/obstacles set up in the in-field, but she liked to be in the outfield away from the chaos apparently. After about an hour she was exhausted and hung around us, which we decided was our sign to head home. We had a few errands to run w/out Godiva so we dropped her off and headed back out to get groceries. When we got back home we worked out in the yard for a while, then took a nice walk around the neighborhood. It was a fantastic weekend overall.
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