Monday, November 21, 2005


Our weekend was good, but quite busy. Friday night we grabbed dinner (mexican) and hit the mall. Eric wanted to get some new jeans and a shirt and I need some new pants. He got his outfit fine, but I left feeling fat and depressed. I'm in between sizes at the moment and I want to be in that smaller size. Well, I'm not yet, so they were too snug to buy and I didn't want to buy the bigger size b/c well, I want to lose more to be in the smaller size. So I didn't buy a single thing.

Saturday we got up early. I was feeling quite lazy and got involved in a movie while Eric cleaned the house. We both showered and got ready after that. Eric's parents came over around noon. We grabbed lunch at Olive*Garden and hit some stores for our usual shopping. After they left that evening we ran to the grocery store and watched TV before going to bed.

Sunday we got up and got ready early. I made a california blend casserole. We loaded the car and headed to C'ville for Thanksgiving dinner with my dad's side family forgetting the pumpkin roll, which we abruptly turned around to get. Unfortunately we also forgot the camera and didn't realize until it was too late. :( Everyone was there besides one cousin and it was nice. I, of course, played with Caidence most of the time. She is so darn cute. I did get a glimpse of sister K's more in-depth parenting and she made it clear to everyone that Caidence was it for her. She would not be having another. This coming from the girl who wanted several kids. I made that actual comment to her and she let me know that she had no idea she would be doing it completely ALONE. L barely plays with Caidence and that is IT. Of course she told me I better get busy, which I just let go in one ear and out the other and changed the subject. Then we left there and headed to the Pacers ballgame.

OMG!!! Our seats were the B-E-S-T!!! We were in the first row directly behind the scorers table. We did get some pics with our camera phone, so I'll try to upload those tonight. During the first few minutes of the game we actually watched the rest of the Colts game on the computer monitors of the scorers. :D The game was good and I was astonished by the height of these dudes. It was a GREAT experience to say the least. The half-time show was actually pretty awesome, too. I can't remember the name of the group, but it reminded me of stomp. These 3 guys played drums on these bucks and metal sink and one guy did some keyboarding. It was awesome! The Pacers won of course and we headed home. I was exhausted (still am today). I slept a bit on the way home, but tried to talk to Eric a little, too b/c I knew he was tired, too. When we got home we came home to a mess. Godiva apparently got extremely bored and decided to destroy her bed in her cage. There were foam pieces everywhere. We cleaned that up and headed to bed.

Even though I'm still exhausted today and despite the sadding clothes shopping Friday, it was nice to have a good weekend. This week is going to be pretty crazy, too, but I will update when I can. Work has picked up, too making it a bit more difficult to update but have no fear. :D Also, stay tuned for up-close pics from the game last night!


Anonymous said...

I so feel you on the clothes thing. I went through a period like that last year and most of this year. I felt so horrible, that i refused to buy myself any clothes.

April said...

Glad you had such a fantastic weekend.