Sunday, March 21, 2004

CD 25, 11 DPO - 98.1

Well as you can see my temp dropped back to 98.1 today. I have a feeling it will be dropping more in the next few days. I guess I knew it, but each month there is always a little hope. Maybe these tests will tell us something or maybe they won't and we'll keep trying. I'm thinking of not temping next month as I know my cycle is pretty regular now, but who knows. I guess I've got a day or two to think about it. I'm going to talk to Eric, too although I already know he would rather I not temp...

I would love to see my temp go back up tomorrow, but...

Ok. I'm a little disappointed that my temp went down this morning and I know it might just be nothing. I'm just so ready to be pregnant and it's bothering me that it's taking to long.

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