So I thought today was CD 1, but apparently not yet. I'm due to start today or tomorrow. I saw (or so I thought) a tinge or red this morning and even thought I was getting cramps, but since then there hasn't even been a hint of red. Who knows?! I was worried that my cycle might be a little later b/c of my lap, so maybe it really will be. I know I'm not late yet and all, but that prescription for Clomid is burning a whole in my wallet!!! I sent Eric to drop it off this morning since I thought today was going to be CD 1, which would mean I need to start it Thursday. However, when I talked to him this morning he said it was too busy so we'd just drop it off tonight. Now I'm contemplating waiting until at least tomorrow. But then again, I think I'd feel better with a nice exepensive bottle of pills sitting in my cabinet, don't ya think?
So the question of the day is...
Which is harder the 2WW or waiting for AF so you can start Clomid and a new, more exciting cycle?
I guess essentially you are waiting for the same thing or lack there of...
I just got my first piece of assvice and let me tell ya, the guy is an idiot!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Some Very Personal Background
This is a hard post that I've been debating for a long time. I want to keep my blog fairly anonymous, but at the same time let me readers have some background. Yes, I post our first names and 99% of people can figure out our last name initial and possibly even a vague idea of where we live. I've talked mostly about our current lives and about our journey in trying to conceive our first child. I thought I'd talk a little bit about my past that even some of my dear friends don't even know about.
I haven't had the best life, but I've tried to make it better by any means I had and make the most out of my life. I'm not looking for pity or sympathy or anything like that. This is just something to write about myself. I've seen others do this and it helps me understand them and I thought I'd not only do it for myself, but for my readers, too. So here goes...
From the beginning, I was an accident. Plain and simple. My mom found out she was pregnant with me and they thought the right thing to do was to get married. That lasted a few years, but then my mom met F. Now, I can't be certain she was having an affair, but less than 6 months after they left my dad (and took me) to move in w/ F they married. I don't know specifics on this, but know they were married in August and my brother was born in February, but I'm not sure if she was pregnant at the wedding or if it happened the next year. All that really matters is that we are 4 years apart. You do the math. I don't remember much about my childhood except bits and pieces. I know that during the time w/ F we had a garden and I used to eat onions straight from the dirt. hee hee We also had a husky named Star that stole my babydoll and while trying to get it back I got bit. I have feelings like it was a violent household, but can't be certain. I know they were heavy into drugs and alcohol. My dad wasn't a saint either though. Anyway, they weren't married very long either before she met and married R. My sister Ashlee is only 4 years younger than my brother. And Lindsay came along 1 1/2 years after that. The marriage to R was very bad. The both drank and did drugs heavily and it was, I clearly remember, a very violent household. I remember very bad things about getting spanked so hard I had welts on my butt and back. I can remember watching my kitten get punted into the wall b/c R just didn't like it. He was very abusive to all of us kids. Why did my mom stay? Well, every time she got beat up or anything she also got something new (ie. car, tanning bed, pool talble, 4 and 3-Wheelers, and the list goes on) It was the worst time in my life and they were married 9 years. I spent many days and nights alone w/ my brother and sisters, babysitting, while mom & R were out partying or whatever.
If you think that is bad this is the story of my life that is just beyond belief. I was going through a really rough time in my life over the summer before my freshman year in HS. My dad and my stepmom had been married probably close to 10 years and she brought her daughter from a previous marriage. To make a long story short, sister K was having some health problems and in the doctors recommended my dad adopting her to help these problems. This just ripped me apart. Both of my worlds were somewhere far off away from me. I only saw my dad every other weekend already and couldn't stand this stranger anway. She had called him dad for as long as I can remember though. Anway, I retaliated and decided to ask R to adopt me. It was the worst mistake in my life. I called my dad on a Saturday before my school was supposed to start on Tuesday and told him that R was adopting me and there was nothing he could do. I completely broke his heart and it kills me to this day. The next day R took me shopping, just him and me, and he spent a shit load of money on me buying me new clothes for school. I thought everything was going to get better. Boy was I wrong!!!
One week later, a Sunday night, mom & R got into a huge fight and they each left me to babysit. We went to bed at some point. I woke up in the middle of the night to R, drunk and in my bedroom. He started by just talking to me, but ended up trying to rape me. Thankfully and who knows how, I convinced him not to and he realized what he was doing and stopped. It still haunts me to this day, in fact. I was 14 years old. Supposedly my mom dialed 911 when I was screaming, but the police didn't show up until the next morning. I went to school that day. After school we went and filed a police report and talked to child protective services or something like that. We went home that night and didn't speak a word. I got up the next morning & went to school, however when I got home, guess who was also there? Yep, she had let R return... I called my dad, who as you recall, I hadn't spoken to since I told him R was adopting me and requested he bring his truck and pick me up immediately. We never really talked about it and I guess he just assumed R was no longer adopting me. I packed my stuff up, confirmed that my mom had made her decision of him over me and left. We spoke rarely and I missed out on several years of my younger siblings lives. I was a mess after moving back in with my dad. I hated my stepmom and even more so my step sister, who did eventually get adopted. We had screaming matches, slamming doors and everything in between. I spent most of my evenings down the road at my boyfriends or really anywhere but home.
Eventually, my life got a little better and I realized it wasn't so bad at my dad's. My stepmom and I one day became very good friends and she helped me through so much in my life. I'm still not particularly fond of K, but I have accepted her into the family and do acknowledge her as my sister. I understand that her dad is worthless and respect what my dad did for her.
Anyway, I didn't talk to my mom much throughout the rest of my HS as you can imagine. She and R didn't last but less than a year maybe after I moved out. We in fact never even talked about it until recently when I brought it up and told her that what she did was wrong, but deep down I knew there was essentially nothing she could do that night and I had moved on in my life. I don't imagine she will talk about it again to me. I only found out a few years ago that my dad never really knew what had happened either. He had read about it in the paper, but no names were given and he had just assumed it was my mom and not me. He and I have still never talked about it. I discussed it with my stepmom.
I dated the same guy all 4 years of HS. The only good thing I have to say about him was that he was not violent. ha! He cheated on me and belittled me in a lot of ways. Finally after spring break my senior year I dumped him. I was about to graduate and decided I was not going down that road in my life. Well, the next few years didn't go so hot. I moved out (for about 9 months) and dated around a lot, which also means I slept w/ some of them. The good thing is that I didn't waste too much time on any of them after I realized it was going nowhere. My friends used to joke b/c they couldn't keep up with my guys, but I was finding myself I think. I had finally given up on men after dating a guy for about 9 months before getting my heart ripped out. I was dating a couple of guys just for "something to do", but was not determined to stop sleeping with any of them when I met Eric. In fact I even dated him and a another guy for about a month before decided Eric was something special. He was still is, and will always be the best thing that happened to me in my life.
I know events in my life have messed me up in a lot of ways, but it has also made me who I am today. If it wasn't for that attack I would have continued to live in that shit hole and I'm positive that I would not be where I am today. I graduated HS (my mom did not), I got an Associates & Bachelors degree (neither parents went to college), I don't work in a factory (both parents do), I own my own home (my mom will never) and I have a happy life. I went through therapy and it helped, but I still deal with it a lot b/c R is the father of both my younger sisters. It is a constant struggle that I live with almost daily. It scares me sometimes to start my own family, but I just keep telling myself that I am so much better and fully capable of raising a healthy and happy and most importantly STABLE home with my husband, kids and pets.
It feels good to write this down and know it's out there for anyone to read. I am a fighter, a survivor and am not ashamed of what happened to me. I am so proud of myself and what I've done in life in only 26 years so far! I can and WILL accomplish so much more in my lifetime.
I haven't had the best life, but I've tried to make it better by any means I had and make the most out of my life. I'm not looking for pity or sympathy or anything like that. This is just something to write about myself. I've seen others do this and it helps me understand them and I thought I'd not only do it for myself, but for my readers, too. So here goes...
From the beginning, I was an accident. Plain and simple. My mom found out she was pregnant with me and they thought the right thing to do was to get married. That lasted a few years, but then my mom met F. Now, I can't be certain she was having an affair, but less than 6 months after they left my dad (and took me) to move in w/ F they married. I don't know specifics on this, but know they were married in August and my brother was born in February, but I'm not sure if she was pregnant at the wedding or if it happened the next year. All that really matters is that we are 4 years apart. You do the math. I don't remember much about my childhood except bits and pieces. I know that during the time w/ F we had a garden and I used to eat onions straight from the dirt. hee hee We also had a husky named Star that stole my babydoll and while trying to get it back I got bit. I have feelings like it was a violent household, but can't be certain. I know they were heavy into drugs and alcohol. My dad wasn't a saint either though. Anyway, they weren't married very long either before she met and married R. My sister Ashlee is only 4 years younger than my brother. And Lindsay came along 1 1/2 years after that. The marriage to R was very bad. The both drank and did drugs heavily and it was, I clearly remember, a very violent household. I remember very bad things about getting spanked so hard I had welts on my butt and back. I can remember watching my kitten get punted into the wall b/c R just didn't like it. He was very abusive to all of us kids. Why did my mom stay? Well, every time she got beat up or anything she also got something new (ie. car, tanning bed, pool talble, 4 and 3-Wheelers, and the list goes on) It was the worst time in my life and they were married 9 years. I spent many days and nights alone w/ my brother and sisters, babysitting, while mom & R were out partying or whatever.
If you think that is bad this is the story of my life that is just beyond belief. I was going through a really rough time in my life over the summer before my freshman year in HS. My dad and my stepmom had been married probably close to 10 years and she brought her daughter from a previous marriage. To make a long story short, sister K was having some health problems and in the doctors recommended my dad adopting her to help these problems. This just ripped me apart. Both of my worlds were somewhere far off away from me. I only saw my dad every other weekend already and couldn't stand this stranger anway. She had called him dad for as long as I can remember though. Anway, I retaliated and decided to ask R to adopt me. It was the worst mistake in my life. I called my dad on a Saturday before my school was supposed to start on Tuesday and told him that R was adopting me and there was nothing he could do. I completely broke his heart and it kills me to this day. The next day R took me shopping, just him and me, and he spent a shit load of money on me buying me new clothes for school. I thought everything was going to get better. Boy was I wrong!!!
One week later, a Sunday night, mom & R got into a huge fight and they each left me to babysit. We went to bed at some point. I woke up in the middle of the night to R, drunk and in my bedroom. He started by just talking to me, but ended up trying to rape me. Thankfully and who knows how, I convinced him not to and he realized what he was doing and stopped. It still haunts me to this day, in fact. I was 14 years old. Supposedly my mom dialed 911 when I was screaming, but the police didn't show up until the next morning. I went to school that day. After school we went and filed a police report and talked to child protective services or something like that. We went home that night and didn't speak a word. I got up the next morning & went to school, however when I got home, guess who was also there? Yep, she had let R return... I called my dad, who as you recall, I hadn't spoken to since I told him R was adopting me and requested he bring his truck and pick me up immediately. We never really talked about it and I guess he just assumed R was no longer adopting me. I packed my stuff up, confirmed that my mom had made her decision of him over me and left. We spoke rarely and I missed out on several years of my younger siblings lives. I was a mess after moving back in with my dad. I hated my stepmom and even more so my step sister, who did eventually get adopted. We had screaming matches, slamming doors and everything in between. I spent most of my evenings down the road at my boyfriends or really anywhere but home.
Eventually, my life got a little better and I realized it wasn't so bad at my dad's. My stepmom and I one day became very good friends and she helped me through so much in my life. I'm still not particularly fond of K, but I have accepted her into the family and do acknowledge her as my sister. I understand that her dad is worthless and respect what my dad did for her.
Anyway, I didn't talk to my mom much throughout the rest of my HS as you can imagine. She and R didn't last but less than a year maybe after I moved out. We in fact never even talked about it until recently when I brought it up and told her that what she did was wrong, but deep down I knew there was essentially nothing she could do that night and I had moved on in my life. I don't imagine she will talk about it again to me. I only found out a few years ago that my dad never really knew what had happened either. He had read about it in the paper, but no names were given and he had just assumed it was my mom and not me. He and I have still never talked about it. I discussed it with my stepmom.
I dated the same guy all 4 years of HS. The only good thing I have to say about him was that he was not violent. ha! He cheated on me and belittled me in a lot of ways. Finally after spring break my senior year I dumped him. I was about to graduate and decided I was not going down that road in my life. Well, the next few years didn't go so hot. I moved out (for about 9 months) and dated around a lot, which also means I slept w/ some of them. The good thing is that I didn't waste too much time on any of them after I realized it was going nowhere. My friends used to joke b/c they couldn't keep up with my guys, but I was finding myself I think. I had finally given up on men after dating a guy for about 9 months before getting my heart ripped out. I was dating a couple of guys just for "something to do", but was not determined to stop sleeping with any of them when I met Eric. In fact I even dated him and a another guy for about a month before decided Eric was something special. He was still is, and will always be the best thing that happened to me in my life.
I know events in my life have messed me up in a lot of ways, but it has also made me who I am today. If it wasn't for that attack I would have continued to live in that shit hole and I'm positive that I would not be where I am today. I graduated HS (my mom did not), I got an Associates & Bachelors degree (neither parents went to college), I don't work in a factory (both parents do), I own my own home (my mom will never) and I have a happy life. I went through therapy and it helped, but I still deal with it a lot b/c R is the father of both my younger sisters. It is a constant struggle that I live with almost daily. It scares me sometimes to start my own family, but I just keep telling myself that I am so much better and fully capable of raising a healthy and happy and most importantly STABLE home with my husband, kids and pets.
It feels good to write this down and know it's out there for anyone to read. I am a fighter, a survivor and am not ashamed of what happened to me. I am so proud of myself and what I've done in life in only 26 years so far! I can and WILL accomplish so much more in my lifetime.
We had a nice, long, relaxing weekend overall. I had talked to a lady on Thursday about Godiva's schooling and plan on signing her up in the next week or two. So, Friday night I got off work a little early and we stopped off at the Vet and bought a Gentle Leader Headcollar as it had been recommended to us by the lady doing Godiva's schooling. She starts next week for 12 weeks and I can't wait. When we got home we worked w/ Godiva on it a little and just let her get used to it, then took her on a very short walk. I was super grouchy so we ended up going out to grab dinner, then came back home and I wrapped my sister Ashlee's graduation gifts with Godiva's help. I ended up going to bed shortly thereafter.
Saturday we got up early and did a few things around house. I had talked to my mom and got some bad news. I think I had mentioned that my brother was married in February. Well she left him early May. He is really a mess over it. She's still playing games with him and screwing with his head horribly. Anyway, they ended up putting him in the hospital for depression and anxiety and I'm sure he's unknowingly on suicide watch. Apparently he has been calling my mom for a week or so about every night balling his eyes out and saying how he just can't take it anymore. Anyway, I guess he's getting some counseling and stuff and seems to be doing a little better. They are just worried about him, as are we. Anyway, after that bad news we headed to the gym and came home and got ready. Danialle & Chadd got to our house around 11:30 and we headed to C'ville to go to my sister's graduation. The graduation itself was long and boring as graduations are. After the graduation we headed to her open house and stayed a few hours before heading home. We are so proud of my sister. Eric started getting a headache on our way home and ended up going to bed when we got home. I imagine it was his allergies b/c mine are really kicking my ass, too.
I woke up to some good news Saturday morning, which I've already posted (It's a Girl!) We took the dogs to a park about 15 minutes from our house and went on a few trails. This was Godiva's first time walking on her gentle leader and we brought her regular collar as a backup and ended up putting it on her after a while. On our way back we went down by the creek to let the dogs play and ended up walking back through the creek. It was a bit cold, but it was fun. The doggies had a great time and it wore them out! When we got home the dogs crashed for a bit while we did some stuff outside. We let Godiva play in her pool for a while, too b/c we needed to clean her off from the creek water. I relaxed on the couch for a little while then began making a nice dinner for us. It was Baked Chicken Ziti. It was pretty good although Eric not a fan of onions and neither of us are fans of chuncky tomatoes, but next time I'll just use tomato sauce or spaghetti sauce.
Yesterday we went to the gym and me being the klutz I am fell and hurt my ankle. I have a huge knot now. Thankfully all I had left was abs, however it literally made me sick so we left before doing abs. I can walk on it though. We grabbed lunch and went to organize the storage shed we rent. Before we got started organizing, we realized that we were wasting so much money renting one and could actually save money buy buying one, so off we went and bought one. It should be delivered this afternoon, so we get to spend our evening putting it together and leveling our yard for it, etc. It is super nice though and I'll be glad to have everything at our house. Last night we watched the movie Spanglish w/ Adam Sandler. It was pretty funny. I don't think we'll buy it though.
I was not ready to go back to work today. So much so that since Eric has an all day meeting on Friday and we only have one car, I decided to just take Friday off, too. hee hee This week isn't going to be so short! Yay!
Saturday we got up early and did a few things around house. I had talked to my mom and got some bad news. I think I had mentioned that my brother was married in February. Well she left him early May. He is really a mess over it. She's still playing games with him and screwing with his head horribly. Anyway, they ended up putting him in the hospital for depression and anxiety and I'm sure he's unknowingly on suicide watch. Apparently he has been calling my mom for a week or so about every night balling his eyes out and saying how he just can't take it anymore. Anyway, I guess he's getting some counseling and stuff and seems to be doing a little better. They are just worried about him, as are we. Anyway, after that bad news we headed to the gym and came home and got ready. Danialle & Chadd got to our house around 11:30 and we headed to C'ville to go to my sister's graduation. The graduation itself was long and boring as graduations are. After the graduation we headed to her open house and stayed a few hours before heading home. We are so proud of my sister. Eric started getting a headache on our way home and ended up going to bed when we got home. I imagine it was his allergies b/c mine are really kicking my ass, too.
I woke up to some good news Saturday morning, which I've already posted (It's a Girl!) We took the dogs to a park about 15 minutes from our house and went on a few trails. This was Godiva's first time walking on her gentle leader and we brought her regular collar as a backup and ended up putting it on her after a while. On our way back we went down by the creek to let the dogs play and ended up walking back through the creek. It was a bit cold, but it was fun. The doggies had a great time and it wore them out! When we got home the dogs crashed for a bit while we did some stuff outside. We let Godiva play in her pool for a while, too b/c we needed to clean her off from the creek water. I relaxed on the couch for a little while then began making a nice dinner for us. It was Baked Chicken Ziti. It was pretty good although Eric not a fan of onions and neither of us are fans of chuncky tomatoes, but next time I'll just use tomato sauce or spaghetti sauce.
Yesterday we went to the gym and me being the klutz I am fell and hurt my ankle. I have a huge knot now. Thankfully all I had left was abs, however it literally made me sick so we left before doing abs. I can walk on it though. We grabbed lunch and went to organize the storage shed we rent. Before we got started organizing, we realized that we were wasting so much money renting one and could actually save money buy buying one, so off we went and bought one. It should be delivered this afternoon, so we get to spend our evening putting it together and leveling our yard for it, etc. It is super nice though and I'll be glad to have everything at our house. Last night we watched the movie Spanglish w/ Adam Sandler. It was pretty funny. I don't think we'll buy it though.
I was not ready to go back to work today. So much so that since Eric has an all day meeting on Friday and we only have one car, I decided to just take Friday off, too. hee hee This week isn't going to be so short! Yay!
Sunday, May 29, 2005
I promised the other day to talk about my feelings of starting clomid potentially next week. I feel much better about it now and I'm excited to be kicking it up a notch and getting the ball going. I guess I was mostly floored b/c it was just not what we were expecting to hear when we went in. Eric has specifically asked Dr. S right after my surgery about drugs and he thought we would try on our own a few months before trying drugs. I guess he had a change of heart. Now we have to get our stuff in gear and make sure we really BD every single day during my window. The next couple of months are pretty much dependant upon that. No pressure though right? hee hee
It's a Girl!
Congratulations to Will & Samara! Ava Emma-Lynn (a.k.a. "Bean")was born in the wee hours this morning and from what I understand Samara was great. Both mother and baby are doing wonderful! Check out Jennifer's Blog for more details and a picture!
Friday, May 27, 2005
Bean is Coming!
Got a call from Jennifer this morning and our friend Samara is officially going into labor. She lost her "plug" this morning! Yay! Bean might beat Grace's tooth yet! S/he wanted to come at his/her own time and not be pressured by others. hee hee
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Dooneybug sent me some very interesting questions for this interview thing in blogland.
1. If you had to pick between being deaf or blind the rest of your life,
which one would you choose and why?
I'd be deaf b/c I could still read and see the beautiful sights of the world.
2. What is your very first memory of?
Seeing a bright light and my mother's ankles!
3. If you had a previous life, who or what were you?
I'm quite sure I was a queen. If you know me, you would know that.
4. Do you believe in a heaven and if so, what is it like?
Yes, it involves unlimited shopping at VS!
5. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
A housewife w/ 3 kids and a full maid staff.
1. If you had to pick between being deaf or blind the rest of your life,
which one would you choose and why?
I'd be deaf b/c I could still read and see the beautiful sights of the world.
2. What is your very first memory of?
Seeing a bright light and my mother's ankles!
3. If you had a previous life, who or what were you?
I'm quite sure I was a queen. If you know me, you would know that.
4. Do you believe in a heaven and if so, what is it like?
Yes, it involves unlimited shopping at VS!
5. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
A housewife w/ 3 kids and a full maid staff.
Yucky Belly Button
My stitches in my belly button are apparently dissolving just like the doctor said they would and looking pretty nasty. My lower incision was sore last week and red and inflamed. It is better now, but I'm sure it will go back b/c you can still see the tail of the string poking through so it's obviously not dissolving yet. However my belly button looks disgusting. It got really hard last night and red. When I woke up this morning it had a little puss pocket where the tail of the string had been poking through. By the time I got out of the shower it had popped and was seeping. Yucky! I put some neosporin on it once I got to work and it seems to be looking a little better already. I guess it needed to get some stuff out of there before it finishes dissolving and healing. I'll be glad when its all back to normal. My past incision is hardly even visible, but I have a feeling this one might be a little more visible. I hope I'm wrong.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
I've Been Compromised
That's right, my employer had one of their computers compromised the other day, so upon returning back to work from my vacation I had this wonderful e-mail stating such and to go to a certain link to see if my name and ss# was compromised and wouldn't you know it, I was. I spent yesterday putting an "Initial Fraud Alert" on my credit through experian. I guess one good thing came out of it and that is getting a credit report. The rest of the day I spent going through my report detail by ever loving detail. I had got a report some time ago (before we bought our house), but knew my credit was good, so I didn't look at it in as much detail. Needless to say, I printed a ton of stuff off from CC's I had right after HS that I stopped using but never closed. I have spent my entire morning today (good thing we aren't busy) calling every single creditor and requesting my account be closed and then requesting a letter confirming the closure. Once I get all the letters I'm sending them to experian for their records. The bad thing is that all those stay on your report for about 7 years. B/C of this crap w/ work I have to check my credit report in 30 days, which I assume will cost me (this infuriates me) b/c you can only order one free copy from each agency one at a time spaced four months apart. Then I have to check it again on a regular basis for a year. Anyway, I guess it got me rolling on working on my credit. I'm still pretty good, but since buying the house and several other things it has went down a bit. I guess it happens though. The only way now is back up.
I know it takes less time to trash your score than build it up, but does anyone know how long it takes to get it up higher faster?
I know it takes less time to trash your score than build it up, but does anyone know how long it takes to get it up higher faster?
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
TTC Scoop
We didn't get any BD-ing in this entire month until last night. Obviously this month is totally out. We had planned on getting some in during our vacation, but we ended up sleeping in the living room on the pull-out couch. Boo hoo!
Today I had my 2-week post-op appointment. I was floored. When we went in the nurse asked me to undress from the waist down. I was shocked and she said that he just wanted to check my stitches. When he came in he asked me if I had had any problems and I told him about getting sick on that Thursday and the lump on Friday. He said some people have that reaction to that pain medicine and the lump was probably an irritation to my lymph since that was also the hand my IV was in. The lump is gone now (lasted about a week). He explained the pics to me a little then said my most fertile time is going to be 1-6 months post surgery, which we already knew. He had initially told Eric immediately after my surgery that he didn't think drugs were necessary, but today he decided to put me on Clomid a few months and then if I still didn't get pregnant he was going to refer me on. I was a little shocked and all I could think to ask was what are teh side effects? Virtually none especially since it will be only a few months. What are the chances of multiples? 5% that's not much different than twins w/ no drugs and twins are pretty common. Also he's not had more than 2 births w/ anyone he's prescribed it to. You normally see more than 2 when you get into injections.
So AF should come sometime next week assuming she's not messed up from the Lap. I expect her around Tues-Wed timeframe. Once she arrives I have to call the doc and set up bloodwork around Day 22-23. I will take Clomid Days 3-8. Should Ovulate Day 13-17. Blookwork Day 22-23. Expect next period Day 29-30. Wow!
Let's look at some pros and cons...
Pro - My doc does not beat around the bush!
Con - He's only giving me 2-3 Months!
Pro - I've lost some 12.5 pounds pre-pregnancy. (yay)
Con - I would have liked to lose another 5-10. (but that's not a huge deal)
Con - It's about $150 (per month)
Pro - I guess it could be worse, good thing we paid some of our debt off recently & I can hit my mom who really wants a grandbaby up. hee hee
Pro - We paid off several bills recently so we are better off financially
Con - We still have some bills out there.
Pro - I could very well be pregnant in a month!
Con - None
Pro - I know how to exercise & eat right, so I can keep it up while pregnant!
Con - None
Con - It's through pills and this means trying naturally is being given up
Pro - Who cares about trying naturally as long as I get pregnant!
Right now I'm in a bit of shock and I think Eric is, too. I don't necessarily think it's bad thing to start clomid, in fact, I'm glad he's not screwing around w/ my precious time like the old butt-head. I guess mostly we were not expecting this when we went in today and it threw us both off guard a bit. I'll post tomorrow about more of my feelings after they settle in a bit.
Today I had my 2-week post-op appointment. I was floored. When we went in the nurse asked me to undress from the waist down. I was shocked and she said that he just wanted to check my stitches. When he came in he asked me if I had had any problems and I told him about getting sick on that Thursday and the lump on Friday. He said some people have that reaction to that pain medicine and the lump was probably an irritation to my lymph since that was also the hand my IV was in. The lump is gone now (lasted about a week). He explained the pics to me a little then said my most fertile time is going to be 1-6 months post surgery, which we already knew. He had initially told Eric immediately after my surgery that he didn't think drugs were necessary, but today he decided to put me on Clomid a few months and then if I still didn't get pregnant he was going to refer me on. I was a little shocked and all I could think to ask was what are teh side effects? Virtually none especially since it will be only a few months. What are the chances of multiples? 5% that's not much different than twins w/ no drugs and twins are pretty common. Also he's not had more than 2 births w/ anyone he's prescribed it to. You normally see more than 2 when you get into injections.
So AF should come sometime next week assuming she's not messed up from the Lap. I expect her around Tues-Wed timeframe. Once she arrives I have to call the doc and set up bloodwork around Day 22-23. I will take Clomid Days 3-8. Should Ovulate Day 13-17. Blookwork Day 22-23. Expect next period Day 29-30. Wow!
Let's look at some pros and cons...
Pro - My doc does not beat around the bush!
Con - He's only giving me 2-3 Months!
Pro - I've lost some 12.5 pounds pre-pregnancy. (yay)
Con - I would have liked to lose another 5-10. (but that's not a huge deal)
Con - It's about $150 (per month)
Pro - I guess it could be worse, good thing we paid some of our debt off recently & I can hit my mom who really wants a grandbaby up. hee hee
Pro - We paid off several bills recently so we are better off financially
Con - We still have some bills out there.
Pro - I could very well be pregnant in a month!
Con - None
Pro - I know how to exercise & eat right, so I can keep it up while pregnant!
Con - None
Con - It's through pills and this means trying naturally is being given up
Pro - Who cares about trying naturally as long as I get pregnant!
Right now I'm in a bit of shock and I think Eric is, too. I don't necessarily think it's bad thing to start clomid, in fact, I'm glad he's not screwing around w/ my precious time like the old butt-head. I guess mostly we were not expecting this when we went in today and it threw us both off guard a bit. I'll post tomorrow about more of my feelings after they settle in a bit.
I'm back
Ok, let's see where to start... Friday morning we got up early and got ready. I called my sister (@ 7 am) b/c I remembered that she wasn't working and convinced her to come to our house and dog sit all weekend. She agreed. We finished getting ready and she arrived shortly after 9 and we gave her the "rules & regulations". We left around 10, grabbed breakfast and was on our way to Eric's parents house. When we got there we chatted a bit then headed to lunch. We had lunch at this mexican place that was great. I wish they had one around there! Anyway, after lunch we did a few other things then headed north. We arrived at the Fox River Resort around 4:30 pm. SIL & BIL arrived shortly thereafter. After checking the place out, unpacking, etc., we headed to Ottawa for dinner. We went to this pizza place, but apparenly its not like it used to be. They had pizza and pizza only. I had hoped to eat a little healthier, but I had no choice about dinner. After dinner, we headed to get ice cream, got some groceries for the weekend, then headed back to the resort. We played a game of Uno then headed to bed.
Saturday morning we got up and started getting ready. Eric & I were the first ones to get ready. After we got ready we headed over to play a game of putt-putt while the others got ready. On our way down to get putters and balls we decided that most of the people at this place had "won" a weekend stay there to try to lure them into buying a timeshare there. Most of these people were lower income people and sorta white-trashy. Anyway, we got our stuff and headed to the course. It was just your basic course, but we noticed that could be seen as a bit on the sexual side. I'm sure part of it was b/c we hadn't BD'd for a few weeks, but still. Several of the holes were shaped like a penis. When we were almost finished (I ended up winning), SIL & BIL showed up so we played around round w/ them. We showed them our discovery and they agreed. After a few holes we even noticed this! It couldn't get any better. We ended up beating SIL & BIL, too. After that we headed back to the room and headed to Boling Brook. We had pre-ordered tickets for Star Wars so we picked them up then went to eat at Red Robin. Let me say, if you EVER see one of these places STOP AND EAT THERE! I was skeptical at first, but they have the absolute BEST gourmet burgers & chicken there. They have bottomless fries & drinks (non-alcoholic), too. Yum! I got Teriyaki Chicken and it was to die for! After dinner we still had some time to kill so we hit some balls in the batting cage near there and then played mine & Eric's third game of putt-putt. The course was a lot of fun, too. We finished earlier than expected and headed back to the theater. We were there pretty early, so we asked if we could switch to 6:30 movie instead of 7:00 and they let us. We watched the movie which was good (now I have to watch the first two) and headed home and to bed.
On Sunday morning we got up and got ready. The girls headed to the stables and the guys played golf. I had joked w/ Eric before we left that I was going to find me a saddle boy or cowboy while I was there and wouldn't you know it, I rode a cowboy. ha ha ha My horse was named cowboy! It was quite funny! When we got done we headed to Starved Rock. This place is gorgeous. SIL & BIL got married there Oct 2003. We walked down to St. Louis Canyon and messed around. We were quite surprised to find that just the day before (Saturday) part of the canyon had fallen. It was eery, too b/c we took pics where all the rubble was back during the wedding. Anyway, it was quite nice to see. We wondered around Starved Rock for a while then headed back home. When we got home we made dinner, then SIL opened her presents since it was her birthday and we had cake & ice cream. We also drove around the resort and found this little waterfall and ate some s'mores near the waterfall. Then we headed up to the stables to show the guys. (Eric wanted to see his competition) hee hee We played another game of Uno, then got ready for bed. We called sister before we got ready to go to bed only to find out she has just hit a deer. She was fine after some extreme calming down and she made it back to our house, however, she has some leaks, so we are't letting her drive her car. Plus her radiator is pretty dented in and some other stuff. Needless to say she was lucky! It could have been much worse.
Monday morning we got up early and left by 7:00 and was home by 10:00 am. We were anxious to get home to the doggies and to see my sister and her damage. We spent most of the day doing stuff. I took my sister back home & cleaned house and Eric mowed and did a few things in the garage.
Overall, it was a good vacation. The resort was nice although it was a lot of white trashy people. We were not so impressed with that aspect of it. There was a lot to do however we had no desire to go near either of the swimming pools or the pond. It may have just been the time of year, too. It might not be like that all the time. It was a pretty nice place overall.
Here is all of our vacation pics!
Saturday morning we got up and started getting ready. Eric & I were the first ones to get ready. After we got ready we headed over to play a game of putt-putt while the others got ready. On our way down to get putters and balls we decided that most of the people at this place had "won" a weekend stay there to try to lure them into buying a timeshare there. Most of these people were lower income people and sorta white-trashy. Anyway, we got our stuff and headed to the course. It was just your basic course, but we noticed that could be seen as a bit on the sexual side. I'm sure part of it was b/c we hadn't BD'd for a few weeks, but still. Several of the holes were shaped like a penis. When we were almost finished (I ended up winning), SIL & BIL showed up so we played around round w/ them. We showed them our discovery and they agreed. After a few holes we even noticed this! It couldn't get any better. We ended up beating SIL & BIL, too. After that we headed back to the room and headed to Boling Brook. We had pre-ordered tickets for Star Wars so we picked them up then went to eat at Red Robin. Let me say, if you EVER see one of these places STOP AND EAT THERE! I was skeptical at first, but they have the absolute BEST gourmet burgers & chicken there. They have bottomless fries & drinks (non-alcoholic), too. Yum! I got Teriyaki Chicken and it was to die for! After dinner we still had some time to kill so we hit some balls in the batting cage near there and then played mine & Eric's third game of putt-putt. The course was a lot of fun, too. We finished earlier than expected and headed back to the theater. We were there pretty early, so we asked if we could switch to 6:30 movie instead of 7:00 and they let us. We watched the movie which was good (now I have to watch the first two) and headed home and to bed.
On Sunday morning we got up and got ready. The girls headed to the stables and the guys played golf. I had joked w/ Eric before we left that I was going to find me a saddle boy or cowboy while I was there and wouldn't you know it, I rode a cowboy. ha ha ha My horse was named cowboy! It was quite funny! When we got done we headed to Starved Rock. This place is gorgeous. SIL & BIL got married there Oct 2003. We walked down to St. Louis Canyon and messed around. We were quite surprised to find that just the day before (Saturday) part of the canyon had fallen. It was eery, too b/c we took pics where all the rubble was back during the wedding. Anyway, it was quite nice to see. We wondered around Starved Rock for a while then headed back home. When we got home we made dinner, then SIL opened her presents since it was her birthday and we had cake & ice cream. We also drove around the resort and found this little waterfall and ate some s'mores near the waterfall. Then we headed up to the stables to show the guys. (Eric wanted to see his competition) hee hee We played another game of Uno, then got ready for bed. We called sister before we got ready to go to bed only to find out she has just hit a deer. She was fine after some extreme calming down and she made it back to our house, however, she has some leaks, so we are't letting her drive her car. Plus her radiator is pretty dented in and some other stuff. Needless to say she was lucky! It could have been much worse.
Monday morning we got up early and left by 7:00 and was home by 10:00 am. We were anxious to get home to the doggies and to see my sister and her damage. We spent most of the day doing stuff. I took my sister back home & cleaned house and Eric mowed and did a few things in the garage.
Overall, it was a good vacation. The resort was nice although it was a lot of white trashy people. We were not so impressed with that aspect of it. There was a lot to do however we had no desire to go near either of the swimming pools or the pond. It may have just been the time of year, too. It might not be like that all the time. It was a pretty nice place overall.
Here is all of our vacation pics!
Thursday, May 19, 2005
On Vacation
I will be leaving tomorrow (Friday morning) for a much needed VACATION and won't be returning until Monday, so no posts until then. I hope to post an update including pics Monday, but it may be Tuesday (at work) before I get around to it depending on when we get home. I also hope to get a good pic of my hubby & I to put up in the sidebar since I've yet to do that. :(
Have a great weekend!
Have a great weekend!
I'm so totally bored at work today that I've run out of things to even google! Here's a few random things I've run across today.
*I asked my friend Danialle if she had anything she needed googled. Her reply: "Why is Danialle contstantly hungry?" So here are the results. If you haven't been reading this blog long Results 1 & 2 are from our best friend Jennifer. So apparently she knows why Danialle is constantly hungry. Care to answer J?
*Note: This sorta struck me as odd! Pear shaped women (me) may be more fertile (bullshit) than their apple shaped friends due to higher levels of the hormone oestrogen. However a conflicting view is that the higher level of oestrogen may lead to an increased risk of endometriosis, which in turn may make conceiving problematic. (Dead on)
*Pear shaped women should wear jeans labeled "hipster" as they help avoid that gape in the waist we all hate as they sit low on your hips and not at your waist. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. Grrr... Although I'm not a fan of the thong sticking out of the top of the jean look either. I suppose that goes along w/ the guy whose pants are hanging down w/ his boxers showing. It's a white trash couple. hee hee
*Why don't they make capris in lengths? I know w/ my body shape I shouldn't necessarily be wearing them, but I have a few pair I like and damned if they don't look like high waters on me. Now I could have them hemmed, but so far haven't even though I've had them since...hmmm....last summer. hee hee Most all capris I've tried on are not technically capris on me.
*I have this deep need to buy a new ring. In fact we almost bought me one last night at the mall. I have wanted a princess cut (square/rectangle) aquamarine, which is my birthstone, ring for quite some time. My gracious husband knows this and a few years ago tried to find one, but couldn't so he ended up getting me a pear shaped one (to go along w/ my body-hee hee). And I do like it, but it's too small, so I need to get it sized. I should probably just do that, huh?
*Keep one of my best friends, Samara, in your thoughts. She is in her 39th week and very anxiously waiting for "Bean" to make the grand appearance. She's getting into the uncomfortable end of pregnancy stuff and ready to deliver now even though she's not progressing as fast as we all want. (hee hee) At least Bean will be here for sure in just a little over a week although we don't want to wait that long either. I'm thinking of you!
That's all now. I'm leaving work shortly and have a jam packed night ahead of me to get ready for our vacation w/ a softball game thrown in for some added time away from what I need to be doing. I was really hoping for thunderstorms to start anytime and postpone our game, but it's not looking like it yet. Ho-Hum.
*I asked my friend Danialle if she had anything she needed googled. Her reply: "Why is Danialle contstantly hungry?" So here are the results. If you haven't been reading this blog long Results 1 & 2 are from our best friend Jennifer. So apparently she knows why Danialle is constantly hungry. Care to answer J?
*Note: This sorta struck me as odd! Pear shaped women (me) may be more fertile (bullshit) than their apple shaped friends due to higher levels of the hormone oestrogen. However a conflicting view is that the higher level of oestrogen may lead to an increased risk of endometriosis, which in turn may make conceiving problematic. (Dead on)
*Pear shaped women should wear jeans labeled "hipster" as they help avoid that gape in the waist we all hate as they sit low on your hips and not at your waist. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. Grrr... Although I'm not a fan of the thong sticking out of the top of the jean look either. I suppose that goes along w/ the guy whose pants are hanging down w/ his boxers showing. It's a white trash couple. hee hee
*Why don't they make capris in lengths? I know w/ my body shape I shouldn't necessarily be wearing them, but I have a few pair I like and damned if they don't look like high waters on me. Now I could have them hemmed, but so far haven't even though I've had them since...hmmm....last summer. hee hee Most all capris I've tried on are not technically capris on me.
*I have this deep need to buy a new ring. In fact we almost bought me one last night at the mall. I have wanted a princess cut (square/rectangle) aquamarine, which is my birthstone, ring for quite some time. My gracious husband knows this and a few years ago tried to find one, but couldn't so he ended up getting me a pear shaped one (to go along w/ my body-hee hee). And I do like it, but it's too small, so I need to get it sized. I should probably just do that, huh?
*Keep one of my best friends, Samara, in your thoughts. She is in her 39th week and very anxiously waiting for "Bean" to make the grand appearance. She's getting into the uncomfortable end of pregnancy stuff and ready to deliver now even though she's not progressing as fast as we all want. (hee hee) At least Bean will be here for sure in just a little over a week although we don't want to wait that long either. I'm thinking of you!
That's all now. I'm leaving work shortly and have a jam packed night ahead of me to get ready for our vacation w/ a softball game thrown in for some added time away from what I need to be doing. I was really hoping for thunderstorms to start anytime and postpone our game, but it's not looking like it yet. Ho-Hum.
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Turning Girlie
I've been working really hard on my appearance and trying to add more color, wear clothes that make me look better including shoes, etc. See I'm normally the khaki pant/short girl w/ nice shirt. I have plain black or brown sandals or either inappropriate (so I've learned) or no heel to my shoes. I'm sorta plain jane type. Kitten has graciously been watching and researching the appropriate clothes for our body types (we are pears) includes shoes, etc. I know Eric likes me to be more feminine, too. I just have a hard time going the more girlie route. I bought a khaki skirt a while back and while it was khaki is was good in that it was the appropriate length AND it was a skirt, which I never wear. Anyway, we went and got a few things today for our upcoming vacation and I'm proud of my purchases, so I thought I'd post pics of myself b/c I guess I'm that vain. hee hee
My first purchase was the MOST feminine thing ever. Check these hot heels out! Woohoo! Go me!
This is the outfit I picked out w/ a close-up of the shorts. Yes, pinkish not khaki! Now my intent was NOT a plain white shirt. I wanted a white shirt w/ a little bit of pink it in, but I couldn't find anything, so I ended up w/ this b/c it was on sale. I will get a white shirt w/ a little pink it though. I promise!
I know it's just small steps right now, but I'm coming around to being more girl like. I have a shopping spree planned for June w/ Kitten. I'm sure we will have to make a few trips to the car to drop off purchases, too. Yay!
My first purchase was the MOST feminine thing ever. Check these hot heels out! Woohoo! Go me!
This is the outfit I picked out w/ a close-up of the shorts. Yes, pinkish not khaki! Now my intent was NOT a plain white shirt. I wanted a white shirt w/ a little bit of pink it in, but I couldn't find anything, so I ended up w/ this b/c it was on sale. I will get a white shirt w/ a little pink it though. I promise!
I know it's just small steps right now, but I'm coming around to being more girl like. I have a shopping spree planned for June w/ Kitten. I'm sure we will have to make a few trips to the car to drop off purchases, too. Yay!
Mmmm.... Mmmm.... Good?
I finally figured out how to work the broiler in our oven after the last GWO at my house. I was so excited. So yesterday morning I put some chicken in a dish and let it marinate all day in some Teriyaki & Pineapple marinade. Then we I got home I got to broiling. The pan wasn't the easiest thing to get out of the oven to turn the chicken over the first time and it smelt sorta funny, but I didn't think too much of it. I got ready to pull it out again to check the doneness and guess what?! I realized what that funny smell was. Yep, I was touching my oven mits to the broiler and ended up catching them on fire. There was seriously flames coming off my thumbs. Damn! I ended up using pot holders to slide it out the final time, but had to through my oven mits away. It was pretty funny! Thought the GWO gals would really get a kick out of it since they are well aware of my cooking skills or lack there of... hee hee
Oh, the teriyaki chicken turned out wonderful I must say. It just fell apart when you were cutting it. It was even the good side of juicy. Yum!
Oh, the teriyaki chicken turned out wonderful I must say. It just fell apart when you were cutting it. It was even the good side of juicy. Yum!
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Ok, one more for today. I've been working on posting this, but finally got around to it. Please note that the pics are very graphic and not for the weak stomach. I've tried to detail each picture and put a arrow in (all from my hubby's memory), so we think it's pretty accurate. *wink*
So, as promised... Lap Pics 05-09-05
Feel free to ask questions if you are confused. I'll do what I can to answer since I didn't get the info first hand from Dr. S. :)
So, as promised... Lap Pics 05-09-05
Feel free to ask questions if you are confused. I'll do what I can to answer since I didn't get the info first hand from Dr. S. :)
Armpit Knot
Yea, I'm posty today apparently.
Anyway, I have a theory on my armpit knot. Remember how I said I got really sick on Thursday and thought it was from my medicine? Then it just so happened the knot in my armpit showed up on Friday. Doesn't that sound weird?! I just put two-and-two together. Maybe I had a reaction to the medicine since it does take some time for it to be in your system or maybe a certain dosage and I reacted by getting sick. The knot was part of the reaction and my lymph node swelled b/c of it and maybe was trying to expel the medicine although it hasn't popped or anything.
Anyway, it's a good theory. I did call my doc's office this morning and made an appt for next Tuesday for a post-op. They asked if I was having any problems and I said I thought I had had a reaction to the medicine, but was fine after I stopped taking it. Apparently that didn't worry them. Ah well, it's just the appointment desk though.
Anyway, I have a theory on my armpit knot. Remember how I said I got really sick on Thursday and thought it was from my medicine? Then it just so happened the knot in my armpit showed up on Friday. Doesn't that sound weird?! I just put two-and-two together. Maybe I had a reaction to the medicine since it does take some time for it to be in your system or maybe a certain dosage and I reacted by getting sick. The knot was part of the reaction and my lymph node swelled b/c of it and maybe was trying to expel the medicine although it hasn't popped or anything.
Anyway, it's a good theory. I did call my doc's office this morning and made an appt for next Tuesday for a post-op. They asked if I was having any problems and I said I thought I had had a reaction to the medicine, but was fine after I stopped taking it. Apparently that didn't worry them. Ah well, it's just the appointment desk though.
More Brother News - I'm Venting
I got a call from my brother on Mother's Day and he was pretty upset. I knew he and his wife (C) were not getting along well, but I hoped they would work through them. Doesn't look like that is happening. I asked if it had anything to do with her having a miscarriage, but knew the answer was that it was bad both before & after, so that was not the problem. C is constantly treating him like shit. Always talking bad about him. He can do NO RIGHT w/ her. Period. He drinks to much, he doesn't buy her stuff, he's gone all the time, blah, blah, blah. My thoughs are "Honey, you knew this going in before you got engaged, before you got pregnant, before you married him." Hell, he was in the army before they even got back together. She confirmed his decision on going after their last break-up last fall. Anyway, he called on Mother's day to say that she was pissed b/c he hadn't bought her anything for Mother's Day. However they talked on Friday and agreed that all their money was going to bills this time and that he would get her something w/ his next check. Note I said they agreed. Well, when Mother's Day rolled around she called her parents and told them how she got nothing and how awful my brother is. Grrr... Realize these are also the same people that my brother & C send some money to from time to time b/c her dad is too lazy to work, oops, I mean he's on disability, but didn't get it until over a year after he'd stopped working so doesn't really get any money. By Monday (day after Mother's Day) she had packed everything (that would fit in her car) up and headed home. She's called him numerous times since then, I'm sure keeping good track of his whereabouts and he doesn't know which end is up. He's been pretty down when I've talked to him. He just doesn't know what to do. He keeps asking her what she wants, of course, she "doesn't know" b/c that means she's still on his insurance and he's paying for her cell phone & car payment... I wish he'd think about what HE wants.
Anyway, I hadn't talked to him in a few days, but apparently my mom talke to him last night. He's doing a little better now. He talked to a few people over him, so they've given him a little more positive outlook. He's coming home sometime in June (not sure for how long), but we did find out that he won't have any more time before he deploys, so this will be his last trip home for a long while. He's bring a U-Haul back w/ most of his stuff and all of hers to give back to her. I hope they draw up some divorce papers during those days, too. Reality is she'll come crawling back for a while and he'll give in (for a while).
Ok, I needed to vent a bit.
Anyway, I hadn't talked to him in a few days, but apparently my mom talke to him last night. He's doing a little better now. He talked to a few people over him, so they've given him a little more positive outlook. He's coming home sometime in June (not sure for how long), but we did find out that he won't have any more time before he deploys, so this will be his last trip home for a long while. He's bring a U-Haul back w/ most of his stuff and all of hers to give back to her. I hope they draw up some divorce papers during those days, too. Reality is she'll come crawling back for a while and he'll give in (for a while).
Ok, I needed to vent a bit.
Doggie Spa
We visited the new vet/pet boarding place last night. I'll call it VP's. It was definitely a spa for doggies. It was sorta small, but that was fine by us. It was very nice. They have a cat wing and dog wing in the back and the vet stuff is in the front. They also offer day care, but I don't see us partaking in that. Anyway, they have a fenced in back yard, but still take the animals out on leashes b/c the owners dog got under the fence once. hee hee Anyway, the boarding rooms were very nice. Note I said rooms, not cages like our current/former place. They have deluxe which could feasibly accomodate all 3 of our dogs, but that wouldn't be good b/c Godiva & Kodi don't particularly like each other that well. We'd still do Krissy & Kodi in a deluxe and Godiva by herself. This makes me a little sad b/c she's just a puppy and since they have rooms instead of cages she can't even see her sisters. Although that means she can't torment them either. Anyway, each room has a window in it so they can see the sky basically b/c it's high enough that they can't jump and break it. Anyway, they also have the rehab room which has a pool they can walk in, an underwater treadmill and maybe a regular treadmill. You can buy your dogs a session while they are being boarded, too. During boarding they get 3 walks and 2 activities a day (I think). We normally get an extra activity or two w/ our current/former vet, too. Anyway, we really liked the vet and will probably change next time since they are already booked for this weekend.
We also signed Godiva up for some training w/ VP's. I wanted to do it when we first got her and could kick myself for not putting my foot down then, but we thought she would grow out of her psychotic episodes. She's 8 months old now so she's too old for the puppy classes and has to be w/ the older dogs. I guess this is ok. We shall see. We are still waiting on them to finalize the schedule, but I hope they start soon. She is getting a little better and I think walking her more will help, too. I'm sure a lot of it is that she's a lab and they are very high energy anyway. We love her all the same though. I hope this older dog class is not a waste though. I'm anxious and scared, too.
We gat a membership to the dog park, which is set to open this fall. I hope it opens before it gets too cold and we can go often. We better get our money's worth!
We also signed Godiva up for some training w/ VP's. I wanted to do it when we first got her and could kick myself for not putting my foot down then, but we thought she would grow out of her psychotic episodes. She's 8 months old now so she's too old for the puppy classes and has to be w/ the older dogs. I guess this is ok. We shall see. We are still waiting on them to finalize the schedule, but I hope they start soon. She is getting a little better and I think walking her more will help, too. I'm sure a lot of it is that she's a lab and they are very high energy anyway. We love her all the same though. I hope this older dog class is not a waste though. I'm anxious and scared, too.
We gat a membership to the dog park, which is set to open this fall. I hope it opens before it gets too cold and we can go often. We better get our money's worth!
Monday, May 16, 2005
I just remembered
See I told you the drugs affected me a bit. I remembered a few things.
Remember when I was pissed about the anesthesia guy sneaking up on me and "catching my hand on fire"? Well my hand is still to this day sore and a bit swollen. Grrr... I asked my nurse aunt about it over the weekend and she said it could be sore for several weeks even months. That makes me so mad. It could affect how I play softball, which isn't good b/c I already need help! HA!
Another thing is when I showered on Friday I noticed this knot in my left arm pit. It's maybe 1/2 inch or so, but its weird. I first wondered if it was just an infected hair b/c I get those on very rare occassions, but now I just don't know. I thought I'd give it a few days to go away, but it hasn't yet. Eric wants me to make a doc appt, but jeez, I have had enough of docs lately. I might call and see about a 2 week appt for my surgery since I think I'm supposed to have one and non-chalantly bring it up to him to feel. Hmmm... It is sore though, too, but that may be b/c I keep messing w/ it. Oops!
Remember when I was pissed about the anesthesia guy sneaking up on me and "catching my hand on fire"? Well my hand is still to this day sore and a bit swollen. Grrr... I asked my nurse aunt about it over the weekend and she said it could be sore for several weeks even months. That makes me so mad. It could affect how I play softball, which isn't good b/c I already need help! HA!
Another thing is when I showered on Friday I noticed this knot in my left arm pit. It's maybe 1/2 inch or so, but its weird. I first wondered if it was just an infected hair b/c I get those on very rare occassions, but now I just don't know. I thought I'd give it a few days to go away, but it hasn't yet. Eric wants me to make a doc appt, but jeez, I have had enough of docs lately. I might call and see about a 2 week appt for my surgery since I think I'm supposed to have one and non-chalantly bring it up to him to feel. Hmmm... It is sore though, too, but that may be b/c I keep messing w/ it. Oops!
Long Update
Ok, where to start... Tuesday (when I updated) I was feeling pretty good. I updated obviously and sat on the couch some and even helped my sister make dinner. After dinner I realized I had over done it. Royally. I starting hurting more and I think I headed to bed by 9:00. I didn't sleep the greatest and slept in on Wednesday.
I was VERY lazy on Wednesday. That night I was feeling a little better, but still not up to par. My grandparents came up in the afternoon to visit for a few. Eric made dinner for us, which was very good and I thanked him later. Later on that night, Eric & I had to have a big discussion b/c he was not being so sympathetic. To his defense he had never gone through this before and I had explained that the last time I had this done I was fine the third day and the doc had told him I'd be fine by Wed/Thurs, too. He didn't understand everything so I explained and we were fine.
By Thursday I was feeling quite a bit better (I thought). I got up and ran the vacuum around the house. My sister and I went to Wal-Mart and walked around for a little while. I relaxed when we got home b/c I was getting a headache. I decided there was no way I would be able to play in our softball game that night, but I would go and spectate. Thankfully they had just enough girls to play. It was freezing! The ended up winning (10-run rule) so it ended early even. On the way back to the car I realized my head was still killing me. I thought maybe I just needed something to eat, but found out that was not the case. We went to Applebee's and I tried eating, but every time I put anything in my mouth I feared and got the sensation it was coming right back out. I sat there and watched them finish (quickly) and we headed home and I went straight to bed. Apparently I was sorta loopy and my eyes were glossy. We think it was from the pain medicine so I didn't take anymore and haven't since then. It was really weird.
Friday when I got up my headache was mostly gone. At least 85%. I still had this dull ache in the back, but it eventually faded, too. Eric had a meeting all day, so it was my first day all alone w/ the doggies. We did fine. I had to put Godiva up a few times b/c she was just getting too wild, but other than that we were fine. Friday night I made some spinach dip for the cookout on Saturday and we watched Survivor and CSI that we TiVo'd the night before.
Saturday morning I got up and showered and got ready to head to a bridal shower and cookout on my mom's side. Danialle picked me up around 10:30 and we headed to her mom's (the host). We sat around and laughed and chatted, cut up veggies, fruit and of course tried loads of everything. We started getting everything ready for my cousin's bridal shower around 2 and then spent the next 2 1/2 hours waiting on everyone to arrive (oh and eating more appetizers). We started the shower around 4:30 (30 minutes late), but it was a lot of fun. After the shower everyone just hung out and talked for what ended up being forever. We started playing some euchre and it really was a lot of fun. Different than most of the cookouts. I think we finally ate dinner about 8:30-9:00. We left around 10 and headed home and went to bed. I was exhausted. This was the first day I had been active all day w/ no naps or anything.
Yesterday we got up and Eric mowed the lawn, while I did some things around the house. I vacuumed again and cleaned off a few things, etc. We got ready and headed to Don Pablo's for lunch then went to Sam's, Best Buy, HH Gregg, Circuit City, Pet Smart & Target. It was a typical Sunday for us. We came home and I took a shower, made dinner and we sat down and watch the season finale of Survivor.
Today is my first day back to work. Can you say, "I want to go back home!!!" I came in and my desk was covered in crap. I had to oranize it before I could even sit down. I might be a little anal when it comes to organization. Maybe Anyway, I've been busy all morning b/c they guy over me doesn't do anything below an emergency, so I've got a weeks worth of crap to do, which I mostly got done this morning. So I get to take it easy this afternoon I think. I'd still rather be on my couch taking it easy. :D One day I tell you, one day... I can't complain too much though b/c I do have 3 Weeks of 4-Day work weeks ahead of me.
This week is hectic already sorta. Tonight we are going to check out another place to board the dogs. We have a discount and from the looks (on the outside) they might be a little better. Like a doggie spa type place. We'll see how the inside is tonight. Anyway nothing much on Tuesday or Wednesday. Actually Wednesday I'll need to start packing b/c Thursday night we have a softball game and we are leaving Friday morning for 4 days for a little vacation. I'm super excited. We are going w/ my MIL/FIL, SIL/BIL. Should be a good weekend. We'll leave Monday morning to come back home.
Ok, that's long enough. I'll try to post a few more times this week before our little vacation. I'm sure I've probably left some stuff out, but please realize I was on drugs for a few days, too. hee hee
I was VERY lazy on Wednesday. That night I was feeling a little better, but still not up to par. My grandparents came up in the afternoon to visit for a few. Eric made dinner for us, which was very good and I thanked him later. Later on that night, Eric & I had to have a big discussion b/c he was not being so sympathetic. To his defense he had never gone through this before and I had explained that the last time I had this done I was fine the third day and the doc had told him I'd be fine by Wed/Thurs, too. He didn't understand everything so I explained and we were fine.
By Thursday I was feeling quite a bit better (I thought). I got up and ran the vacuum around the house. My sister and I went to Wal-Mart and walked around for a little while. I relaxed when we got home b/c I was getting a headache. I decided there was no way I would be able to play in our softball game that night, but I would go and spectate. Thankfully they had just enough girls to play. It was freezing! The ended up winning (10-run rule) so it ended early even. On the way back to the car I realized my head was still killing me. I thought maybe I just needed something to eat, but found out that was not the case. We went to Applebee's and I tried eating, but every time I put anything in my mouth I feared and got the sensation it was coming right back out. I sat there and watched them finish (quickly) and we headed home and I went straight to bed. Apparently I was sorta loopy and my eyes were glossy. We think it was from the pain medicine so I didn't take anymore and haven't since then. It was really weird.
Friday when I got up my headache was mostly gone. At least 85%. I still had this dull ache in the back, but it eventually faded, too. Eric had a meeting all day, so it was my first day all alone w/ the doggies. We did fine. I had to put Godiva up a few times b/c she was just getting too wild, but other than that we were fine. Friday night I made some spinach dip for the cookout on Saturday and we watched Survivor and CSI that we TiVo'd the night before.
Saturday morning I got up and showered and got ready to head to a bridal shower and cookout on my mom's side. Danialle picked me up around 10:30 and we headed to her mom's (the host). We sat around and laughed and chatted, cut up veggies, fruit and of course tried loads of everything. We started getting everything ready for my cousin's bridal shower around 2 and then spent the next 2 1/2 hours waiting on everyone to arrive (oh and eating more appetizers). We started the shower around 4:30 (30 minutes late), but it was a lot of fun. After the shower everyone just hung out and talked for what ended up being forever. We started playing some euchre and it really was a lot of fun. Different than most of the cookouts. I think we finally ate dinner about 8:30-9:00. We left around 10 and headed home and went to bed. I was exhausted. This was the first day I had been active all day w/ no naps or anything.
Yesterday we got up and Eric mowed the lawn, while I did some things around the house. I vacuumed again and cleaned off a few things, etc. We got ready and headed to Don Pablo's for lunch then went to Sam's, Best Buy, HH Gregg, Circuit City, Pet Smart & Target. It was a typical Sunday for us. We came home and I took a shower, made dinner and we sat down and watch the season finale of Survivor.
Today is my first day back to work. Can you say, "I want to go back home!!!" I came in and my desk was covered in crap. I had to oranize it before I could even sit down. I might be a little anal when it comes to organization. Maybe Anyway, I've been busy all morning b/c they guy over me doesn't do anything below an emergency, so I've got a weeks worth of crap to do, which I mostly got done this morning. So I get to take it easy this afternoon I think. I'd still rather be on my couch taking it easy. :D One day I tell you, one day... I can't complain too much though b/c I do have 3 Weeks of 4-Day work weeks ahead of me.
This week is hectic already sorta. Tonight we are going to check out another place to board the dogs. We have a discount and from the looks (on the outside) they might be a little better. Like a doggie spa type place. We'll see how the inside is tonight. Anyway nothing much on Tuesday or Wednesday. Actually Wednesday I'll need to start packing b/c Thursday night we have a softball game and we are leaving Friday morning for 4 days for a little vacation. I'm super excited. We are going w/ my MIL/FIL, SIL/BIL. Should be a good weekend. We'll leave Monday morning to come back home.
Ok, that's long enough. I'll try to post a few more times this week before our little vacation. I'm sure I've probably left some stuff out, but please realize I was on drugs for a few days, too. hee hee
I'm still alive... Will get an update of the last week of my life soon. Hopefully today, but we'll see what my desk looks like when I get to work being off all last week...
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Lap Update
We arrived at the hospital around 1:30. About 1:45 they took me back and asked me some basic questions, made me sign some forms, etc. My surgery was supposed to be at 3:00, but they were running about 45 min to an hour behind. They started my IV. I got stuck twice again. Ugh. That was no fun. I was really nauseous b/c I hadn't eaten or drank anything all day. Finally around 3:30 they took me down to surgery holding area. I flipped through a magazine while they checked their e-mail and stuff. ha ha I heard them talking about it. Anyway the anesthesia guy came in & chatted w/ me. He asked me if I smoke 3 times. It was weird. He didn't seem all there. My doctor arrived shortly after than and they wheeled me into surgery. I was pissed b/c after I moved to the surgery bed, they got the heart things on me and introduced me to people all of a sudden my hand started burning like it was on fire. I yelled "Ow, shit" and they looked at me and laughed. One nurse grabbed my arm and apologized and rubbed it a bit. I then realized the slimey anesthesia guy had stuck up behind me and got me good. I dozed off right after that.
Apparently when I was coming out of it I was making noises and they asked me if I was nauseous or in pain. I was really nauseous, but not really in pain. I asked what they found and she said she'd get the doc and trotted off. The doc came over and said that they had found just a little bit of endo on my right ovary and behind my uterus and cervix and lasered if off. Otherwise it looked great. The nurse came back and gave me something for nausea, which made me feel better immediately then decided I must have been in some pain and gave me some demoral. That brought the nausea right back and it was horrible. A little later they gave me some more nausea medicine and I told them I'd feel better once I got some water and some crackers in me. She told me they wouldn't let me have water that pop would settle my stomach. I tried to argue, but said I'd have rootbeer or sprite. They wheeled me back to the observation area and I had a sprite and some crackers waiting on me. I tried to eat some crackers and ice chips (avoiding the sprite), but I was still pretty sick. I wasn't having much pain either. FINALLY they gave me some finigrin and the nausea went away almost immediately and I ate about 3/4 of a snack size bag of tostitos and ate some ice chips and drank the water from where they melted. hee hee Anyway, since I was so nauseous we didn't end up getting home until around 9:00. I ate some chicken & stars soups, took a pain pill & went to bed. I slept good and I'm feeling ok today. My throat was super sore this morning, but Eric fixed me some CoCo Wheats this morning and it hit the spot and made my throat feel much better. Yum! I'm feeling those darn bubbles inside me, but they aren't hurting, just bugging me. I'm only spotting, too, so that's a good thing. I do have some pics that I will try to post at some point, probably next week when I get to work. I need to edit them so you can tell where the endo is and I'm not sure I can do that from home or not. I'll try since I have the rest of the week off though. I was excited to get pics. Last time I got this done I just saw pics at the docs office. This time I get suveniors! Woohoo! hee hee
The doc came out and talked to Eric and gave him the scoop. He said he recommends trying for another 2-3 months and if we still didn't get pregnant then we'd try a few months of clomid then he'd consider referring me on, but didn't think it was necessary at this point. So hopefully I'll be getting a positive HPT here soon. I'm not sure if we'll try this month or not. It sorta depends on if I'm still bleeding and how I'm feeling. I will probably O later anyhow and I have no idea when to expect my period so this month might just be whacked anyway. We'll see, it's still early.
Ok, back to bed for a while now. Thank you all for your calls and/or e-mails. We truly appreciate you thinking of us!
Apparently when I was coming out of it I was making noises and they asked me if I was nauseous or in pain. I was really nauseous, but not really in pain. I asked what they found and she said she'd get the doc and trotted off. The doc came over and said that they had found just a little bit of endo on my right ovary and behind my uterus and cervix and lasered if off. Otherwise it looked great. The nurse came back and gave me something for nausea, which made me feel better immediately then decided I must have been in some pain and gave me some demoral. That brought the nausea right back and it was horrible. A little later they gave me some more nausea medicine and I told them I'd feel better once I got some water and some crackers in me. She told me they wouldn't let me have water that pop would settle my stomach. I tried to argue, but said I'd have rootbeer or sprite. They wheeled me back to the observation area and I had a sprite and some crackers waiting on me. I tried to eat some crackers and ice chips (avoiding the sprite), but I was still pretty sick. I wasn't having much pain either. FINALLY they gave me some finigrin and the nausea went away almost immediately and I ate about 3/4 of a snack size bag of tostitos and ate some ice chips and drank the water from where they melted. hee hee Anyway, since I was so nauseous we didn't end up getting home until around 9:00. I ate some chicken & stars soups, took a pain pill & went to bed. I slept good and I'm feeling ok today. My throat was super sore this morning, but Eric fixed me some CoCo Wheats this morning and it hit the spot and made my throat feel much better. Yum! I'm feeling those darn bubbles inside me, but they aren't hurting, just bugging me. I'm only spotting, too, so that's a good thing. I do have some pics that I will try to post at some point, probably next week when I get to work. I need to edit them so you can tell where the endo is and I'm not sure I can do that from home or not. I'll try since I have the rest of the week off though. I was excited to get pics. Last time I got this done I just saw pics at the docs office. This time I get suveniors! Woohoo! hee hee
The doc came out and talked to Eric and gave him the scoop. He said he recommends trying for another 2-3 months and if we still didn't get pregnant then we'd try a few months of clomid then he'd consider referring me on, but didn't think it was necessary at this point. So hopefully I'll be getting a positive HPT here soon. I'm not sure if we'll try this month or not. It sorta depends on if I'm still bleeding and how I'm feeling. I will probably O later anyhow and I have no idea when to expect my period so this month might just be whacked anyway. We'll see, it's still early.
Ok, back to bed for a while now. Thank you all for your calls and/or e-mails. We truly appreciate you thinking of us!
Friday, May 06, 2005
Picture Friday
Fun, I want to go home and play!

Not so fun, please leave my neighborhood....I'll pay! I don't need anymore friends, really.

Have a good weekend!

Not so fun, please leave my neighborhood....I'll pay! I don't need anymore friends, really.

Have a good weekend!
Thursday, May 05, 2005
I forgot to mention that we both noticed that EVERY SINGLE person (female) that was in the waiting room was noticeably pregnant! We never see pregnant people at the doctors office. Eric thinks this might be a good sign. I sure hope so!
Stick me again!
Just got back from my pre-test junk. First stop was the docs office. Thirty minutes later I finally see him. We go over some random stuff and sign a consent form, blah, blah, blah. I've done this before remember? Next stop the "Ambulatory Sugery" area for the pre-testing. The go over a bunch of stuff, too. I can have clear fluids until 9 am, but no food after midnight Sunday night. Oh lovely, no breakfast, lunch or dinner. I will be a treat, I promise! *wink* I have to be there at 1:30, surgery at 3:00, which will take 1-1 1/2 hours, about an hour in recovery, another 1-2 hours in observation. I'll get home just in time to go to bed probably w/out food. :) So glad it's convenient for them! Probably a good deal for Eric though. ha ha ha So they drew my blood or tried. She first checked my left arm...Nothing. Then she checked my right arm...Stuck the needle in and moved it around a bit (not fun, but she was nice about it). She said my veins kept rolling. She got maybe a couple drops from that one, then quit when she noticed I had stopped breathing except for a few grunts when she moved it. Now down to my hand. She wrapped that rubber thing around my wrist extremely tight and kept hitting my hand. No veins would pop. She left (to get a smaller needle) and when she got back they were popped enough that she got blood and I was done. She even apologized profusely. Good thing I'm not deathly afraid of needles. They seems pretty nice in there, although the waiting room isn't all that comfy. :( I might even let Eric get some sort of game to take with him to pass the time. hee hee I think he'll need it. That might keep him from chewing his fingers off, too.
I've been a little distant and haven't really know what to write about. I've wanted to post for a few days (besides the informational post), but just felt like nothing will come out. I've been doing more research on-line and found theories that endo produces this toxic hormone that attacks the egg that is trying to implant. I also remember my doc saying something about that.
The truth is, reality has really set in. I guess I assumed I wouldn't have to take this next step. That it would work this month and that was it. I was wrong. It hurts! I hide my feelings well, in fact, I'm damn good at it. I go in today for pre-op bloodwork and whatever other tests they are running. Woohoo!
I talked to my stepmom last night on the phone and told her that I didn't care if she told anybody in the family what was going on, but I didn't want to talk about it on Sunday. (Hopefully she'll take the hint to pass that tidbit on) She asked why and I told her I didn't want to. That we've been trying for almost 2 years and I was tired of hearing people's advice and/or comments like "Relax", "this is what we did", "Have you done this or that?", "Have you thought about adoption", blah, blah, blah. We've tried or done it all and it's not working. Period! I tried to laugh a little to lighten the mood b/c I know I caught her off guard, but I think she really is worried about me. She got real quite for a minute then said, "Are you ok?" I said yes, I'm fine. Seriously, how am I supposed to be? For christ's sake, we've been trying for almost 2 years w/ ABSOLUTE NO LUCK. I guess some people take those things for granted or don't take things to heart. How can people be so inconsiderate. Maybe I was too before we got to this stage, I don't know. All I do know is that I'm starting to let people know about it.
Case in point... I've been fighting w/ my mom almost every day for the last week. I finally told her that she needed to think before she talked to me b/c I was emotional and sensitive right now. I didn't need her and my siblings shit on top of what I'm having to go through right now. She asked why I was so emotional and sensitive? Let me fucking think about this... Hmmm..... I won't even go there on her b/c if you read my blog, you know. I did elaborate to her. You know what her response was... "It's probably best for your baby to be brought in this world knowing it's mother was in excellent health." I'm dead serious! This coming from the "mom" who smoked the entire time w/ me causing me to have smaller than normal lungs thus leading to problems w/ allergies, prone to pheumonia and other lung problems... God knows what she did while she was pregnant w/ my other siblings. Grrrrr!!!! That was Tuesday and she pissed me off again yesterday. So today I just didn't talk to her when she got on-line. On another note, how can she expect us to buy her something for mother's day when she's not so deserving at the moment? Jeez. It was hard enough just buying her a card. I did find a good one along the lines of "not an ordinary mother daughter relationship", blah, blah, blah. she definitely wasn't getting something along the lines of "You've done so much for us in your life" or "You are such a role model". Let's be realistic... :)
So anyway, back to me. I'm ok. I have my wonderful husband who I'm sure is just as freaked out as I am, but he doesn't show his feelings very well either. What a combo we are, huh? He is so supportive though and I couldn't ask for anyone better. I know next week will be just as rough for him, too. I'm insisting the doc come out and tell Eric everything they find and/or don't find and what they do w/ what they find, etc. He's supposed to take good notes, I know he will. Then he's going to post for me Monday night to let my dear friends and readers know how I come out. (I have to teach him how to post this weekend!)
Yea, I'm a nervous wreck. What else can I say?
The truth is, reality has really set in. I guess I assumed I wouldn't have to take this next step. That it would work this month and that was it. I was wrong. It hurts! I hide my feelings well, in fact, I'm damn good at it. I go in today for pre-op bloodwork and whatever other tests they are running. Woohoo!
I talked to my stepmom last night on the phone and told her that I didn't care if she told anybody in the family what was going on, but I didn't want to talk about it on Sunday. (Hopefully she'll take the hint to pass that tidbit on) She asked why and I told her I didn't want to. That we've been trying for almost 2 years and I was tired of hearing people's advice and/or comments like "Relax", "this is what we did", "Have you done this or that?", "Have you thought about adoption", blah, blah, blah. We've tried or done it all and it's not working. Period! I tried to laugh a little to lighten the mood b/c I know I caught her off guard, but I think she really is worried about me. She got real quite for a minute then said, "Are you ok?" I said yes, I'm fine. Seriously, how am I supposed to be? For christ's sake, we've been trying for almost 2 years w/ ABSOLUTE NO LUCK. I guess some people take those things for granted or don't take things to heart. How can people be so inconsiderate. Maybe I was too before we got to this stage, I don't know. All I do know is that I'm starting to let people know about it.
Case in point... I've been fighting w/ my mom almost every day for the last week. I finally told her that she needed to think before she talked to me b/c I was emotional and sensitive right now. I didn't need her and my siblings shit on top of what I'm having to go through right now. She asked why I was so emotional and sensitive? Let me fucking think about this... Hmmm..... I won't even go there on her b/c if you read my blog, you know. I did elaborate to her. You know what her response was... "It's probably best for your baby to be brought in this world knowing it's mother was in excellent health." I'm dead serious! This coming from the "mom" who smoked the entire time w/ me causing me to have smaller than normal lungs thus leading to problems w/ allergies, prone to pheumonia and other lung problems... God knows what she did while she was pregnant w/ my other siblings. Grrrrr!!!! That was Tuesday and she pissed me off again yesterday. So today I just didn't talk to her when she got on-line. On another note, how can she expect us to buy her something for mother's day when she's not so deserving at the moment? Jeez. It was hard enough just buying her a card. I did find a good one along the lines of "not an ordinary mother daughter relationship", blah, blah, blah. she definitely wasn't getting something along the lines of "You've done so much for us in your life" or "You are such a role model". Let's be realistic... :)
So anyway, back to me. I'm ok. I have my wonderful husband who I'm sure is just as freaked out as I am, but he doesn't show his feelings very well either. What a combo we are, huh? He is so supportive though and I couldn't ask for anyone better. I know next week will be just as rough for him, too. I'm insisting the doc come out and tell Eric everything they find and/or don't find and what they do w/ what they find, etc. He's supposed to take good notes, I know he will. Then he's going to post for me Monday night to let my dear friends and readers know how I come out. (I have to teach him how to post this weekend!)
Yea, I'm a nervous wreck. What else can I say?
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Laparoscopy, Endo, Adhesions
The word laparoscopy comes from the Greek words that mean "look into the abdomen." A small laparoscope is a small telescope that is inserted into the abdomen through a small incision normally in the belly button. It brings light into the abdomen so the doctor can see inside. I will be going in for diagnostic laparoscopy, but can turn into operative laparoscopy depending on what they find once they get inside.
Endometriosis - Tissue like endometrium (the lining of the uterus) sometimes grows in places outside of the uterus. The tissue bleeds every month, as with the mentrual cycle. I can cause pain, scar tissue, and infertility. One way to diagnosis it is through laparoscopy and can also be treated though such.
Adhesions - Sometimes tissues in the abdomen stick together and form scar tissue. This can happen b/c of infection, endo, or surgery. I could have this from my past surgery or current endo if I have it again.
My mom had a severe case of both of these. So bad that severeral of her organs were also stuck together like cement.
The Procedure
You will obviously be put under anesthesia. After the anesthesia takes affect, a small cut is made below or inside the navel. A gas, such as carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide, is usually put into the abdomen. The gas swells the abdomen so the pelvic reproductive organs can be seen more clearly.
You body will be tilted slightly with your feet raised higher than your head. This shifts some of the abdominal organs toward the chest and out of the way.
The laparoscope is placed through the cut. Another cut is often made at the bikini line. Through this cut, an instrument is used to move the organs into view. One to four small cuts may be made, 1/4-1/2 inch wide. I device called the uterine manipulator may be placed in the uterus through the hoo-haa to move the uterus during the procedure.
Usually, the laparoscope projects images of the surgery onto a television screen. This makes the image larger and easier for the doctor to see. These images cn be photographed for later viewing.
After the procedure, the instruments are removed and the gas is released. (Really!) The cuts are closed and stitched up and you are sent to recovery.
Endometriosis - Tissue like endometrium (the lining of the uterus) sometimes grows in places outside of the uterus. The tissue bleeds every month, as with the mentrual cycle. I can cause pain, scar tissue, and infertility. One way to diagnosis it is through laparoscopy and can also be treated though such.
Adhesions - Sometimes tissues in the abdomen stick together and form scar tissue. This can happen b/c of infection, endo, or surgery. I could have this from my past surgery or current endo if I have it again.
My mom had a severe case of both of these. So bad that severeral of her organs were also stuck together like cement.
The Procedure
You will obviously be put under anesthesia. After the anesthesia takes affect, a small cut is made below or inside the navel. A gas, such as carbon dioxide or nitrous oxide, is usually put into the abdomen. The gas swells the abdomen so the pelvic reproductive organs can be seen more clearly.
You body will be tilted slightly with your feet raised higher than your head. This shifts some of the abdominal organs toward the chest and out of the way.
The laparoscope is placed through the cut. Another cut is often made at the bikini line. Through this cut, an instrument is used to move the organs into view. One to four small cuts may be made, 1/4-1/2 inch wide. I device called the uterine manipulator may be placed in the uterus through the hoo-haa to move the uterus during the procedure.
Usually, the laparoscope projects images of the surgery onto a television screen. This makes the image larger and easier for the doctor to see. These images cn be photographed for later viewing.
After the procedure, the instruments are removed and the gas is released. (Really!) The cuts are closed and stitched up and you are sent to recovery.
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
CD 1
We've officially started a new chart now. Need I say more?
Interesting Stats.. I started on my friend S's birthday. What's so interesting is that when I figured out my estimated next period... Guess when it is??? My MIL's birthday. Isn't that weird?
Interesting Stats.. I started on my friend S's birthday. What's so interesting is that when I figured out my estimated next period... Guess when it is??? My MIL's birthday. Isn't that weird?
Cycle 22 Done
As you can see on my chart, my temp dived to 97.6 today, so ultimately AF will be arriving anytime today. I woke up crampy and new before I even took my temp.
Bring on the Lap, which I am terrified about. All I have to say is they better find something b/c I can't live w/ this unexplained shit!
Bring on the Lap, which I am terrified about. All I have to say is they better find something b/c I can't live w/ this unexplained shit!
Monday, May 02, 2005
Another Fine Weekend
This weekend was pretty nice. My sister came over late Thursday night and spent the night. After work on Friday, she and Eric picked me up and we ran some errands. We went to the mall and got one of these for my stepmom for Mother's Day. Haven't found my mom anything yet though. We headed to dinner at TX Road House. My sister is quite the little flirt so we gave her a hard time flirting w/ the waiter all through dinner. Anyway, after that we headed to Staples and got her graduation invitations and spent the rest of the evening writing up the wording and printing them. She left around 9:30 and I headed to bed shortly thereafter.
Saturday morning we got up and had softball practice at 11:00. We practiced until 1:00 and I headed home for a bit while Eric practiced w/ the men's team for another hour or so. We were both pretty exhausted, but excited to be playing again. We had a lot of fun. Saturday evening we got pizza and watched Lemony Snicket's then both fell asleep. I woke up around 11:00 and got ready to head to bed when I noticed this young black and white husky outside our back door. The dogs noticed him about the same time and barked up a storm waking Eric up. We didn't know what to do with him. He wouldn't leave our house and was such a sweet doggie. He wanted to come in. We didn't see anyone around like they were looking for their dog. We tried calling the Humane Society, but they were closed and the police weren't much help. He was definitely a purebred, too. Anyway, after making a few calls w/ no luck we just went to bed and hoped he was either found by his owners or still at our house in the morning. He was gone when we woke up.
Sunday we were both extremely sore from practice. It's amazing what happens overnight. I wasn't sore at all when I went to bed. I was completely lazy all day. Eric had practice again at 1 with the men's team, but not me. I watched TV all day. It was actually pretty pathetic, but the rest was worth it. When he got home I made tacos and we watched After Sunset, which was a pretty good movie.
On the TTC side of things. My temp has been 98.1 all weekend including today. If it stays up tomorrow and Wednesday I'll test on Wednesday. Let's hope for high temps! The bbs are still quite sore, too.
Saturday morning we got up and had softball practice at 11:00. We practiced until 1:00 and I headed home for a bit while Eric practiced w/ the men's team for another hour or so. We were both pretty exhausted, but excited to be playing again. We had a lot of fun. Saturday evening we got pizza and watched Lemony Snicket's then both fell asleep. I woke up around 11:00 and got ready to head to bed when I noticed this young black and white husky outside our back door. The dogs noticed him about the same time and barked up a storm waking Eric up. We didn't know what to do with him. He wouldn't leave our house and was such a sweet doggie. He wanted to come in. We didn't see anyone around like they were looking for their dog. We tried calling the Humane Society, but they were closed and the police weren't much help. He was definitely a purebred, too. Anyway, after making a few calls w/ no luck we just went to bed and hoped he was either found by his owners or still at our house in the morning. He was gone when we woke up.
Sunday we were both extremely sore from practice. It's amazing what happens overnight. I wasn't sore at all when I went to bed. I was completely lazy all day. Eric had practice again at 1 with the men's team, but not me. I watched TV all day. It was actually pretty pathetic, but the rest was worth it. When he got home I made tacos and we watched After Sunset, which was a pretty good movie.
On the TTC side of things. My temp has been 98.1 all weekend including today. If it stays up tomorrow and Wednesday I'll test on Wednesday. Let's hope for high temps! The bbs are still quite sore, too.
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