Tuesday, May 17, 2005

More Brother News - I'm Venting

I got a call from my brother on Mother's Day and he was pretty upset. I knew he and his wife (C) were not getting along well, but I hoped they would work through them. Doesn't look like that is happening. I asked if it had anything to do with her having a miscarriage, but knew the answer was that it was bad both before & after, so that was not the problem. C is constantly treating him like shit. Always talking bad about him. He can do NO RIGHT w/ her. Period. He drinks to much, he doesn't buy her stuff, he's gone all the time, blah, blah, blah. My thoughs are "Honey, you knew this going in before you got engaged, before you got pregnant, before you married him." Hell, he was in the army before they even got back together. She confirmed his decision on going after their last break-up last fall. Anyway, he called on Mother's day to say that she was pissed b/c he hadn't bought her anything for Mother's Day. However they talked on Friday and agreed that all their money was going to bills this time and that he would get her something w/ his next check. Note I said they agreed. Well, when Mother's Day rolled around she called her parents and told them how she got nothing and how awful my brother is. Grrr... Realize these are also the same people that my brother & C send some money to from time to time b/c her dad is too lazy to work, oops, I mean he's on disability, but didn't get it until over a year after he'd stopped working so doesn't really get any money. By Monday (day after Mother's Day) she had packed everything (that would fit in her car) up and headed home. She's called him numerous times since then, I'm sure keeping good track of his whereabouts and he doesn't know which end is up. He's been pretty down when I've talked to him. He just doesn't know what to do. He keeps asking her what she wants, of course, she "doesn't know" b/c that means she's still on his insurance and he's paying for her cell phone & car payment... I wish he'd think about what HE wants.

Anyway, I hadn't talked to him in a few days, but apparently my mom talke to him last night. He's doing a little better now. He talked to a few people over him, so they've given him a little more positive outlook. He's coming home sometime in June (not sure for how long), but we did find out that he won't have any more time before he deploys, so this will be his last trip home for a long while. He's bring a U-Haul back w/ most of his stuff and all of hers to give back to her. I hope they draw up some divorce papers during those days, too. Reality is she'll come crawling back for a while and he'll give in (for a while).

Ok, I needed to vent a bit.

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