Thursday, May 26, 2005

Yucky Belly Button

My stitches in my belly button are apparently dissolving just like the doctor said they would and looking pretty nasty. My lower incision was sore last week and red and inflamed. It is better now, but I'm sure it will go back b/c you can still see the tail of the string poking through so it's obviously not dissolving yet. However my belly button looks disgusting. It got really hard last night and red. When I woke up this morning it had a little puss pocket where the tail of the string had been poking through. By the time I got out of the shower it had popped and was seeping. Yucky! I put some neosporin on it once I got to work and it seems to be looking a little better already. I guess it needed to get some stuff out of there before it finishes dissolving and healing. I'll be glad when its all back to normal. My past incision is hardly even visible, but I have a feeling this one might be a little more visible. I hope I'm wrong.

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