Tuesday, May 31, 2005


We had a nice, long, relaxing weekend overall. I had talked to a lady on Thursday about Godiva's schooling and plan on signing her up in the next week or two. So, Friday night I got off work a little early and we stopped off at the Vet and bought a Gentle Leader Headcollar as it had been recommended to us by the lady doing Godiva's schooling. She starts next week for 12 weeks and I can't wait. When we got home we worked w/ Godiva on it a little and just let her get used to it, then took her on a very short walk. I was super grouchy so we ended up going out to grab dinner, then came back home and I wrapped my sister Ashlee's graduation gifts with Godiva's help. I ended up going to bed shortly thereafter.

Saturday we got up early and did a few things around house. I had talked to my mom and got some bad news. I think I had mentioned that my brother was married in February. Well she left him early May. He is really a mess over it. She's still playing games with him and screwing with his head horribly. Anyway, they ended up putting him in the hospital for depression and anxiety and I'm sure he's unknowingly on suicide watch. Apparently he has been calling my mom for a week or so about every night balling his eyes out and saying how he just can't take it anymore. Anyway, I guess he's getting some counseling and stuff and seems to be doing a little better. They are just worried about him, as are we. Anyway, after that bad news we headed to the gym and came home and got ready. Danialle & Chadd got to our house around 11:30 and we headed to C'ville to go to my sister's graduation. The graduation itself was long and boring as graduations are. After the graduation we headed to her open house and stayed a few hours before heading home. We are so proud of my sister. Eric started getting a headache on our way home and ended up going to bed when we got home. I imagine it was his allergies b/c mine are really kicking my ass, too.

I woke up to some good news Saturday morning, which I've already posted (It's a Girl!) We took the dogs to a park about 15 minutes from our house and went on a few trails. This was Godiva's first time walking on her gentle leader and we brought her regular collar as a backup and ended up putting it on her after a while. On our way back we went down by the creek to let the dogs play and ended up walking back through the creek. It was a bit cold, but it was fun. The doggies had a great time and it wore them out! When we got home the dogs crashed for a bit while we did some stuff outside. We let Godiva play in her pool for a while, too b/c we needed to clean her off from the creek water. I relaxed on the couch for a little while then began making a nice dinner for us. It was Baked Chicken Ziti. It was pretty good although Eric not a fan of onions and neither of us are fans of chuncky tomatoes, but next time I'll just use tomato sauce or spaghetti sauce.

Yesterday we went to the gym and me being the klutz I am fell and hurt my ankle. I have a huge knot now. Thankfully all I had left was abs, however it literally made me sick so we left before doing abs. I can walk on it though. We grabbed lunch and went to organize the storage shed we rent. Before we got started organizing, we realized that we were wasting so much money renting one and could actually save money buy buying one, so off we went and bought one. It should be delivered this afternoon, so we get to spend our evening putting it together and leveling our yard for it, etc. It is super nice though and I'll be glad to have everything at our house. Last night we watched the movie Spanglish w/ Adam Sandler. It was pretty funny. I don't think we'll buy it though.

I was not ready to go back to work today. So much so that since Eric has an all day meeting on Friday and we only have one car, I decided to just take Friday off, too. hee hee This week isn't going to be so short! Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the dog schooling. Godiva is a gorgeous doggie!

I'm sorry your brother is having a difficult time. He's in the military, right? I'm sure that having his wife(?) screw around with him while he has all these other stresses just compounds everything. I hope he can get the help he needs and gets better soon.

Hope your ankle gets better too, I know I'll be hitting the exercising a lot harder now!