Monday, May 16, 2005

Long Update

Ok, where to start... Tuesday (when I updated) I was feeling pretty good. I updated obviously and sat on the couch some and even helped my sister make dinner. After dinner I realized I had over done it. Royally. I starting hurting more and I think I headed to bed by 9:00. I didn't sleep the greatest and slept in on Wednesday.

I was VERY lazy on Wednesday. That night I was feeling a little better, but still not up to par. My grandparents came up in the afternoon to visit for a few. Eric made dinner for us, which was very good and I thanked him later. Later on that night, Eric & I had to have a big discussion b/c he was not being so sympathetic. To his defense he had never gone through this before and I had explained that the last time I had this done I was fine the third day and the doc had told him I'd be fine by Wed/Thurs, too. He didn't understand everything so I explained and we were fine.

By Thursday I was feeling quite a bit better (I thought). I got up and ran the vacuum around the house. My sister and I went to Wal-Mart and walked around for a little while. I relaxed when we got home b/c I was getting a headache. I decided there was no way I would be able to play in our softball game that night, but I would go and spectate. Thankfully they had just enough girls to play. It was freezing! The ended up winning (10-run rule) so it ended early even. On the way back to the car I realized my head was still killing me. I thought maybe I just needed something to eat, but found out that was not the case. We went to Applebee's and I tried eating, but every time I put anything in my mouth I feared and got the sensation it was coming right back out. I sat there and watched them finish (quickly) and we headed home and I went straight to bed. Apparently I was sorta loopy and my eyes were glossy. We think it was from the pain medicine so I didn't take anymore and haven't since then. It was really weird.

Friday when I got up my headache was mostly gone. At least 85%. I still had this dull ache in the back, but it eventually faded, too. Eric had a meeting all day, so it was my first day all alone w/ the doggies. We did fine. I had to put Godiva up a few times b/c she was just getting too wild, but other than that we were fine. Friday night I made some spinach dip for the cookout on Saturday and we watched Survivor and CSI that we TiVo'd the night before.

Saturday morning I got up and showered and got ready to head to a bridal shower and cookout on my mom's side. Danialle picked me up around 10:30 and we headed to her mom's (the host). We sat around and laughed and chatted, cut up veggies, fruit and of course tried loads of everything. We started getting everything ready for my cousin's bridal shower around 2 and then spent the next 2 1/2 hours waiting on everyone to arrive (oh and eating more appetizers). We started the shower around 4:30 (30 minutes late), but it was a lot of fun. After the shower everyone just hung out and talked for what ended up being forever. We started playing some euchre and it really was a lot of fun. Different than most of the cookouts. I think we finally ate dinner about 8:30-9:00. We left around 10 and headed home and went to bed. I was exhausted. This was the first day I had been active all day w/ no naps or anything.

Yesterday we got up and Eric mowed the lawn, while I did some things around the house. I vacuumed again and cleaned off a few things, etc. We got ready and headed to Don Pablo's for lunch then went to Sam's, Best Buy, HH Gregg, Circuit City, Pet Smart & Target. It was a typical Sunday for us. We came home and I took a shower, made dinner and we sat down and watch the season finale of Survivor.

Today is my first day back to work. Can you say, "I want to go back home!!!" I came in and my desk was covered in crap. I had to oranize it before I could even sit down. I might be a little anal when it comes to organization. Maybe Anyway, I've been busy all morning b/c they guy over me doesn't do anything below an emergency, so I've got a weeks worth of crap to do, which I mostly got done this morning. So I get to take it easy this afternoon I think. I'd still rather be on my couch taking it easy. :D One day I tell you, one day... I can't complain too much though b/c I do have 3 Weeks of 4-Day work weeks ahead of me.

This week is hectic already sorta. Tonight we are going to check out another place to board the dogs. We have a discount and from the looks (on the outside) they might be a little better. Like a doggie spa type place. We'll see how the inside is tonight. Anyway nothing much on Tuesday or Wednesday. Actually Wednesday I'll need to start packing b/c Thursday night we have a softball game and we are leaving Friday morning for 4 days for a little vacation. I'm super excited. We are going w/ my MIL/FIL, SIL/BIL. Should be a good weekend. We'll leave Monday morning to come back home.

Ok, that's long enough. I'll try to post a few more times this week before our little vacation. I'm sure I've probably left some stuff out, but please realize I was on drugs for a few days, too. hee hee


Anonymous said...

Hey there! Sounds like things are beginning to take on their normal appearance again. That's good! Just don't over-do it! Where are you going for vacation?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you took it back a notch when you knew that you had overdone things. I'm sure life will be back to normal this week. Have a great vacation!